South Park

Go Fund Yourself - S18-E1

Question: Is there a name for the piece of music that plays after Cartman rejects the Washington Redskins' owner's request to stop using their name, or is it music that was created for the episode?


Show generally

Question: Is there any particular reason the TV and radio stations on this show begin with a W, when they would geographically begin with a K? The creators of this show are from Colorado, so it seems unlikely that they wouldn't know that W-prefixes are for stations east of the Mississippi River.


Margaritaville - S13-E3

Question: Can someone explain the subplot with the Margaritaville and Stan going to a bunch of places trying to return it? It's really confusing. And this sounds stupid, but in a recession, wouldn't spending money be bad?

Answer: Essentially Stan was trying to return the blender that his dad, Randy, had bought because he knew his parents couldn't afford the extra debt. The blender, which represented mortgage-backed securities, had been bought on payment plan, meaning Randy had to make monthly payments, with interest, on something that wasn't essential. The episode represented the recession that was occurring at the time, including the housing bubble and mortgage crisis going on, so there's a lot going on. However, the payment plan (which is to say the debt) had been sold to another company by the store that sold Randy the blender. (To explain why, because of the recession, the store needed cash on hand, and they would only be getting a little money each month, if Randy paid his bill. So the store sells the debt to a company who gives the store the money upfront. Think of the J.G. Wentworth commercials, "I have a structured settlement, but I need cash now".) Because the store sold the debt, in ridiculous fashion, Stan had to return the blender to the company that bought the debt, although they too sold the debt to another company. Finally he gets to the U.S. treasury who tells him his blender is worth $90 trillion (again a ridiculous exaggeration) meaning that the debt owed is greater than the product is worth and to deride the way government agencies set up their budgets (which requires much more complex economic lessons). Kyle's whole point was people shouldn't fear the economy or see it as a vengeful being, but continue to spend and live as they normally do. Economically speaking, not spending money during a recession creates a longer lasting recession, and to solve a recession, people should spend money, although people and businesses shouldn't acquire debt during a recession because interest rates are higher. But on a personal level, individuals are fearful of losing their jobs during a recession, so they save money in case that should happen. But again, this is complex economics lesson.


Answer: Scottsdale is a well-liked destination for fun; resorts and spas, outdoor activities like hiking and rock climbing, golfing, cultural events, and a bouncy nightlife. It's generally considered an upbeat and convivial place, exactly the sort of environment the gloomy Goth kids would consider to be awful.


Show generally

Question: Forgot the episode and the season, but does Mark, the kid that gets home schooled and ends up beating Kyle, ever show up in later episodes?

Answer: He appears in at least 5 other episodes, but usually just as a background character. He can be seen at Cartman's party in "Immaginationland". He was also one of the kids trying out to replace Butters in the "Professor Chaos" episode.


Fun With Veal - S6-E4

Question: When Glen Dumont (as Mike) calls Stan's house to try and negotiate with the boys, he and Cartman exchange words, and at one point Cartman says "Don't have a Dad, Mike. Not going to work." My question is, why does Cartman say he doesn't have a Dad when he found out in Season 2 that his mum was his dad? Sure to him, Liane is only his mum, but she's also his Dad (at this point at least since it's not until Season 14 that he finds out Liane isn't his dad too, and that someone else is).

Answer: Cartman spent several years thinking that Liane was his mother, and apparently continues to view her that way. Just as someone who learns that a parent or sibling is not biological, often feels that the person is still their parent/sibling. Also, Cartman probably doesn't tell everyone he meets that Liane is actually his father. It's not their business, he doesn't feel comfortable sharing, it's not relevant to the situation at hand, etc.

Answer: In a rare moment of enlightenment for him, Cartman thinks of his mother just as his mother.

Captain Defenestrator

Season 4 generally

Question: From "The 4th Grade" onwards there's a new opening intro for the show. The final clip shows a live action scene from a guy jumping away from an explosion, where it that clip from?

Answer: It's from Bad Boys.

Chosen answer: They wouldn't have believed him. Or brushed it off, because Grandpa was probably trying to get them to kill him too.

Captain Defenestrator

Chef Aid - S2-E14

Question: During the trial, why does Johnnie Cochran state that Chewbacca lives on Endor? It's never said in the Star Wars movies that Chewbacca lives there.

Answer: He doesn't. The whole point of the scene is to satirise legal arguments, in that Cochran is basically talking complete nonsense in order to bamboozle the jury into taking his side, distracting them from the real issue with a barrage of red herrings.


