Men in Black 3

Question: Why did J ask K, "How do you know this song in the end?" and what does "Secrets of the Universe" really mean?

Question: O says that back in Cape Canaveral, in the unaltered time line, something happened to K that changed him. All that's really said though, is that he stopped and arrested Boris the Animal there. So what exactly was it that changed K?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: He saw J's father murdered by Boris. In the unaltered timeline, J says that his father wasn't around. We see this at the end and it's also why J was recruited into the Men In Black. K was keeping an eye on him the whole time.


Chosen answer: The gold saucer crashed in middle of the street was the ship Boris stole to get to earth. While they are in the restaurant Kay gets a call that tells him a ship was taken from lunar max and it was Boris who took it.

Answer: Earlier in the movie, the way K was talking about Boris was different than what J had come to expect of his partner. So J wanted to know what happened between Boris and K at Cape Canaveral that changed him. So more of what did Boris do to K rather than just the report of what K did.

Question: In the Lunar Max prison, the guards have patches on their uniforms bearing the initials, IDOC. What does that stand for?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Most likely "Intergalactic Department Of Corrections."

Question: When J is in the elevator after his time jump and asks the guy with the news paper about the date, you can faintly hear elevator music playing. It sounds extremely similar to the song Back In Time written by Pitbull for this movie, which plays as the credits start. Is it supposed to be like a tribute to this song as an elevator version or something?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: The name of the song is "Love is Strange," recorded by Mickey and Sylvia, and released November 1956. Pitbull sampled it in his song "Back in Time."


Question: It was K that recruited J to the MIB. But Boris goes back in time and kills K, creating an alternate time line. Yet in that time line, J is still part of MIB. So who recruited him in the alternate time line?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: As mentioned in the corrections section, anyone could have handed him that business card, it's never mentioned.

Chosen answer: It's never explained how Zed died. Rip Torn, who played Zed, may have been unexpectedly written out because at around the time of filming he had been arrested for breaking into a bank branch while intoxicated and carrying a firearm (he believed he was entering his own home). Rather than going into a detailed reason for Zed's death or incorporating it into the plot, it was simply stated that he had passed away.


Chosen answer: It was what Andy Warhol called his studio. Musician John Cale explained: "It wasn't called the Factory for nothing. It was where the assembly line for the silkscreens happened. While one person was making a silkscreen, somebody else would be filming a screen test. Every day something new."

Jon Sandys

Question: Is a young Zed ever shown somewhere in the movie? Like in the background at the '69 MiB HQ somewhere?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: No.

Casual Person

Chosen answer: There is no clear answer as to her fate, only that J reminds K in the second MIB movie that K's wife left him, which K answered with a punch to J's face.


Question: Did K meet J when he was a boy in the original timeline as well? I mean the one where Boris was arrested?


Chosen answer: Yes, he did. Mentioned earlier in the movie, it was stated something happened to K when he stopped Boris the Animal at Cape Canaveral. This event was when he met J as a child after Boris killed his father and that he erased this from younger J's memory.

Casual Person

Question: When K is killed in the past, why is it that nobody remembers K (beyond '69 that is) but J remembers everything as it once was?

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: This is answered in the movie by the character that gives J the time traveling device. The character tells J that he can still remember K because he was involved in the events. The young black child at Cape Canaveral was a young agent J. So he was there and at least passively involved.

Answer: He meant that adult J already time traveled. In the 1960 's, K met J for the first time, when K met Detective James Edwards that was the second time, which is why he had him apply for MIB.

Chosen answer: K was trying to explain to J why he suspended him, but without fully having to explain to him why. Later on in the movie, we find out that Boris killed J's father and that K erased it from J's memory as a child and the reason why he suspended J was because he did not want J to try and continue searching for Boris or it may lead him to finding out the truth. He called J to try and explain why he suspended him the best way he could without having to reveal everything to him.

Casual Person

Question: Was J lying when he said that Boris kills K at the Apollo launch? If not, how did he know he died there?


