
Question: Are Scott and Jean engaged? In the scene where Jean's reading Logan's mind, she appears to be wearing an engagement ring.

Answer: The ring she is wearing is not an engagement ring because they are not officially engaged until X2.


Question: Something I never completely understood about the ending. When we see senator Kelly on the TV at the end, we realize that it is actually mystique in disguise. But when the X-men told magneto that Kelly was dead.he didn't believe them. And since Kelly vaporized into water, there would be no body or any proof that he was dead. So wasn't mystique worried that she might come into contact with the real Kelly at some point?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: You are working under the assumption that Mystique would not believe this either. However, with Magneto in prison and no sign of the senator she could happily take on his identity. Also, even if Kelly was alive, after she gave a press statement backing mutants, it would be unlikely that a politician would change his mind so suddenly again and he would therefore not come clean that it was not him.


Chosen answer: It comes down to the simple fact that Halle Berry can't do accents worth squat. Storm comes from Kenya, so Berry is attempting some form of Kenyan accent in this first movie, but even here it is uneven and inconsistent. The decision was apparently made in 2 and 3 not to use the accent at all.


Question: Instead of using his powers to rip open the train, why couldn't Magneto simply stop the train and open the door to get on? Surely a lot simpler?


Chosen answer: He was making a statement. So the everyone inside the train carriage would take him seriously. If some random guy walked into my train carriage in a silly suit and helmet, I'd probably just laugh at him. If the train carriage was ripped open and I saw a guy fly in, I'd probably take him a little more seriously.


Question: During the Statue of Liberty scene, Magneto is clearly seen to be manipulating the copper inside the statue to bind and tie up the X-Men. How can this be? I thought magnetism wouldn't work on a non ferromagnetic metal.


Chosen answer: True, but Magneto's power is not EXACTLY the same as magnetism. He can manipulate ANY metal, ferrous and non-ferrous alike. It's just handy to refer to it as "magnetism".


Answer: Well if he can control ANY metal...why did he have to wait for the guard to be injected with iron? Couldn't he take iron out of food or water? Or even his own body?

The way he took iron out of the Guard, that seemed very painful and it looks like the guard did not survive. So, taking it out of his own body would not have been the smartest of decisions. He needed to wait for the guard to be injected so he could have enough iron to take out to then turn into a weapon, and transportation.


Chosen answer: Ruby quartz. In the comics and various adaptations, ruby quartz is the only substance that can hold his eye beams at bay. There is a scene in "X-Men: Apocalypse" where Hank gives Scott some glasses made out of ruby quartz, along with an explanation of why they will work.


Question: Instead of using Rogue to power the machine, why not just build in some sort of automated system? Surely a lot less time consuming.


Chosen answer: Maybe they tried it and they couldn't. Maybe there's something about the specific energies of Magneto's powers that makes the system work. Maybe it would have made for a far less dramatic film if they had. Script-writers make the choices that they make with the aim of crafting as good a film as possible. Dramatically, it's far more interesting to have Rogue used as an unwilling power source than them building some power reactor thing. You may disagree, but it's the choice that they made.


Question: Since Cyclops' optic blast is on 24/7, how can he see anything?

Answer: It seems that it is a very long, drawn out answer that can be found here: http://www.marveldirectory.com/individuals/c/cyclops.htm.


Question: This is a question for both X-1 and X-2. Is the actor that plays Mystique wearing a body suit for her blue makeup? In several scenes in both movies it looks like she is practically naked with just blue painting.


Chosen answer: In almost all cases, yes, she's naked, but for a few strategically placed prosthetics.


Question: Victor/Sabretooth, Wolverine's brother (we later find out) - where does he go after this movie?

Answer: It is deliberately left ambiguous. He most likely survived.

Answer: I think the sabretooth in this movie is not Wolverine's brother at all. I also think this sabretooth died from being blasted by Cyclops and falling off the statue of liberty.


For all intents and purposes, they are the same Sabretooth.


Well they don't seem to recognize each other.


Wolverine doesn't remember his past, and anything could have happened to Sabretooth between movies that made him forget as well. Plus, the X-Men movies aren't exactly great at keeping the continuity in the overall narrative consistent.


Its possible I guess, but there is no real evidence. The idea of having them be brothers only came up in the first Wolverine movie.

There's no concrete evidence, but nothing to really contradict it either. Similar to "X-Men: First Class" making Mystique Xavier's adopted sister, it was a questionable decision but nothing in the previous movies flat-out contradicted it. Sabretooth's obsession with Wolverine in this movie and taking his dog tags at the least suggests a shared history between them.


