The Andy Griffith Show

The Andy Griffith Show (1960)

11 mistakes in show generally

(63 votes)

Show generally

Deliberate mistake: During scenes at Walker's Drugstore there are many magazines by the wall near the door, which have tape/paint hiding part or all of their cover titles. Examples are: all the Sports Illustrated have tape across the word "Illustrated", the House and Garden has its "House &" covered, and Time magazine's entire title is blacked out.

Super Grover

Show generally

Continuity mistake: At the "Hen Party", Jeff Pruitt says hello to Thelma Lou and she states she is going to get coffee, then goes to the kitchen. However, when Jeff walks across the room and looks back, Thelma Lou is back in the same area. She never walked back from the kitchen.


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Factual error: When you walk into the courthouse the first jailhouse to the left has a window. But the courthouse is connected to another establishment on that side. A window would be impossible.

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Factual error: The badges they wear don't match the badges on their patches. If there's a badge on the patch, it's supposed to match their actual badge.

terry s

Show generally

Continuity mistake: Scenes shot at Andy's porch have significant differences depending on the filming location, as there are two sets of Andy's porch. One is just the facade of the house in the 'town of Mayberry' in the studio's 40 Acre backlot; and the second is located in the studio's soundstage. Note in some shots the door's sidelights have vertical muntin bars, the screen door has a white handle, whereas in other shots the sidelights' muntin bars are gone and the screen door handle is black (screen door's gone season 5). Also, note the significant difference in the width of the wall between the parlor windows and the door, the height of the parlor windows from the floor, etc.

Super Grover

Show generally

Other mistake: The radio communications consoles on the side desk in the courthouse have a few pieces of black tape covering their brand name (though we know it's Motorola from the visible "M" logo).

Super Grover

Show generally

Revealing mistake: On most of the corners of the buildings, you can see seam lines running down between the different sides of the buildings. The bricks on the opposite sides usually don't line up with each other either even though they are supposed to be the same brick.

terry s

Opie's Group - S8-E9

Andy: Clara, sometimes a parent can't see what he should do, and sometimes it takes a person from the outside to show him. And I'd like to thank you.
Clara: Groovy.

Super Grover

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The Darling Baby - S5-E12

Question: Why is it when they were on the show the Darling sons never spoke? Would they be paid more if they did, or was this some sort of joke?


Answer: It was a joke. They were supposed to be dumb hillbillies.

Both. According to later interviews with both Andy and the Dillards band (the real name of the band that played the parts of the Darling children, of which Charlene (Maggie Peterson - Mancuso was also a member) the reason the Darling boys never had any lines was because they would've had to have been paid if they spoke. In return for appearing without lines or pay, Andy promised to get as much of their music onto the show as possible which, he did. This obviously gave them a lot of exposure.

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