
Murphy's Luck - S2-E16

Question: How did Prue get her job back as a photographer when the last conversation she had with the studio guy had him angrily calling her a fraud, telling her she was not only fired but he would make sure she would never be hired by anyone else, etc.?


Chosen answer: Her agent/manager negotiated a special billing as part of her contract. It distinguishes her from the rest of the cast, probably when she became a producer on the show.

JC Fernandez

Answer: She became a producer.

Incorrect. Her billing changed in season 4 but she didn't become a producer until season 5.


Answer: That was a mistake in the series.

Also, the episode is called 'Babies First Demon' and this alone tells us that it's Wyatt's first time in the field (so to speak) and as the sisters say, they've done a good job of clearing up their own magical messes so far. Nobody really knows how advanced Wyatt's powers are, or will become. That's why the cleaners appear, to nip things in the bud. The Cleaners didn't want to chance that the sisters could clean Wyatt's magic up, just incase they couldn't. Therefore intervening themselves, just in case.

Chosen answer: When the cleaners first surface in season 6 it is mentioned that usually the girls have been able to clean up their own messes (as seen in season 3 episode 22 when Phoebe turns back time thus concluding in the death of Prue).

Answer: Because they wanted them to fix their own mistakes.

Show generally

Question: Christy and Billie Jenkins are very powerful witches, yet it's been established that their parents are ordinary mortals. So, where did they get their powers from?


Chosen answer: In the episode Mr and Mrs. Witch, Billy's mom explains that their grandmother was a powerful witch and that it just skipped a generation.

Maria Santos

Answer: "Hush, Hush, Hush" Paula Cole.

Chosen answer: Zankou can only steal the powers of demons - he cannot steal the powers of good witches because he is evil. He would need a power stripping potion to do that. Now that he has control over the book of shadows he is now able to make the power stripping potion.

Stephen Edmonds 1

Answer: He can't steal powers from good witches because he is evil.

Answer: Zankou needs to kill the demon or witch to steal their powers.

Show generally

Question: If "Whitelighters" are "technically" dead how is it Leo can do everything human? Eat, drink, feel, love, oh and father children. As well as when "Grams" and Patty came back they often came in human form at least some of the time?

Answer: They are given a new physical body that has the "triple helix" DNA like witches.


Show generally

Question: In the theme song, are the lyrics "I am the son/and the heir" or "I am the sun and the air" Because they both seem to fit.

Answer: The theme song is "How Soon is Now", originally by the Smiths, but performed for the show by Love Spit Love. Same lyrics either way: "I am the son, I am the heir of a shyness that is criminally vulgar. I am the son and heir of nothing in particular."


The Painted World - S2-E3

Question: How did Phoebe send Kit inside the painting without being trapped too? Probably she read the spell and not Kit (duh) then she should've been trapped instead of her - or both of them if she held her in her hands. And why did she do that? She knew about the warlock, wouldn't have it been easier, if she'd got inside, found her sisters and together read the liberating spell... as it happened later?


Answer: Phoebe could have placed Kit in front of the painting and said the spell from a distance or jumped out of the way at the last minute. She knew a man was trapped in the painting but didn't know he was a warlock until he came out.

Show generally

Question: In the first few seasons, the Charmed Ones can retrieve a spell from the Book Of Shadows by just hovering their hands over the book & the book will turn to the correct page. However, in later seasons they have to turn pages manually. Why?

Answer: They weren't searching the book. They were "concentrating" and their ancestors (Grams specifically) were helping them search. Later, they begin to know what to look for.


Answer: Only Phoebe had that ability in 2x03, due to the Smart Spell she cast, and in some cases Grams or Leo were scrolling the pages to help the girls find what they're searching.


Desperate Housewitches - S8-E4

Question: Why does Paige ask Phoebe and Piper how they vanquished the source the first time when he gets brought back at magic school with a demon and the help of little Wyatt? She was there the first time and helped vanquish him.

Answer: Wasn't Prue the one who helped them kill the source the first time? Not Paige.

Answer: Just a character mistake. The possibilities of "why?" are endless, but it could be that one of the writers forgot, or was a new staff addition, and nobody else picked up on it.

Cubs Fan

Used Karma - S6-E13

Question: I don't understand how Phoebe can turn the fireballs the swarm demons threw back on them. She doesn't have an active power like telekinesis which can be used like this. Could someone explain it to me?

Answer: She uses her ability as an empath to tap into the demons power and use it against them. She did this for the first time in Valhalley of the Dolls to make Piper feel the loss of Leo.


Season 6 generally

Question: How does Chris still have his powers when he travels to the past, but the witches did not when they went to the past?

