Question: Of all the Transformers who die in this film, how many of them have died before in the Transformers canon? I'm looking for specific examples and how many times they've died.
Question: *Spoiler* What is the weapon that Sentinel Prime uses to kill Ironhide? It seems that all of the other Transformer weapons fire explosives or bullets, but his seemed to disintegrate Ironhide after he shot him.
Answer: the weapon is called an "Acid Rust Blaster" which seems to be similar to the cosmic rust seen in the animated series. the rust eats away at the Transformer's metal body.
Question: During the second movie we see many Autobots, Tex Two Idiot Robotwins and some Motorcyclebots. But now it are only nine Autobots again in the movie. Where did the other Autobots went? Did they got killed or went in hiding?
Answer: Mudflap and Skids (the two idiot robots I believe you are talking about) were removed from the film due to negative fan reaction. While we don't hear what happened to them in the context of the plot, no reason not to assume they were killed in fighting between the movies. Arcee and Chromia (2 of the motocycles) were killed in the last film.
Answer: No, Sentinel killed both of them in the comics.
Question: How did the Decepticons bring something as big as the Driller on Earth unnoticed? It's an earthworm the size of a building. Also, Megatron got here on purpose, Sentinel got here by accident, so did the original Seven Primes, so that would be an extreme number of coincidence. And even if that thing had been here for all these years, how did it manage to stay hidden? It's not like it can transform into something a little more subtle like a car.
Chosen answer: Sentinel did not get here by accident. They stated out right that he was headed for Earth when he accidentally crashed on the moon. The Driller went unnoticed because it can tunnel underground; no one saw it. The Primes may have come by accident, but their arrival is the reason all the other Cybertronians keep coming here.
Question: How does Optimus Prime gets his sword in absence of his trailer in Transformers 3?
Answer: Optimus Prime has swords with him and he also has retractable ones that come out from where his hands are.
Answer: Seeing as this move takes place a few years later it is safe to assume that Optimus Prime either had swords built into him or he just has backup swords.
Question: In the scene where Lennox introduces Sam and Carly to Director Mearing, he says that Carly "Knows all about the Autobots and knows Bumblebee". Yet, just one scene prior, she looks at Bumblebee like she's never seen him before. Does she know about the Transformers or not?
Chosen answer: Sam probably told her all about the Autobots but she had probably never seen Bumblebee 'in person.' Shock and awe.
Question: Mearing says that the Xantium brought the second wave of Autobots. Which wave does she mean? Because so far, there have been three waves: Optimus, Jazz, Ironhide, Bumblebee and Ratchet, Sideswipe, The Twins, Arcee, Chromia, and Flareup and lastly, The Wreckers, Brains, Dino and Wheeljack. Which one didn't arrive by ship, and how did they arrive?
Chosen answer: Optimus, Jazz, Ironhide, Bumblebee and Rachet all arrived on Earth via separate pods which carried them in Transformers (2007). Sideswipe, The Twins, Arcee, Chormia and Flareup are wave one, introduced into Revenge Of The Fallen. The Wreckers, Brains, Dino (Mirage) and Wheeljack are wave two, introduced in Dark Of The Moon.
Answer: All the Autobots after the first movie like sideswipe, the twins, the wreckers and even Wheeljack are all from the second wave but were just in different places doing different things. When the wreckers are first introduced it is mentioned that they came down with the second wave but just never leave site. So they weren't seen during the second film because they spent their time on site with the ship. As for the others, Wheeljack is a top scientist and was probably too busy making weapons etc somewhere. Brains and Dino could have been ex Decepticons who changed to the Autobots side after the second movie or if they were Autobots from the start where just somewhere else at the time. Brian's being pretty small probably didn't want to be involved in the battles etc. and could have been helping the humans or Wheeljack somewhere, and seeing a Dino has an Italian accent could have been doing other work elsewhere in the word.
Question: Optimus refers to two autobots called "wreckers". Are these two autobots Bulkhead and Wheeljack? There aren't mention by name, so I was wondering.
Chosen answer: No. In Dark of the Moon, the Wreckers are the three NASCAR Autobots. Their names are Roadbuster, Leadfoot and Topspin.
Question: I understand that the Autobots conveniently landed in America, but why do they only side with the Americans in their missions? There's a scene where Optimus and Sideswipe go on a mission to the Middle East. I just thought that Optimus and the other Autobots would've considered who was the best country to side with, not just agree to go out with the Americans.
Question: Are Carly's deceased brother (briefly glimpsed on a picture on Carly's dresser) and the British NEST soldier from Transformers 2 the same person?
Question: Why did Optimus kill Megatron after Megatron offered a truce?
Answer: Megatron is a cruel, violent, evil despot and there is absolutely no chance he would follow through on his word. There is no doubt he would betray Optimus (or anyone else, for that matter) the moment the opportunity arose. All of this is exasperated by the fact that Megatron is also extremely powerful and an immensely skilled fighter. He is, in short, much too dangerous to be kept alive.
Chosen answer: I can tell you that every single one of them died in the old animated series, eventually. They had to make room for new characters to sell toys of.
Phixius ★