
Home - S4-E22

Question: Why would Angel and his friends agree to work with Wolfram and Hart considering that the law firm has been committing atrocities and also been butting heads with Angel Investigations?

Answer: They figured they could root out of the real evil that infects the place and do some good with it. Like an undercover cop that joins the mob underworld.

Answer: Everybody including Angel saw her. After helping them and then being left alone to talk to Angel, Cordelia says that the Powers That Be let her come back one more time to help them. After Angel gets a call saying that she died, he realises that it was her spirit that was helping them the entire time.

Show generally

Question: In the opening credits, just before the shot of Phantom Dennis, is the shot of the girl crying Darla? What episode is that from?

Answer: Nope, it's not Darla - that's Rachel from the episode "In The Dark", the third episode of the show (the one with Spike's magnificent opening monologue).


Epiphany - S2-E16

Question: If Angel didn't experience a "Moment of Perfect Happiness" from his night with Darla, why does he go through the same motions he went through from losing his soul before?

Answer: Due to his epiphany, Angel basically had the 'true darkness' he worked so hard to reattain ripped away from him, like his soul was after sleeping with Buffy.

Habeas Corpses - S4-E8

Question: How come the entire staff at Wolfram & Hart are killed and come back as zombies, yet as revealed in "Home" only Lilah keeps her personality? All the other lawyers are flesh craving killers, Lilah is the only exception. Why?

Answer: A security feature of Wolfram & Hart is to turn most people in the building working there into zombies to try to prevent the killer/attacker from escaping. However some employees like Lilah have contracts that don't expire at death. These people are brought back effectively as ghosts to continue to do Wolfram & Hart's bidding. In the comics after the show ends we see Wesley come back as a ghost due to his contract with Wolfram & Hart. These ghosts retain all memory and traits of the physical person and are bound to the company forever.

Home - S4-E22

Question: Does the end of this episode get fully explained in series 5? Too long to wait until the DVDs. The only point of confusion for me is what happens to Connor - the idea that W&H can alter memories/history, etc. is fair enough, but then why does Angel cut his throat, or at least appear to?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: Angel does not kill Connor. He disables him then takes him to Wolfram & Hart, at which point they contact a demon who uses magic to create false memories for anyone who has met Connor, Connor himself, and Connor's new family. No alternate reality is created, it was just memory alteration.

Season 4 generally

Question: Cordelia was controlled by Jasmine, Cordelia controlled the Beast who brought the rain of fire and blotted out the sun, they also brought Angelus back and released him. All of this probably caused many deaths and made terror overtake the city. But Jasmine was nice and kind and tried to make the world happier. So what was the point of Jasmine's plan to bring the Beast and Angelus? It makes no sense.

Answer: The beast was used to obtain artifacts and rituals needed to bring Jasmine Into the world. Jasmine didn't want or need Angelus - he was just a bonus killing machine to keep Angel's gang busy. Angel's gang summoned Angelus because he knew about the beast.

Season 5 generally

Question: In season 5, after Harmony comes to work for Angel, it seems like certain scenes look like it's during the day. If it is during the day, does Harmony get around like Angel does, by using sewers and such?


Chosen answer: Probably so. Or she may have a company car with necro-tempered windows like Angel's.

Captain Defenestrator

Season 5 generally

Question: I read in the Buffy section of MovieMistakes that when she dies in the end of the fifth season, no slayer is brought about. I think the episode is Lineage- When a slayer, Dana is found, how is she a slayer? Wouldn't Faith have to die?


Chosen answer: Yes, Faith technically would have had to die. But while it is never seen on screen, Dana was actually activated in the Buffy episode "Chosen", when Willow used her magical powers to channel the essence of the Slayer scythe into all of the Potentials around the world.

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: I once used raspberry syrup as blood in a film shoot. I'm sure there are other, more "professional" liquids available as well.