Answer: With Chris being from the future (and being half-witch, half-whitelighter), he must know about the fact that his aunts can't use their powers in the past. Therefore, he would think to write an advanced spell so that his powers can be used.


Answer: Also it's stated only one in a time period can have the powers. The pasts' Chris isn't around at the beginning to have access to the powers and then when he's conceived he doesn't show signs of having powers yet.

Answer: It was a different spell, you can see that from episode Chris-Crossed, the charmed ones did not drew anything when travelled to their past. It's also explained from the conversation from Phoenix and Chris.

Charmed Again (1) - S4-E1

Question: At the wake, Phoebe interrupts two people talking, and she says in passing, "Excuse me, Aaron." Is this Aaron Spelling in a cameo? Does he make others throughout the series?

Answer: Yes, this is Aaron Spelling.

Show generally

Question: Why can't Paige heal people? I've only ever seen her heal about one person. Is there any particular reason for this?

Answer: Chris explains in the episode "Valhalley of the Dolls" that healing is extremely difficult, and can only be done by accomplished Whitelighters. Paige has only had her powers for a few years and is only half-Whitelighter, so at first, she can only heal people when Leo helps her. In Season 8, when she realizes she loves Henry, she unlocks the trigger to Healing (as explained by Leo at the end of season 1), and is able to heal others like a regular Whitelighter from then on.

I've Got You Under My Skin - S1-E2

Question: What is the song that plays immediately after the opening credits/theme, over the shots of San Fransisco? [At least in the version on Netflix in the UK - other versions seem to have "Torn" by Natalie Imbruglia]. The lyrics go something like this: "We hope and we pray for a break, that the weather around us might change, that hope just fell asleep in the hole where burdens keep pulling and pressing the weight of the problems in life that we face, but faith's so incomplete."

Answer: I get the impression that it is a studio band doing a "sound-alike" piece of music that may not have ever been released but was done just for the show. I'm not sure it has a title or can be found anywhere outside of the episode.

Answer: You're probably talking about 'Calling All Angels' by Jane Siberry. It's available on her album 'Whe I Was a Boy.'

Forever Charmed - S8-E22

Question: In this last episode, when the sisters are writing about their personal lives and they show the future kids they will have, Piper is shown giving lunch bags to 3 kids. It shows 2 boys and 1 girl. Why is that? Did she have Melinda? If so, why when older Piper and older Leo are going up the stairs they only show pictures of the boys, Wyatt and Chris? No pictures of the girl shown anywhere.


Answer: I am assuming when she mentions two things: (1) "So that Paige could pass on all that she'd learned, not just to her own children, or to mine, or to Phoebe's " (2) "Which filled the time between when we were doing the fighting, and when our kids were old enough to take over" the lunch bag was probably Chris and Wyatts' kids...and all the kids coming into the house at the end were ALL the kids or grandkids.

Answer: I thought they were her grandchildren.

Chosen answer: It was most likely just a montage for the fans as a final goodbye. Also, prior to the episode, Melinda was only seen once whereas Wyatt and Chris were in multiple seasons/episodes and therefore played a bigger part in the story.

Chosen answer: Because during this scene, Piper was only freezing the Innocents in order to draw out who the demons were. She has the ability to control her power to freeze only what/who she wants at a given time so when she was using her power here, all the demons would remain unfrozen as she intended. Cole knew she and her sisters were witches and what powers they had so he knew Piper could freeze. Since Piper was only focused on freezing the innocents, Cole was just pretending to be frozen in order to pass off being one. Remember, at this point, they do not know Cole is a demon.

But how did Cole know exactly when to freeze? He froze as soon as she froze the innocents.

Because he saw Piper trying to freeze the innocents in the courtroom and when they froze he most likely pretended to freeze because he assumed they had a plan that could most likely sabotage his cover. He also probably wanted to flush the demon judge out, which is why he killed him at the end because it interfered with his plans.

Chosen answer: Chris originally came from a Dark Future that was changed when he saved Paige's life. It's in that dark future that Piper died.

Captain Defenestrator

My Three Witches - S6-E6

Plot hole: When Gith takes the potion from Chris, he ends up stomping on it and shattering the potion bottle - making contact with the potion. We've seen that potions don't have to be thrown by someone who's even a witch for them to work (like when Cole's powers were stripped etc) so why on earth would he do this? And how did it not vanquish him? There are other ways he could have gotten rid of the potion that didn't involve a way that really should have vanquished him.

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Cole: Phoebe, I love you. I don't know what's going on but maybe I can help. Would you like me to kill someone for you?

More quotes from Charmed

Trivia: Lori Rom was originally cast as Phoebe but left the show after filming the pilot episode for personal reasons.

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