Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What happened to Frodo's Mithril vest? After the orcs remove it at the borders of Mordor we never see it again. Surely Frodo would not leave something behind that is 'worth more than all the Shire', as Gandalf said in Fellowship.

Answer: In the Extended cut, we see what happens to it. It is taken by the orcs and paraded in front of Aragorn's forces at the Black Gate by a character known as the Mouth of Sauron (effectively a spokesperson), taunting them that Frodo has failed in his mission. It was retrieved after the battle and returned to Frodo after his rescue from Mordor.


Question: Who Is Annette? Two Quotes: "Nobody's Jugs Are Bigger Than Annette's" and during the Sandra Dee song "Would you pull that crap with Annette"... My question is who is she?

Answer: Annette Funicello, a movie star from the 50s who was known for her bosom and roles in beach/surfer themed movies. She was also one of the original members of the Mickey Mouse Club.


I was teased about that all my school years - my name is Annette.

Question: Can anyone please tell me what Tony says to Rebenga as he is stabbing him in the prison camp? It sort of sounds like, "I'm gonna pay you f***." But that doesn't make sense.

Answer: He said, "From the friend you fu**ed."

T Poston

Answer: I thought he said "for the free you f**k." would that not make more sense? They're chanting libertad and he was a top brass in a communist government.

Answer: They haven't mentioned them in a long time. Once they stopped trying to make him look guilty his headaches suddenly disappeared. It may still be explained later as the SK storyline is supposed to not be tied up till early 2005.

Jack's Revenge

Question: Can someone please explain the theory behind Tumbler's "Stranger" move? It's been bugging what he means by it.

Answer: He sits on his hand until it goes numb, and then masturbates. "Stranger" refers to the fact that it feels like someone else is doing the work for you.

Nick N.

Question: Sgt. Eversman says that none of it would have happened if Blackburn hadn't fallen. I don't understand in what way his fall started things.

Answer: If he hadn't fallen they wouldn't have had to send men down to retrieve him with the stretcher etc., and they would have gotten out of the area immediately.

Nick N.

Answer: To add to the previous answer. Following Blackburn's fall, they brought him to the target building to be brought back to the safe zone, which was done by Struecker and three Humvees. From the way it is portrayed in the film, it looks like Super Six-One was providing roof-top level over watch for the Humvees when it was shot down by an RPG. SSgt. Eversmann was then ordered to secure the crash site. Eversmann believes Blackburn's fall set everything in motion. This is also why Hoot gives him the speech on "it just being war and there was nothing he could have done differently that would have changed anything."


Question: Why is the pale blond man not considered a deserter? He looks old enough to fight, and not too old not to, but I don't understand why he didn't go to war.

Answer: He was part of the "homeguard" which was the group of men who stayed behind to guard their towns during the war. It was basically a legal excuse to not fully participate in the battles.

Question: Bit of a silly question, but what happened to Felicity Shagwell? She appears to have disappeared after the Spy Who Shagged Me, did Austin just forget about her?

Answer: Felicity Shagwell was originally in the beginning of Austin Powers in Goldmember, but her scene was cut from the final film and has not appeared on any DVD releases. Because of that we do not actually know the reason why she decided to leave Austin.

Answer: There were 2 Austins at the end of the 2nd film, that being said past Austin stayed with her and the other Austin left to the future to fight against Dr. Evil.

Answer: Just like most Bond Girls, she was swept aside in favor of a new love interest in the sequel. Had they made a fourth movie, they likely would not have brought Beyonce back either.


Question: Why is it that in such a highly technological society, the humans must do with a group of APUs shooting two machine guns and a large tower firing several other machine guns. Why don't they have something like tank shells or impact grenades as they seem like they would be a lot more destructive power?

Answer: The APU use tank piercing bullets that are more suited then projectiles. And an invasion straight into the dock was never thought of.

Kirill Ostapenko

Question: For the card game at Hatchet Harry's: one of the rules is that an open man can't see a blind one. I'm only familiar with "blind" referring to forced bets at certain spots on the table (e.g. the opening antes for Texas Hold 'Em). For this it seems to be a designation of the bet, for example when Harry counters Eddie's 10K, open, with 20K, blind, which is then topped by 20K, open. Could someone explain to me what open/blind means?

Answer: First, keep in mind they're not playing poker. It's similar, but there isn't a check/bet/call. They put in money, and you have to match it, then it's back on the other guy to match or raise. If you "see" the last guys bet, you put in double, and the cards are shown. Yes, "blind" means you didn't look, "open" means you did.

Answer: When you play a poker hand blind (I think it's in 5 card draw poker) you bet without looking at your cards and so you don't get the chance to change any cards. The others that are betting against you (the opens) have seen their cards, exchanged as many of their 5 cards as they want but then have to double your bet amount.

Answer: They're playing "3-card Brag." In this game, to play blind, you're not looking at your cards when betting. There are certain advantages to this because you only have to put in half the bet while blind. When the round gets to 2 players remaining, if one person wants to "see" a player's hand, he doubles the previous bet and the hands are revealed with the best hand winning (in the event of a tie, the player "seeing" loses). If a player is "open", meaning he looked at his hand, he can not double the bet and "see" a blind hand, he can only bet or fold. The round continues until the blind hand sees or there is a fold. At any time a person playing blind can look at their hand and then continues playing as an open hand, without the blind advantages.


Question: What does the appearance of the dove during the Pilate scene mean? Only Jesus saw the dove, does that mean "hope" is coming to him? Is it in the Bible?

Answer: The dove is a symbolic representation of the Holy Spirit. It was God reminding Jesus of His presence through the ordeal. The incident is not in the Bible, but the Bible does say that the Holy Spirit appeared as a dove when Jesus was baptized.

