Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1

Question: A while ago, I read about a deleted scene in which Draco is having a conversation with a friend, who was not Crabbe or Goyle. It was noteworthy because this friend would be someone whom Draco treats like an equal (instead of harassing them, bossing them around, etc.). I think it was going to be in the Deathly Hallows book or movie, but I am not sure. Was it ever written and/or filmed?

Question: Why is it necessary for Draco to confirm that the real Harry has been captured by the bounty hunters? Lucius and Bellatrix have each dealt with Harry before.

Answer: Lucius and Bellatrix were unable to confirm Harry's identity because Hermione had jinxed his face to disguise him just before the snatchers captured them. They are fairly certain it is Harry, but as Bellatrix says, if they summon Lord Voldemort, and they are wrong, he will kill them all. Of all the Death Eaters at Malfoy Hall, no one knows Harry better than Draco, having spent more time with him because they were schoolmates. Lucius and Bellatrix have to be absolutely sure that this is Harry Potter.


Question: Ron, Harry, and Hermione use polyjuice potion a lot. I'm confused as to how this is. In The Chamber of Secrets it is revealed that it takes a month to make. It would seem unlikely that Hermione would carry around a cauldron and potion ingredients and waste a month making the potion after they had a plan. If Hermione had made them over the summer, she would have only had time to make a few before she would have to leave with Harry and Ron. How do they get all their polyjuice potion?

Jennifer Smith

Chosen answer: It's explained a little more in the book. Hermione swiped Mad-Eye Moody's stock of the potion when Mrs. Weasley wasn't looking. And it's possible that, when they ran low, she simply replicated it with a Doubling Charm.

Cubs Fan

Question: When Harry is brought into Malfoy Manor, Draco is told to confirm that it's really him. Even though Harry's face is jinxed, Draco knows that it's him, so why did he lie and say it wasn't?

Answer: Because at his core and despite being an unpleasant person, Draco was a decent and humane person who never could step over the line into being evil. He could not bring himself to betray Harry, knowing he and the others would be killed, and he could not have lived with that guilt. Dumbledore and Snape understood this about Draco, and worked to help him keep his humanity.


That is the moment when Draco is now a good person.


Answer: Draco wasn't entirely sure it was Harry and if he told the death eaters it was and they called Voldemort, he knew the repercussions would be painful, maybe fatal if he was wrong.

Draco absolutely knew it was Harry. He just couldn't bring himself to be responsible for his death.


Question: If Dumbledore knew who Tom Riddle/Voldemort really was, then why take him to Hogwarts to teach him magic, since he would eventually grow up to be evil?

Answer: Dumbledore did not know when he first met the young Tom Riddle that he would one day become the evil wizard, Lord Voldemort. He even tells Harry this when they are discussing him. Riddle took the name of Voldemort when he began his rise to power some time after he left Hogwarts. Dumbledore always had suspicions about his behavior while he was a student and kept a close watch on him, but at that time he was unaware of who and what he would become.


Not to mention, Hogwarts is not the only school of magic. Dumbledore didn't know exactly how dangerous he would become, but he knew this kid had the potential to become dark. He'd be better off at Hogwarts than at a place like Durmstrang, where he'd learn much more dark magic and be more likely to grow up as a dark wizard.

Question: Why does Bellatrix accuse Dobby of defying his "masters"? Surely she would have heard from Narcissa, Draco, or Lucius that he no longer serves the family.

Answer: That would hardly matter to Bellatrix. She would look at Dobby as an inferior being who was fit only to serve wizards. She likely considers him to still be the Malfoy's possession, despite Harry's freeing him. Most wizards see their race as "masters" to all house-elves and other non-human sentient beings, regardless of whether or not they were free.


Answer: Luna has an odd, quirky personality and does not interact well with people or view life as others normally do. Harry, knowing what it's like being an outcast, likes her, but she tries his patience. Ron does not particularly like her, and both he and Hermione generally avoided her at Hogwarts, even though she was a member of Dumbledore's Army. Harry, Ron, and Hermione know they need help from Luna's father. He, too, is rather eccentric, and the three are just preparing themselves for what the coming interaction is going to be like.


Question: What happened to Hermione's cat Crookshanks? He's not seen at all at the start of this movie. I can't remember if it's mentioned in the books what happened to him; the movie doesn't seem to mention it either.

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: The last time we see Crookshanks is at the Weasley house. They likely left him there.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: I know that I've seen a clip of Narcissa telling Voldemort that he will always be welcome at the Malfoy's house (she does not say this in the book). Is there an extended version of the scene somewhere?

