Trivia: The model tree falling over after Beetlejuice kicks it was never supposed to happen. This caused Michael Keaton to ad-lib the "nice fucking model" line. Tim Burton enjoyed it so much he kept it in the film.
Trivia: Even though Beetlejuice is the title character, he has only 17 and a half minutes of screen time.
Trivia: A Beetlejuice DVD was the first disc Netflix ever rented out.
Trivia: Beetlejuice does not appear until 25 minutes into the movie.
Trivia: When Adam decides to go back to the bridge to figure out how he and Barbara got back to the house, when Adam steps off the stairs, he ends up in a desert world. In the original scene, after leaving the steps, Adam is transported to a world with gears flying all over the place. Test audiences were confused by this scene so it was changed.
Trivia: Michael Keaton created Beetlejuice's appearance with various items given to him by the dressing department. Tim Burton advised him that Beetlejuice shouldn't look like he came from a specific time.
Trivia: Director Tim Burton had to convince Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder, Catherine O' Hara, and Sylvia Sidney to be in the movie. None of them liked the script at first.
Trivia: A sequel to this film spent decades in development hell before finally going into production in 2023, with Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder, and Catherine O'Hara all returning.
Trivia: Michael Keaton ad-libbed most of his dialogue.
Trivia: If you look closely during Delia and Charle's last scene (when Delia scares Charles with the Beetlejuice sculpture), you can see a magazine cover featuring Delia and her sculptures at the top of the frame for a few seconds, implying she's found some success in the meantime.
Trivia: Alec Baldwin has admitted he didn't really understand or even like the film when it was being made, and actually thought it was going to kill his career. Although he has also said he enjoyed his time on-set, especially working with Michael Keaton. It ended up being a big hit and helped put Baldwin on the map.
Trivia: The legs of the magician's assistant character (the lady who is cut in half) were "played" by Tim Burton's then-girlfriend.
Trivia: The studio disliked the title "Beetlejuice" and wanted to call it "House Ghosts".As a joke,Tim Burton suggested the name "Scared Sheetless" and was horrified when the studio considered using it.
Trivia: In 1990, a script was written for the sequel; it involved the cast of the first film going to Hawaii. Burton and and the cast were set to return, but the cast would only come if Burton was involved. He became to busy with batman returns and eventually gave up on the idea. The script is still owned by The Geffen Film Company till this day.
Trivia: The original script was significantly different from the final film. For example, Beetlejuice himself was initially envisioned as a murderous winged demon who would occasionally take on the form of a short, portly middle-eastern man. And the humor and content was meant to be much darker. The originally climax had the Maitlands trying to save Lydia from being raped by Beetlejuice's true demonic form, as opposed to marrying her as seen in the final film. Tim Burton liked the idea behind the film, but pushed for it to be made more light-hearted and less graphic, and it was subsequently re-written into the film we know today.
Trivia: While the film is called "Beetlejuice," the character's name in the film is actually spelled "Betelgeuse." It was decided to re-spell the name in the trailers and on the film's title card for marketing purposes, to make it easier for audiences to be able to pronounce the name.
Trivia: In a deleted scene, which can be found on YouTube, Charles and Delia are shown living or staying in New York again. Lydia stays at the house in Winter River, finishing school and being watched over by Adam and Barbara. Presumably this ending was changed because the Winter River locals would question Lydia living "alone", as her involvement with the ghosts is a secret.
Trivia: Catherine O'Hara met her future husband, production designer Bo Welch, while making this film.
Answer: They died by drowning. Jane's daughter even tells Lydia when she asks what happened. Although Adam and Barbara should have been completely wet for the whole movie, Tim Burton decided to keep Alec and Geena dry as he felt that keeping them wet the entire time would be an uncomfortable experience for both of them.