Question: Would it really have been possible for Nygma to modify the security footage to make it look as if Stickley was committing suicide at the time, with Nygma nowhere in sight?
Question: At the beginning, when Batman breaks through the helicopter's window with his head, he tells Two-Face, 'Give it up, Harvey. You need help' or something like that. But this voice is totally not what Val Kilmer sounds like. The best I can come up with is that it's a stunt double or something like that. If anybody out there knows the real reason, I'd be happy to hear it.
Chosen answer: Batman talks like that because if he talks like Bruce Wayne (Val Kilmer's voice) his voice might be recognized, leading to Batman's identity being revealed.
Answer: I have noticed that as well. It doesn't seem like his voice is wrong, it just sounds like he says "give it up" twice at once or something. Maybe an issue in post-production.
Question: If Bruce had backed Edward's invention, would Edward have still done what he did in the movie (using the device to grow smarter, try to outdo Bruce etc)? Or did Bruce spurning him cause him to do that?
Answer: It's hard to say for certain. If Bruce had approved of the project, there would have been a lot more volunteers and oversight of its production, which would have alerted Bruce of the device's side effects, at which point he or one of his underlings would order its production to cease. Edward would still feel spurned and motivated to continue his work, but without the resources of Wayne Industries at his disposal, he may have a more difficult time seeing his plan through.
Answer: And more precisely, narcissists like Edward Nygma/The Riddler can barely tolerate when someone else refuses to have their ideas, viewpoints, or feelings prioritised or contrasted against others, even if it is for a legitimate cause or logical reasoning. The fact that Nygma already had a sense of envy towards Bruce's fame that he idealised would all but guarantee that he would seek some kind of revenge or humiliation on Bruce, no matter what the circumstances would be if Bruce had in fact done so later.
Question: What song is being played when Dick is driving the Batmobile through Gotham?
Answer: It's called "Smash it up" by The Offspring.
Question: How did Bruce Wayne determine that Stickley's suicide was a "computer-generated forgery" so quickly? Just because he discovered that Edward Nygma is the Riddler doesn't mean that Stickley was murdered. Is there perhaps something I missed?
Answer: It's a bit of a leap, but it's not entirely unreasonable. He knows that Nygma and Stickley were at odds over Nygma's experiments, and he was suspicious of Stickley's apparent suicide right from the beginning. As such, when it becomes apparent that Nygma's one of the bad guys, it's not much of a stretch to conclude that Nygma killed Stickley, then faked the tape to show a suicide.
Question: What is the point of the Riddler stopping Harvey (Two-Face) from killing Bruce Wayne when they are in his mansion? They now know that Bruce Wayne is Batman and their goal all along was to kill Batman. Essentially I can understand they want to torture Bruce by kidnapping Chase, but it seems like a huge risk that they don't really need to take as Batman is very elusive and this was a prime opportunity to take him out.
Chosen answer: They are both nuts and extremely arrogant. They are also suffering from "Supervillain Syndrome" wherin the villain will toy with and never kill his nemesis even though it will get him caught/defeated in the end. It's just how comic book villains are.
Also, they specifically say they want him awake, aware and capable of suffering humiliation and shame when they destroy him. Also, since they have a hostage he values very highly, they can be reasonably sure he'll come to them afterwards, Riddler out-and-out says so.
Question: After Chase tells Batman that she's in love with someone else, Bruce Wayne decides to give up being Batman. What exactly would make him decide this? Especially with Gotham currently under a terror spree from Riddler and Two Face.
Chosen answer: Because he wants to be with Chase and he realizes that she would rather be with Bruce Wayne than Batman.
Question: Here's something I've wanted to know. I know that Gotham is a fictional city, as is Metropolis, but both are within the same universe (DC). So how is it that The Statue of Liberty resides in both Metropolis and Gotham? The Statue is in Metropolis Harbor in the Superman movies, but Two-face's chopper crashes into it in Gotham in Batman Forever.
Chosen answer: Mainly because the filmmakers, who operated totally separately, weren't too worried about being consistent, either with each other or with the comic universe. In the comics, New York exists alongside Gotham and Metropolis, so the Statue of Liberty is found there. The filmmakers presumably decided that they wanted to have something recognisable appearing, so decided that the statue would be located in the city that they were dealing with.
Question: How could the Riddler and Two-Face be ready for two heroes at the end of the film? Robin didn't exist until just before the mission began so he wouldn't even be in the brain scan Edward took earlier from Bruce.
Answer: The fact they were waiting in Riddler's layer is not exactly incredibly hard to accept. Two Face went outside with a gun and Riddler seemed to have things in place in case anyone tried to come near his facility. The only thing that seemed planned was the special traps to hold two people but again that could come under something he had in his facility to begin with. Other than that there is nothing suprising about what happened.
Question: When Edward is at his party at the Ritz Gotham and is talking to Bruce Wayne, he gets out a pair of glasses and puts them on. They're not the same pair as the ones he had at the beginning; where did he get them from? He is too busy working on his invention (shrinking it down and selling it), building his lair on an island and making riddles to have had the time to change them.
Answer: He is trying to look like Bruce Wayne, so he has the same haircut and a fake mole, just like Val Kilmer's. All he had to do was tell one of his assistants to go and buy a pair of glasses the same as Bruce Wayne's.
Answer: That's an extremely difficult question to answer because you have to look at it from two perspectives. In real life at the time in the 90s? Probably not, because the technology wasn't really there to convincingly create a convincing computer simulation/fake footage that quickly. (Even the special effects wizards who had months to make the movie did a good job but didn't quite nail the digital Batman in the few shots he's CGI.) But in the context of the movie? Yes. You have to remember, this movie is set in a highly stylized, fictionalized universe. One with superheroes, supervillains, highly advanced technology, doomsday machines, and all that jazz. The movie isn't meant to be realistic. It's meant to be exaggerated and cartoonish. So you can safely assume, in the context of the movie, Nygma had the means to create the fake security footage.