
Question: Why does Miranda see a dead boy at the end? Her husband didn't "do" boys according to the Sherriff. Will she see every missing person now?

Answer: Probably, she has a sixth sense which will most likely help angry spirits bring down the person or persons who killed them or caused them to die.

T Poston

Question: I do not understand how Miranda and Chloe are both released from the psychiatric hospital at the end. Chloe is in there for a completely different reason, not tied to the situation with Miranda. There is no proven link between her and Miranda's husband and the other murderer, they are two people that met in the psychiatric ward and Chloe was being abused AFTER she was admitted, or have I missed something? Also, how exactly is Miranda released anyway? As I envisage it her court case defense went something like "Look here Mr. Judge and 12 members of the jury, I was possessed and that's what made me kill my husband. It was not me that did it, even though it was me I was not in control of my body, a ghost made me do it because my husband was a bad man" - and the 12 members of the Jury thought this was OK? and the judge was very much "Yes, of course, we all understand you were not in control of your own mind and body, a ghost possessed you to commit this heinous crime, I'll release you?" Seriously? In all likelihood this reason alone would have her stay in the mental hospital extended! It makes no sense why the two of them would be released at all. Regardless of the fact that her husband and his best friend's crimes have been exposed, she still murdered her husband and it was not in self defense. How could her and Chloe (who is unrelated to the case in every way) be released?

Answer: Plain and simple, it's bad script writing and there's a number of other examples of "that wouldn't happen in the real world" that unfortunately we're suppose to accept. Although, if one had to justify it, you could say; when Miranda was in the hospital, she had not been tried and convicted yet, so when her trial did occur, Miranda's lawyers did not use the "I was possessed" defense and was found not guilty because of reasonable doubt. Or the DA's office made a deal with her because she was a high standing member in the community who exposed a number of issues and may have gotten parole instead of jail time. And Chloe was Miranda's patient before she herself was admitted to the psychiatric ward. At that time, Miranda never believed Chloe was anything but delusional and after spending time in the hospital as an inmate, she believed her and once she was free, she worked on getting Chloe released by stating she was not insane.


Answer: Early in the movie we learned that Chloe's mental health was a result of rape related trauma and Chloe claimed to have been raped by "the devil" but Miranda did not believe her. She believed this was a memory of her being raped by her step-father resurfacing. But, later when she seen the tattoo on the chest of a man in Chloe's cell, she realised that she was really being raped by someone or something and just didn't know what it was but as the movie progresses Miranda begins to put the pieces together as the spirit of Parsons leads her to the truth. At the end of the movie Miranda tells the sheriff about her suspicions and what she believes "Not Alone" means. As the conversation deepens she realises that the sheriff, her husbands life long best friend, fit this description and her suspicions are confirmed when he confesses. Although she may not have learned that he was Miranda's rapist untill she sees the tattoo on the sheriff's chest. In the end when the rape stopped and the doctors realised that Chloe was not lying or delusional, her mental state improved and she was released.

Question: After Miranda escapes from the Institution, Rachel appears and forces her off the road. If Rachel wanted help, then why would she cause Miranda to get into an accident? Doing this might have actually got Miranda killed, then she wouldn't have been able to help Rachel at all.

Answer: That's the only way she knows how to communicate with the living world, she died a brutal and horrific death, her soul is tormented. Not every ghost is Patrick Swayze.

Question: When Miranda is looking at the picture of her and her husband, why does a drop of blood fall onto the picture?

Answer: The blood is not from Miranda; the drop of blood is a sign from the "dead girl" to tell Miranda that she should go to the place in the pic. Miranda goes the next day and that's how she finds her husband was a sadist.

Question: What does the 'Not Alone' that was cut into Mirandas arm mean?

Answer: At first, we think it means that Rachel was 'not alone' in being the victim, but we learn later that it means that there was more than one killer.

