
The End (2) - S6-E18

Question: I recently submitted a question about whether everyone died on the plane or on the island. The answer I got was unsatisfactory. The answer was they did not all die in the plane crash but on the island where the events in the show really did happen. If this is the case, everyone in purgatory at the end makes no sense. If they all died on the island, then where were other characters like Michael, Ecko, etc. Also how did Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Ben, etc. end up dead and in purgatory at the end of the series? Last we saw them they were still alive on the island. Are we to assume that everyone died at the end of last season when the bomb went off? I need more info here.


Chosen answer: None of the main characters died in the plane crash. Many died on the island after the crash (Jack, Charlie, Sun, Jin, Daniel, Juliet, others), some lived on the island for an apparently long time after the crash (Hurley, Ben, Bernard, Rose) but some lived lives off the island after the crash (Sawyer, Kate, Claire, Miles, Aplert, and Lapidus). Remember that Christian tells Jack that "time has no meaning here," (in Purgatory). When everyone meets at the church, they are at the end of their lives however long that may have been and will now "move on" together. They look like they did on the island because that is the way they best remember each other.


That has to be the clearest explanation of the ending I've ever read.


Season 1 generally

Question: When Claire is pregnant with her baby, her belly looks very realistic. Does anyone know how they make it look so real?

Answer: Using a mold, a realistic pregnancy belly is made of latex (rubber), including the distinct belly button, to suit the proportions of Emilie de Ravin who plays Claire. It is then painted with a special paint/adhesive compound that adheres to the surface and for shots of the actual belly, additional veining and stretch marks are airbrushed on.

Super Grover

Show generally

Question: In the pilot episode, the pregnant girl looks over at the bald man and he opens his mouth to reveal something bright orange. What was that?

Answer: He was eating a peice of an orange with the skin still on.


Answer: No, it is maracuya. You will see Locke eating maracuya in the following episodes as well.

Show generally

Question: Why is it that Hurley's winning amount keeps on changing throughout the whole show? In one episode he says he won 114 million, in another he says he won 150, and another 164 million. Why does it always change?


Chosen answer: He won 114 millions, but the other amounts he refers to ($150-$164 million) are how much he is worth after his investments, most likely.

Anastasios Anastasatos

Chosen answer: (1) At the time, in that moment, it has no other meaning but to explain the rules of the game. BUT in reference to the overall series, it was an ongoing theme. (2) He was going to tell Walt that he thinks this island has magical powers. Perhaps he was going to tell Walt that he was in the Wheelchair before the crash.


Hmm, I figured he was about to explain to Walt that dogs have excellent hearing, and they will locate the lost pup by making that whistle.

The End (2) - S6-E18

Question: OK, I am confused. I know the characters are really dead and they are in purgatory. But did they all really die in the plane crash and the events on the island was their purgatory or was their revealing that they were dead as a result of them dying on the island? If they did indeed die in the plane crash, where was Michael and Walt in the finale? If it was as a result of them dying on the island, then how did Kate, Hurley and Sawyer end up with the others in purgatory? I don't recall them dying on the island.


Chosen answer: No they did not all die in the plane crash. Everything that happened did happen... They all died... eventually. Their souls appear in 'purgatory' together and move on together. their 'lives' in purgatory was what they believed it to be. Time really has no meaning in 'purgatory', so they all appear to each other as remembered.


Show generally

Question: I know nothing about how actors are paid or the amounts but I've always wondered about this: if a character is featured in a "Previously on Lost" segment (but isn't in the following episode), does he/she get the same amount of money that an actor/actress who is in the entire episode earns?

Answer: An actor/actress typically signs a contract that gives the series usage rights for the entire season. This allows them to edit any of their performance into any of the episodes for the entire season (though it will typically state how many they intend to use it for). This includes the "Previously on..." as well as any flashbacks. Should the series wish to use any of that season's performance on another season then an additional fee will need to be paid. The actor/actress can refuse this fee (for any reason) and the series will be unable to use the recorded performance in any way. An actor that appears in a "previously on..." will not be credited, but if they appear in the episode proper (flashbacks, etc) then they will be credited.


Show generally

Question: Something I read on Wikipedia made me wonder: were all six seasons planned out together in advance, or did each season develop naturally as it progressed?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: While there has been a certain amount of development as the series has gone along, the creators have repeatedly stated that the basic mythology and major plot points for the show's intended run were put in place from the beginning.


Chosen answer: In an interview/podcast the writers stated that they approached Michelle Rodriquez with clear intentions of having a "one season" part. They just never disclosed how/when her character was going out of the show.


Exposé - S3-E14

Question: What was the point of this episode? The two main characters were bit parts in the episode prior at the swan station (I think it was the swan under the plane) and were never mentioned again. It seems like this episode was merely to make up the numbers.


Chosen answer: In an interview/podcast the writers admitted that they originally had grand plans for the two characters but decided against moving forward with them. This episode was to allow them to be "written out" of the show instead of just being ignored.