Show generally

Question: Can anyone tell me what Kenny actual sings during the opening credits? I know it changes through the series, but I don't know what he sings in any of the versions.

Answer: In Series 1 and 2: "I like girls with big fat titties, I like girls with big vaginas." In Series 3-5: "I have got a ten inch penis, use your mouth if you want to clean it". Kenny doesn't appear in Series 6. From Series 7 onwards, he says, "Someday I'll be old enough to stick my dick in Britney's butt."


Chosen answer: It is based on the song 'Ave Santani', the song used in the movie "The Omen" (the lyrics of which are in Latin) The lyrics to their chant are "Hetus. Alte omnibus. Virtu e poquebus. Rectus. Hoc honebus." Which is Latin, Spanish and gibberish. "Omnibus" is Spanish for "bus", while "poquebus" and "honebus" are both Latin-sounding nonsense words. It loosely translates to "Glad. Other bus. [Poquebus] of courage. Correct. This [honebus]".

I entered "Hetus. Alte omnibus. Virtu e poquebus. Rectus. Hoc honebus" into Google translate and it came back as "heathen High to all. Power from few. Right. This honor".

Show generally

Question: In a few episodes, notably "Jewpacabra" and "Le Petit Tourette", Kyle is literally saving Cartman's life, which, as shown in "Le Petit Tourette", Cartman thanks him enormously for. But if Kyle's done these things for him, then why does Cartman still rip on him for being a Jew? And why doesn't Kyle remind Cartman of the fact that he's saved him numerous times and he should be grateful instead of mean?

Answer: Simply put, Cartman will ultimately never stop being a selfish, spoiled brat no matter how anyone treats him or what they do for him.


Also, the boys go to the same school; they see each other around town, and their parents know each other. So, for the time being, it's easier for Kyle to grudgingly tolerate Cartman's behavior. As Mr. Garrison says in one episode, "Just because you have to tolerate something doesn't mean you have to approve of it."

Answer: Jimmy's father was knocking on the door because his girlfriend had arrived and he was telling him this. He wondered if he was masturbating because he was taking a suspiciously long time to answer his door (when in actuality he was disposing of his steroids).

Casual Person

Cherokee Hair Tampons - S4-E6

Question: When Cartman thinks his kidney has been taken, and he goes to the hospital to have it put back in, the doctor has him sign a consent form for the operation, which we find out later is a release form for Cartman to be Kyle's kidney donor. But since Cartman is a child, shouldn't his mother be the one to consent and agree for him to have the operation, not him? I'm asking since neither her name or signature is anywhere on the release form Dr Doctor pulls out at the end when Stan reveals the plan to Cartman in the recovery room.

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: His mother could have signed a different release form, especially since she's in on the plan to trick Eric into the transplant.

Captain Defenestrator

Show generally

Question: Does anyone know the name of the episode where the teachers tell the students about sex, and the girls and the guys get all scared of each other, and I think they go to war or something?

Answer: Season 5, episode 7 - Proper Condom Use.


Free Willzyx - S9-E13

Question: The kids save a whale and actually send it to the moon. The last scene and the end credits are shown in silence. What is the point of this?

Answer: The boys had thought they had done this magnificent thing for the whale when it really just killed the whale. The last shot just showed there was no happy ending. As for the silence it might be to keep the audience in anticipation. In the shot we see the whale lifeless and with no sound around. One could think that it might make a miraculous recovery as nothing is happening.


Answer: It's a reference to the movie (and the book, technically) "Red Dragon," in which the serial killer holds a reporter captive and shows him slides of the people he has killed, repeating over and over, "Do you see?"

Show generally

Question: Throughout the series Cartman makes a lot of money (His double myrrh Christian album, the theme park he briefly owned, etc) Any idea where it all goes?

Answer: He always loses it in some way because he is a stupid jerk. His amusement park money was taken by the IRS for example.

Grumpy Scot

More mistakes in South Park

Weight Gain 4000 - S1-E4

Kyle: Cartman, you have such a fat ass, that when you walk down the street people go, "God, dammit thats a big fat ass!'
Cartman: They do not!
Random guy: God Dammit, thats a big fat ass!

More quotes from South Park

Trivia: The creators of the show, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, based the Stan Marsh and Kyle Brosfloski characters after themselves (Stan being Parker and Kyle being Stone.) The Eric Cartman character was partly based on Archie Bunker.

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