Chucky: You little shit. Do you realise what you've done? It's too late. I've spent to much time in this body. I'm fucking trapped in here!
Chucky: Did you miss me, Andy? I sure missed you. I told you, we were gonna be friends 'til the end. And now, it's time to play. I got a new game, sport. It's called "Hide the soul." And guess what? You're it.
Chucky: I've got you now, Andy! And you know what I'm gonna do to you? I'm gonna cut off your legs, too!
Chucky: Why fight it, Andy? We're going to be very close. In fact, we're gonna be fucking inseparable.
Chucky: I hate kids.
Chucky: I promise I won't kill anyone else.
Chucky: I'm gonna get you fuckers!
Chucky: You've been very naughty, Miss Kettlewell.
Chucky: This is it, world. From now on, no more Mr. Good Guy.
Chucky: Snap out of it! You act like you've never seen a dead body before!