Show generally

Question: Is there any relevance to the way the main characters' lives interacted before they crashed? E.g., Ana Lucia hitting Sawyer with a car door, Hurley owning the box company Locke worked for, Shannon reporting Sayid at the airport, Charlie saving Nadia from a mugger or Desmond getting a boat from Libby? (There are numerous others.) Is there a grand plan or is it just to add a bit of mystery which means nothing?


Chosen answer: SPOILER ALERT. In a word YES. As seen in the finale of season 5, Jacob is seen visiting the main characters well before and after the events of the island. The whole show continues to show the connections between the characters. This seems to hint that the plane crash on the island was "meant to happen".


Show generally

Question: In the scene in which we see Hurley being interviewed when he bought the restaurant in one of his flashbacks, a meteoroid crashes on it. Why was there no big commotion about that, and also why was only the building destroyed,not even leaving a crater?

Answer: It's most likely there was a commotion about it which wasn't shown in flashbacks. Also, since the probability of a meteoroid destroying a single restaurant is very, VERY small, and the reasons for this and other abnormal events' occurrences are as yet unknown, it is also unknown as to why said occurrences do not leave 'normal' side-effects (in this case, a crater).

Season 4 generally

Question: When Claire walks off towards the end of series 4, leaving Aaron in the care of Sawyer, who then hands him over to Kate, who then takes him away from the island; how are they feeding him? Claire couldn't have bottlefed him because they didn't have formula or sterilised bottles and if she was breastfeeding, how did Sawyer and Kate and Sun take over? He can't already be eating solids as he's only 5 weeks old.

Answer: I would have to believe there was food or supplies for Aaron on the beach. They had a large number of supplies of Dharma initiative foods and the fact that Sun was preparing for her pregnancy, she might have started looking at what foods were available on the island in case they couldn't get off. As for feeding it might simply be a case of we don't see this going on. The show's episodes are generally spread over a short amount of time. There is the chance they might have not had time or hadn't got around to it on certain occasions.


Chosen answer: Nope, Charlie's British, most likely from Manchester. The name Liam was chosen for his brother as a deliberate nod to Liam Gallagher, who, with his brother Noel, formed the real-life band Oasis, which was part of the inspiration for Drive Shaft.


Show generally

Question: During the recent season of Lost (not sure about past seasons), during the promo for the show where it shows the island with the word LOST across it, the reflection of the island in the water does not match the island, but is in fact a city. I have not seen this discussed anywhere. Are there any thoughts or discussion about what this means?

Answer: Part of the storyline of the new season deals with events in the future after a number of survivors have escaped the island and are now living their lives back in the normal world. The island/city mix in the promotion could be designed to reflect this new set-up.


Show generally

Question: In the season 3 finale, "Through the Looking Glass", why didn't Charlie just go out of the room and shut the door from the outside instead, then both he and Desmond would've survived? It just seems like such a strange decision.

Answer: The room could only be sealed from the inside. It was a split second decision he had to make. Perhaps he had already accepted his fate as predicted by Desmond. He also must have known that Desmond would have wanted to speak to Penny thus he wanted to prevent Desmond from endangering himself. Better one person die than both.


Pilot (2) - S1-E2

Question: We know that Cindy the flight attendant ends up with the "tailies." It took about a minute or two for the plane to break apart from the first time turbulence hit. The bathroom was near the front of the plane. We know this because when Charlie went with Jack and Kate to look for the cockpit, the bathroom was not very far away. How was she able to reach the back of the plane so quickly after pounding on the lavatory door when Charlie was snorting his heroine when the really bad turbulence hit?

Answer: She could have lost her balance and thrown to the floor when the plane was broken apart she was probably sucked into the tail.


Special - S1-E14

Question: At one point, Walt is reading out loud from a Green Lantern comic book in Spanish. The only two words I caught were "polar bear". What does the whole Spanish quote translate to in English?

Answer: Green Lantern Kyle Rayner and Wally West (the Flash) are in the arctic to recover an alien ship that was hidden there by the original Green Lantern and Flash. A polar bear rears up behind him and he scares it away with a ring created giant flaming monstrous Santa Claus. Just before he does it, he thinks "Won't Wally look smug when he finds out I wound up as polar bear food."

Grumpy Scot

Do No Harm - S1-E20

Question: After Boone dies, and Clarie is showing off little turnip head, what is the name of the song that is playing, and who is the composer?

Answer: The name of the song is titled "Life and Death", and the composer is Michael Giacchino. It is number 20 on the LOST soundtrack.

Angela Wilbourn

Answer: The name of the song is "Make Your Own Kind of Music" by Mama Cass Elliot.

Angela Wilbourn

More mistakes in Lost

House of the Rising Sun - S1-E6

[While fleeing from an angry swarm, Kate takes her shirt off as insects are trapped in it. Charlie later finds her and hands her the shirt she dropped with a questioning look.]
Kate: It was full of bees.
Charlie: [Looking at her chest.] I'd say more like C's.

More quotes from Lost

Trivia: The character Sun was created specifically for Yoon-jin Kim, after she auditioned for the role of Kate but the writers felt she was not right for the role.

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