Question: Jean and Storm combine their powers to get Wolverine to the top of The Statue of Liberty. Why is this? Wouldn't Jean's telekinesis be sufficient enough to levitate Wolverine to the top without Storm's power?


Chosen answer: Jean's powers were not that powerful at the time.


But they were powerful enough to lift cars, water, etc. when she was like 7.

It's more that she doesn't have enough control over it.


In addition to what Lionhead said, Xavier also says he altered her mind in "X-Men: The Last Stand" by creating psychic barriers to lock out the Phoenix personality, which also seemed to have altered her memory. So it's entirely possible (and likely) her overall power reduced when that happened, and didn't start to fully come back until the events of "X2."


Question: Does Magneto understand that his special radiation machine kills normal humans or not? He ignores Storm when she tells him she saw Sen. Kelly die. Is his plan to make the world leaders mutants so they'll become sympathetic to the mutant cause, or is it to just kill everybody?

Answer: No, he doesn't realise that it ultimately kills them. His entire aim is to turn the world's leaders into mutants, thus getting them onto his side. If he killed them, he'd simply put new leaders into office who now had even more of a reason to hate mutants, which really isn't going to help matters. When Storm tells him that Kelly died, he simply asks her if she really saw what she thinks she saw - a certain degree of denial, but one that's understandable. After all, he wouldn't want to think that all his planning was for naught.


Answer: Magento didn't care if the Senator died. They either become mutants or they die. Either way he considers it a win win situation.

Answer: He attempted to, but that's what made Magneto threaten to execute all the police officers.


Question: During the end of the statue of liberty scene, Cyclops is about to destroy the mutation machine, but shoots Magneto instead. Immediately after, Jean has a meaningful look on her face and I don't really know why. I suspect that Jean used her powers of telekinesis to make Cyclops shoot Magneto instead of the machine since shooting at the machine would kill Rogue and Wolverine. Can anyone tell me the meaning of that look on Jean's face?

Answer: It is a look of concern that Cyclops may harm Rogue, followed by a look of relief that she was fine.

Chosen answer: The main goal of the X-Men is to show the world that not all mutants are necessarily evil or to be feared. Showing kindness and giving hospitality to one of their biggest detractors helps their cause, and Senator Kelly admits to having a change of heart just before he dies.


Question: When Magneto fired the gun and it gets "stuck" in the guy's head. Did it get stuck because Magneto wanted to hurt him? Or did Charles block it just in time to save the cop?

Answer: Xavier does not have telekinesis. He cannot stop a bullet from moving. Magneto fires the gun and hold the bullet just before it would kill the police officer. The threat is that if someone were to interfere, the bullet would start moving again and kill his hostage.

Chosen answer: He's talking about the government proposals to register mutants "for public safety" and so forth. He's comparing them to the Nazi programmes to weed out "undesirables" that ultimately led to the Holocaust and the deaths of Erik's family in the concentration camps.


Chosen answer: He and Xavier has been keeping track of mutants for years, in part by using Cerebro (as seen in X2: X-Men United). And as Logan is a very powerful mutant, as well as part of a government-funded project (which leaves a paper trail), they would definitely know of him and would have collected as much data as possible about him. When Magneto then detected his adamantium skeleton, it was easy to deduce Logan's identity.


Question: When Magneto has kidnapped Rogue, she asks him if he is going to kill her to which he answers "Yes". I don't understand - Magneto wants to use Rogue as a vessel to transfer all his power into, not kill her.

Answer: As we saw earlier when Magneto used the machine on Senator Kelly, it severely drained his strength and had nearly died. Using the machine on the much grander scale on Ellis Island would certainly kill the person at the controls which is why Magneto needed someone to do it for him. Rogue would have been killed had Wolverine, Storm, Jean & Cyclops not rescued her at the last minute.


Question: How is that powerful telepath Professor Xavier can use Cerebro to find mutants on the other side of the world, yet he does not pick up on Mystique running all over his house in some guise or another? Or Jean Grey, for that matter? Surely they would sense the foreign brainwaves.

Answer: It's hard to find something that you're not looking for. They weren't keeping an eye on the school grounds.


Revealing mistake: After Toad spits his slime at Jean Grey he falls to the floor. You can see the tether that was holding him in mid air. (01:13:55)

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Wolverine: What the hell do you think you're doing?
Rogue: I'm sorry. I needed a ride. I thought you might be able to help me.
Wolverine: Get out.
Rogue: And where am I supposed to go?
Wolverine: I don't know.
Rogue: You don't know or you don't care?
Wolverine: Pick one.

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Trivia: In the beginning when the 20th century fox logo is fading the 'X' stays on just a bit longer.

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