Show generally

Question: From her incarceration in "Sanctuary" to her break out in "Salvage", how long was Faith in prison, in terms of days, weeks, etc.?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: The exact length of time can't be determined with any precision, but, as each season in the Buffyverse is intended to represent about a year in real time, it seems likely that she was imprisoned for about two and a half years.


Orpheus - S4-E15

Question: It may be that Fred told her, but how does Willow know about Connor? In season one, Angel made it clear to Buffy that they lead separate lives now, and he doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who would call Willow just to tell her he has a son.

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: Willow has always been the contact link between the two groups. Fred's call to Willow takes place in Buffy's world in the episode "Lies My Parents Told Me." Since Fred has the number and Willow knows who she is right away, she probably told her about Connor some time ago.

Captain Defenestrator

The Girl in Question - S5-E20

Question: In a flashback, Darla and Drusilla imply that they engaged in a threesome together with The Immortal. Considering that Darla is Dru's grandsire (and a siring line seems to follow the line of a human family), doesn't that seem a bit incestuous?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: Dru is the only vamp to refer to her grandsire as grandmother. Since they were not blood relatives in life it wouldn't be considered incestuous. But if was you'd have to keep in mind that they have no souls, therefore, no conscience.

Maria Santos

Chosen answer: It was David Fury, one of the show's writers and producers.


Chosen answer: In short. No. Joss Whedon had originally want to do a spin-off of Buffy starring Eliza Dushku and James Marsters. Dushku turned it down to do Tru Calling so Marsters went onto Angel.

Maria Santos

Chosen answer: Quinn didn't die until three years after being written out of the show. According to Joss Whedon, the character, while popular, simply failed to mesh well with the pre-existing characters brought across from the Buffy series, and the reluctant decision was taken to write the character out of the series; it was also mentioned by producer David Fury that Whedon liked the idea of messing with the audience a bit by introducing a main cast member, then defying expectations by killing them off swiftly, although he also mentioned this was not the original intent with Doyle.


Chosen answer: There are severals ways to go about this. They could film the scene without the vampire in place so there's no reflection of him/her in the mirror, then film the scene with the vampire, and finally digitally splice the two together. Or, for quick passes, they could just digitally remove the reflection and replace it with the background. Camera tricks can also be used by putting the camera at a certain angle in relation to the mirror so it only looks like the person's reflection would be visible if they weren't a vampire. Depends on how much time and money they've got available.


Show generally

Question: I'm about halfway through season 2 on DVD. Without spoiling anything for me, do the gypsies who ensouled Angel ever appear in the flashbacks, or are they only mentioned in passing?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: Pretty much in passing although you see descendants of the gypsy clan in season two of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. If you read the first Spike comics with Dracula there's mention of the gypsy clan.

Maria Santos

Answer: It is shown in a flashback.

Chosen answer: Pretty much. It's pronounced Bo-ree-AH-nuz.


Season 5 generally

Question: As the series was cancelled towards the end of filming, with only a few episodes left to do, does anyone know what changes were made, either to tie up loose ends, make the show go out with a bang, or similar?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: Hardly any. As Joss Whedon had to fight fairly hard just to get a season five at all, he was aware from the start that cancellation was quite possible. As such, he designed the season as if it was the last one, but with the possibility of using it for a launchpad for a season six, should they have been given one. The only likely alteration was that, had they received a sixth season, the death of a major character in the final episode would probably not have occurred, or at least his fate would have been left ambiguous, to allow the character to return.


More mistakes in Angel

Waiting In The Wings - S3-E13

Cordelia: You want I should distract him? Make with the nice-nice while you slip by?
Angel: Don't be stupid. I'm that guy and the most beautiful woman I've ever seen is making eyes at me? It's either a bachelor party or a scam.
Cordelia: What did you just call me?
Angel: I'm sorry. You're not stupid.
Cordelia: No, after that.

More quotes from Angel

Trivia: In the opening credits there is a shot of a girl standing alone on the corner of a street. This was taken from the Buffy episode "Anne", when Buffy was staying in Los Angeles.

More trivia for Angel

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