K.C. Sierra

Question: I know the movie is called Tremors, but are the monsters called "tremors" or "graboids" or "snakeoids" or something else?

Answer: They officially name the creatures "graboids", as that's also what they call them in later films. Tremors is just a clever movie name, and "snakeoids" was just one of the potential names the Chinese guy and the kid were thinking of naming them.


Question: There is a scene where they're all sitting, laughing, telling jokes etc. When Minnie Driver tells a joke - for the love of me I couldn't hear it, and I never got to see it again - could someone tell the joke and explain the punchline?

Answer: There are two versions of the joke actually. The original which is found on the DVD and then the made for TV joke. I don't remember how that one goes and it doesn't seem to appear on the DVD I've got, but the original joke is: All right, there's an old couple in bed, Mary and Paddie. They wake up on the morning of their 50th anniversary. Mary looks over and gazes adoringly at Paddie. She's like, "Oh, Jesus, Paddie. You're such a good-looking feller. I love ya. I want to give ya a little present. Anything your little heart desires, I'm goin' to give it to ya. What would you like?" Paddie's like, "Oh, gee, Mary. That's a very sweet offer. Now, in 50 years, there's one thing that's been missing, and, uh, I would like you to give me a blow job. I would like for it." Mary's like, "All right." She takes her teeth out, puts 'em in the glass. She gives him a blow job. Afterwards, Paddie's like, "yeah, geez, now that's what I've been missin'. That was the most beautiful, earth-shattering thing ever! Beautiful, Mary! I love ya! Is there anything that I can do for you?" Mary looks up to him and she goes, [Skylar takes a swig of her drink] "Give us a kiss." [And her drink comes out of her mouth, indicating what would be coming out of Mary's mouth in the joke].


Even funnier is she has to have a Guinness or a stout so what comes out of her mouth is really dark.

Answer: Few details are given - Clear says that he became a recluse while she looked after him, she being safe until he died or escaped Death again. Alex left the house (for some unknown reason) for the first time in months, a brick fell on him and he was killed.


Show generally

Question: I find it interesting than in most the worlds that they go to, the people there seem to speak perfect American English. In all the Star Trek shows and movies, we know that they have universal translators that help them understand most cultures. Did SG-1 get hold of a univ. translator on another world or from the Asgard?

Answer: I think it's just the writers taking a licence to help the plots along. Everybody spoke English long before the Asgard were introduced, and a 'universal translator' was never mentioned (I would have written one into the pilot, but that's just me).

J I Cohen

Answer: This was handwaves by the writers/producers early on as they felt it wouldn't be very interesting to watch Daniel spend half of every episode working out the native language of the planet of the week. At a stretch, we could suppose that the Ancients, the builders of the Stargates and the ones that seeded human life throughout the galaxy, who also spoke English by the time of their return to Earth from Atlantis, spread this form of language as well along with the ATA (Ancient Technology Activation) gene.

Question: When Mort shows Ken his bruises, does Ken see them? Later in the movie when Mort is obviously crazy, he can't see his bruises. So, were the bruises his imagination or were the bruises being gone his imagination?

Answer: Mort never shows the bruises to Ken. He plans to when they meet Tom in the morning, but we never see him actually do it. It doesn't matter whether they were there or not (either they were self-inflicted or imaginary), the fact that they appear and disappear shows his altered perception.


Question: Why do Starsky and Hutch come back in the car after visiting Big Earl in the prison when they went to see him at the bar on motorcycles?

Answer: It's entirely possible, since they were not wearing their disguises at the prison, that they had already changed clothes, and therefore, could change vehicles.


Answer: They wore disguises to blend in the biker bar and talk up Big Earl as plausible drug dealers, but when they discovered he was in prison, they figured going in as cops would intimidate him and could offer him a deal. When they said they would get him a radio.

Question: Is Han Solo brain-dead, or does he have the biggest cojones in the galaxy? From what we see of Greedo trying to kill him, there really isn't much explanation for why he is found screwing around in a bar on the home planet of the mobster who has it in for him. He couldn't have possibly known that the special edition scene with Jabba could go so well in his favor. I can't think of an explanation.

Answer: Han is still under the impression that he can pay Jabba off, and, as his meeting with Jabba implies, the Hutt is still willing to cut him a little slack, so he's not actually wrong. As such, he needs work - the cantina is one of the best places to find opportunities to get money - as, indeed, he does, by meeting Obi-wan and Luke.


Question: Why does Miss Hanigan, who knows Annie's parents died (as she states in the scene when she, Rooster and friend are looking for Annie's locket), think about letting them in in the scene when she answers the door and is told "Hi, we're Annie's parents"?

Answer: She was caught off-guard. No one other than Annie's parents would have known about her, so 2 people appearing at the orphanage claiming to be her parents certainly would have caught her off-guard.


Answer: When Rooster and Lily show up at the door, in disguise, and say they are Annie's parents, it's entirely possible that Mrs Hannagan started questioning whether Annie's parents had in fact been killed. Maybe there was some mistake and they didn't die in a fire. How would she know? The police could have been mistaken after all. Plus they showed up out of no place and surprised her saying that. She didn't have time to think, and, as the movie has shown, she was probably intoxicated as well.

Show generally

Question: Is outdoor Albert Square a set or a real life location? If its a set, how do they get the trains to run by so realistically and how do they get so many extras? If it's real, where is it?

Answer: Albert Square is a set in the BBC studios in Borehamwood, on the north side of London. The trains, to the best of my knowledge, are simply a bit of the old TV magic. As far as the extras go - it's not difficult to get extras in reasonable numbers through agencies.


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