Chosen answer: This can be a little confusing, but here goes: Early in the film, Boris escapes from the lunar prison and returns to Earth, confronting both agents K and J and telling Agent K that he's "already dead" (Boris was implying that he was going back to 1969 to kill K at the Apollo launch site, thus preventing K from deploying the ArcNet). When Boris does kill K in 1969, it changes the timeline, so only Agent J can remember K's existence in 2012. When Agent J goes to MIB headquarters the next day, he is baffled that nobody remembers K, and Agent J has to convince Chief Agent O that K was alive just the day prior. It is Chief Agent O who deduces the timeline fracture, and J suddenly understands that Boris killed Agent K in 1969 at the Apollo launch, preventing K from deploying the ArcNet (which necessitates J going back in time to save Agent K). Although J tried to keep all of this a secret from 1969 Agent K, he eventually admits to K that Boris killed K at the Apollo launch.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: When O is speaking in Finucian for her eulogy of Zed, you see the tombstone-like monument statues of other fallen MiB agents behind her. One of them bears the initial, T. But wasn't T J's partner in the beginning of MiB II, and only neutralized and not killed? So why is his statue there?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: An agent's name comes from the first letter of their first name. Even if J neutralized T, there was most likely another Agent T (whose first name began with T) who joined MIB and died battling aliens.

Casual Person

Question: When Obadiah Price's son talks to J about how he was "there" and you'll tell him all about it what did he mean?

Answer: J asked why he remembers K when no one else does and Price says J remembers K because J was in 1969. One of the things with time travel is that effect can precede cause, meaning J was in 1969 before J travelled to 1969. Then Price says he wants J to tell him all about it when he gets back to the present.


Possibly but when talking time travel, theories expound endlessly. Your explanation generally fits the events, or how they're authored to occur, but it's almost too simplistic. I believe that it is impossible for effect to precede cause... At least not without a break. To me, for time travel to exist and be possible, it would require endless loops or time-lines. Essentially that the moment you go back in time and make any change, which could be almost impossible not to, you break the original timeline thus creating a new one. Only then, could effect precede cause imho. It's the butterfly 'effect' :) or the ripples in the pond theory. Even then, I'm not sure that effect could ever precede causation. Your thoughts?

I purposely kept the answer simple since most movies with time travel don't go into much details about how time travel is possible and all the consequences, etc., especially in comedies. Plus there tend to be plot holes left when only partially explained. There was a saying I heard in passing in regards to writing science-fiction (so I don't know who said it or the exact quote), "it's better to have unexplained science than faulty science." One example of effect preceding cause is "tachyons", a hypothetical particle that travels faster than light. As such, a tachyon fired from point A to point B would reach point B before it was fired, due to special relativity. I personally don't subscribe to this theory and say if it was to occur, the tachyon would simple arrive before a particle of light would. I don't believe time travel into the past is possible, so as long as a movie is consistent, I don't think there's anything wrong with picking a closed time loop over an alternate time loop.


Question: Boris used the first time jump device to go back in time to 1969. J used the second one. You see throughout the movie that J has his with him for obvious reasons. But you never see what happened to Boris' device. So what did he do with it?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: He probably just put it in his pocket until he needed it again to go back to the present. Most likely, it would have been destroyed when 2012 Boris was killed after he was burnt by the space shuttle.

Casual Person

Question: It is told that J remembers the events of the regular time line because he was involved in the past. Being there as a young boy that is when his father was killed. So why does O not remember the original time line? She was there too, as K's lover.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: O was not at Cape Kennedy for the launch, that was the focal point of the change in the timeline, so only people there would remember the original course of events.


Question: When Agent J travels into the past, he is being put into a neuralizer because he wouldn't tell young Agent K anything. When the neuralizer was being charged up, why didn't J simply close his eyes?

Answer: This neuralizer works more thoroughly and is more powerful than the simple hand held version. This one goes directly for the brain whilst the hand held goes through the eyes.


Answer: MIB agents wear their sunglasses for a reason whenever they neuralyse people, or else they wouldn't have been needing them if all they needed to do was to close their eyes.


Continuity mistake: After the time line is fixed, J meets K in the diner. In one shot, the spoon that is by K's plate moves to the edge of the table, then a few shots later it's back to its original position. (01:36:25)

Quantom X

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Trivia: Even though Frank the pug doesn't appear, there are a couple of references to him. The first one is a big picture of him over J's bed and when J gets pulled over by the cops, there is a billboard advertising for "The Amazing Talking Pug." (00:22:35 - 00:40:25)


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