Answer: I have not seen this scene in any version of HP and the Death Hallows 1. Movies often film more scenes than what end up in the final version. If they are seen, it is usually in the DVD "Extras" of deleted scenes, in movie trailers shown in theaters, are posted online, or are added to extended versions of the movie. I suspect this particular scene was shown in a theatrical trailer.


Question: This is a two part question. 1) If Snape wants Harry to have the sword of Gryffindor, why would he place it at the bottom of a frozen pond instead of placing it somewhere more accessible? 2) Does the locket try to choke Harry because it senses the threat posed by the presence of the sword?

Shane Carlson

Chosen answer: 1) Snape's motive for hiding the sword in the pond is never explained "in the movie." As for the book, it explicitly states that Dumbledore instructed Snape to give the sword to Harry when possible, but make it so it takes bravery and courage to acquire, like a true Gryffindor. Snape then found they were in the Forest of Dean, and he himself placed the sword there. 2) The Locket was partially sentient and could sense that the sword was a danger to it.


If he placed it somewhere anyone could access, the sword might get into the wrong hands.

Question: Draco said in the previous book/movie that Voldemort would kill him if he didn't kill Dumbledore, so why didn't Voldemort kill him after he refused and Severus had to do it instead?

Answer: Draco didn't refuse outright, though he did not want to kill Dumbledore. Voldemort threatened to kill Draco's family if he failed. Draco did make attempts, but they were half-hearted ones that failed. Snape stepped in before Draco was forced into killing Dumbledore. Voldemort would have killed Draco eventually, but keeping him alive was useful in his controlling both Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy (Draco's parents) and also Bellatrix Lestrange (Draco's aunt). Killing Draco early on would have turned them against him.


Question: I don't remember if this is explained in the book, but when it is discovered that Umbridge has the locket, assuming she wore it while she had it, wouldn't she be possessed by its powers like Ron was when he wore it? And did she know it was a piece of Voldemort's soul?

Answer: This was never answered in the book, but in The Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter, it is speculated that Umbridge may have been unaffected because her own evil nature was more aligned to the dark locket. Also, the locket being somewhat sentient may have sensed that she posed no threat to it, whereas Harry, Ron, and Hermione's sole intent was to destroy it.


Question: After Harry and Ron find the sword of Gryffindor, how do they find Hermoine again? The camp had enchantments and spells around it to keep them safe and Harry had to leave the protection set up around camp.


Chosen answer: Because Harry already knew where the camp was. The protection spells they use (Harry is shown at one point casting them as well) seem to be sort of like the Secret Keeper spell. If you cast them or they are cast on you, it allows you to see through the spells. Also, don't forget that the deluminator led Ron right to the general vicinity of the camp and that the Snatcher team could smell Hermione's perfume through the spells earlier.


Question: Why do all of the Death Eaters hesitate to lend Lord Voldemort a wand? In "Chamber of Secrets", when Ron's wand was damaged, Professor McGonagall just said he would need to replace it. So I am assuming that purchasing a new wand is not particularly unusual or difficult.

Answer: Normally replacing a wand is easy, but there are only a few wizards who can make them. Voldemort has kidnapped Mr. Olivander, tortured him, and destroyed his shop, so he is not currently in a position to be making new wands. The Death Eaters fear offering their own wands to Lord Voldemort because he often strikes out, often fatally, at anyone who fails or displeases him. If someone gives him their wand and it does not perform adequately, they know there may be severe repercussions. Voldemort is also gauging his Death Eaters' reaction to his request so he can judge their loyalty and willingness to do his bidding. Most also realize that the request is mostly aimed at Lucius Malfoy, who has fallen from Voldemort's favor. Voldemort is taunting him.


Question: When Bellatrix sees the Sword of Gryffindor, why did she assume that Hermione had broken into her vault when it was below the icy lake the whole time?

Answer: To protect the Sword of Gryffindor for Harry, Dumbledore had a replica made. Bellatrix acquired the fake sword (unaware it was a copy) and placed it in her Gringott's vault. Upon seeing the real one, Bellatrix assumed it was stolen from the vault. The genuine sword hidden in the pond wasn't there the entire time. When Snape discovered where Harry and the others were hiding in the Forest of Dean, he magically sent the sword to the frozen pond and then led Harry to it with his Doe Patronus.