Cheryl Gibson

Question: As many times as I've seen this movie, I don't understand how Pete comes to the conclusion that Miranda is not delusional in the end. We see him searching images of the tattoo she kept talking about, but I just don't understand how that would lead him to finally believe that she has been telling the truth. Can anyone explain this to me?


Chosen answer: It's not that he fully believed her, but after doing some fact checking on the computer, he would find it odd that all the "nonsense" she was babbling about seemed to be true. He was most likely went to the police station to talk more about her visions.

Answer: Also we don't know the full extent of what Pete saw on the internet. There may have been a photo of the sheriff displaying his tattoo. I always find it best not to question silly films like this too much (save that for deeper films) - I mean, we accept that a ghost possesses Halle Berry, but get hung up on how a man's internet search persuaded him to believe a woman he knew and loved.

Answer: He loved her that's pretty clear in the movie and probably didn't want to believe she was crazy so he checked things out and knew she was in trouble.

Question: I understand the shower scene, but why was Rachel beating up Miranda in her cell? She knew that Miranda didn't have anything to do with her death or how her husband was abusing her.

fan before the site

Chosen answer: It was just a reason to get the guards to come to the cell and open the door to check on her. Rachel beats up Miranda so that the guards would see Miranda throwing herself all over the cell and think she was trying to kill herself. She had all three people in the cell with her and everyone was occupied when she threw them offguard by jerking awake. It was easier for her to escape.

Nicole Sheldon

Chosen answer: Rachel's ghost shows the flames as a clue to the burning woman tattoo of one of the killers.

Question: Why didn't Chloe tell Miranda that the sheriff was abusing her, and only said "the devil"?

Answer: She was a patient at a psychiatric hospital. She could tell anybody she wanted but nobody would believe her. Miranda's job was treating Chloe for what she thought was a delusion.

Question: When Miranda was confined in her cell and Rachel was throwing her from wall-to-wall, the guards found out through the camera monitor thinking she was trying to kill herself. But the time when Miranda escaped and went to Chloe's cell, looked through the glass and noticed the Anima Sola tattoo (sheriff Ryan's chest tattoo) was that not captured on tape? I know Chloe was not the main character/story, but that bothered me since she was supposedly getting abused by "the devil" in the institution. Either a security cam inside the cell like Miranda's, or a security cam out in the hall to see the sheriff walking in and out of Chloe's cell.

Answer: The Sheriff either had another accomplice or bribed someone to look the other way. Miranda's husband was his partner, he may have given him access codes or cards to get in and out without being seen.

Question: Miranda looks and cries over some pictures of her and her husband when she escaped to her own house, and decides to drive out to the creek he said he was going to, earlier in the film. What did she think he was doing there to begin with? She didn't seem familiar with the place when she arrived.

Answer: She thought he was having it renovated. Possibly as a weekend or vacation home. So, she probably wouldn't have had tons of reasons to go out there, at least until it was finished.


Question: Why did the police officer give Miranda the keys to outside/his car when she was trying to escape the mental institution? And why didn't he tell the other police officers that she was there?

Answer: The security guard you're talking about is friends with Miranda, and felt sorry that she was being treated the way she was. He was just helping her out, and didn't tell the others because of it.

LuMaria 1

Question: Does anyone know the significance of the title, Gothika? It wasn't apparent to me when watching the film.

Answer: The word Gothika means - when someone is seeing or feeling things that others don't see, and as a result, others think that someone is crazy, even when that someone is not crazy. All in all, that is the exact plot of the film.

Answer: It's meant to reflect the dark, 'gothic' aspects of the movie.

J I Cohen

Plot hole: In the scene where she goes to her house after escaping there is no police tape on the front door even though it is a crime scene. Earlier the police searched and taped her office - it only makes sense that they would do the same to her house.

More mistakes in Gothika

Chloe: It was the only way to help him stop.
Miranda: Stop what?
Chloe: Stop fucking me.

More quotes from Gothika

Trivia: Halle Berry had a small problem while filming. In the middle of a take her wrist was fractured by Robert Downey Jr. He apparently grabbed her too hard.

More trivia for Gothika

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