Question: In the Malfoy Manor scene, Bellatrix tortures Hermione, but all we see is "mudblood" carved on her arm. Because of her loud screaming, it is assumed that Bellatrix did something more to torture her, did she?

Answer: Nothing else happened. Hermione screaming loudly was because of Bellatrix carving the word Mudblood into her arm. Having someone dig a knife into their arm and carving a word into it would be pretty painful.

Casual Person

Answer: It is explained more in the book that they heard Bellatrix yelling Crucio, a spell to cause immense pain.

Question: How was Umbridge able to cast a patronus?

Answer: She casts it like any other witch or wizard by using her wand and saying "Expecto Patronum". It is considered advanced magic, but most magical people can learn how to do this. When Harry (disguised as Runcorn) entered her courtroom, she had already cast her cat patronus to keep the Dementors at a distance.


Casting a patronus requires a very happy memory, though. And considering that she seems to be very angry and never felt that she was given enough power, she must have never had a happy memory.

If I recall, At this point she's head of the Muggle-born Registration Committee. A powerful position in her mind and as Umbridge is all about power she would have been very happy indeed.


"Must" is total conjecture. Perfectly possible for an angry resentful person to have one happy memory to call on.

Villains still have personalities. Depending on what specifically makes Umbridge happy, she could easily have a lot of happy memories.

Umbridge seemed quite happy while torturing Harry with the punishment pen, when she was ejecting Trelawney from Hogwarts, when she ousted Dumbledore as Headmaster, happy in her devotion to Voldemort, and so on. Happiness is an individual thing. Her sense of happiness was quite perverse.


Only those who are pure of heart are capable of producing a Patronus. Those who aren't would be devoured by maggots that shoot out of the caster's wand. Umbridge wasn't pure of heart because of all of the horrible things she did, so shouldn't she have been eaten by maggots?

Question: I know Voldemort has lost all faith in Lucius, but why break his wand when he is needing a wand to kill Harry?


Answer: He didn't break it. Lucius' wand had some kind of custom-made handle which Voldemort snapped off when he confiscated it.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Lucius' wand was part of his walking stick. The wand, that was attached to an ornate silver handle, fit into the cane's shaft and was removable. Lucius can be seen removing the wand from the cane at the end of Chamber of Secrets when he was about to curse Harry. When Lucius hands the wand to Voldemort, the Dark Lord detaches the silver handle from it. The "snapping" that was heard was an added sound effect that was a bit overdone.


Question: This question is more of an overall question for the series. In Half-blood Prince Tom Riddle asks professor Slughorn if it is possible to create 7 horcruxes. In the movie, once the locket is destroyed, Ron says to Harry "3 more to go". If my count is correct, they destroyed the diary, Dumbledore destroyed the ring, and now the locket. That would leave the goblet, the diadem, and Nagini. In total there are only 6, and at this point, neither Harry nor Voldemort know that Harry is the 7th. So basically the question is, if Harry knew that Voldemort Planned on making 7 horcruxes, why do they only search for 6? Is it possible that I am completely overlooking a major plot detail?

Shane Carlson

Chosen answer: Voldemort wanted to divide his soul into seven pieces by making six Horcruxes and leaving one soul shard inside his body. He made six Horcruxes using Tom Riddle's diary, Marvolo Gaunt's Ring, Helga Hufflepuff's cup, Salazar Slytherin's locket, Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem, and Nagini. Harry Potter was also a Horcrux, but that was never Voldemort's intention. He accidentally (and unknowingly) created a seventh Horcrux when he attempted to kill baby Harry. That meant there were actually eight soul shards in all: the six horcruxes that Voldemort intentionally made, the accidental one he created that was Harry's scar, and the soul shard left inside Voldemort's body.


Answer: They never knew about the seventh as they never heard what it was. They thought he just didn't make it.

Question: At the end when Dobby is stabbed, Harry says he wants Hermione to get something from her bag and she doesn't do anything. Why would she not get anything from her bag. It's unlikely she wouldn't have her bag since she had it at the beginning of Part 2?

Chosen answer: Because she knows that she hasn't got anything in there that'll do any good. Harry's clutching at straws, begging her to pull out something that'll fix Dobby and save his life. She hasn't got anything that'll work, so she doesn't do it.


Revealing mistake: Throughout almost the whole movie Harry's glasses don't have lenses in them. Only in two or so scenes do they appear.

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Trivia: The reason Crabbe was not in the Deathly Hallows part 1 or 2 was because he was arrested because of marijuana and drugs he had and grew in his home. So that other kid was replicated but you can tell the difference.


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