
Show generally

Question: There's probably an obvious answer to this but is there any actual in-show significance to the 'Tossed Salads and Scrambled Eggs' song heard at the end of every episode? I ask mainly because I remembered there was one show in particular where Frasier unintentionally scars Lilith emotionally and pretty much cements the end of their relationship over a misunderstanding about scrambled eggs. Were there any similar conflicts over a tossed salad?

Answer: In the last episode, they explained that Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs is a metaphor for the mixed-up people to whom Frasier dispenses his radio psychiatric advice.

Show generally

Question: Counting his role on Cheers, Kesley Grammar has played Fraiser for twenty years. Is this the record for the longest portrayal of a character by a TV actor?

Answer: It equals the record of James Arness of "Gunsmoke" for the actor who's played the same part on TV NOT in a soap opera. If you include soaps there are two main contenders - William Roache, who's been playing Ken Barlow in "Coronation Street" in the UK since 1960. Don Hastings has been playing Robert Hughes in US soap "As the World Turns" since 1960 as well.

Show generally

Question: When Nanny G says that she has played the same character for twenty years it gets a big laugh. What is the joke? Am I missing something here?

Answer: Nanny G (Nanette Guzman - played by Laurie Metcaf) has been a children's entertainer for twenty years, and tells Frasier, "Do you know what it's like to play the same character for 20 years?!" The joke is that Kelsey Grammer has been playing Frasier Crane since 1984, when the character first appeared on "Cheers", so Kelsey in real life has been doing just that!

Super Grover

Room Service - S5-E15

Question: When Niles and Lilith wake up in the hotel room, what does Niles mean when he says that this happens every day in Arkansas?

Answer: When Frasier and Lilith got married, Lilith became Niles' sister-in-law. Even though they're divorced and she's now his ex-sister-in-law, it was just a joke about the stereotype that in Arkansas, brothers and sisters sleep together. One could also interpret it as in Arkansas, guys sleep with their brother's ex-wives, but that's not a stereotype associated with the South.


Something About Dr. Mary - S7-E16

Question: In the café, Chuck tells Roz something about his wife leaving him for someone. What does he say? I can't make out the last part of his sentence.

Answer: He says that his wife left him in the Caribbean for a Rastafarian. It sounds like 'wasta-fah-wian' due to his speech impediment.


Chosen answer: The turkey's stuffing.

Answer: Lilith had an affair with one of her colleagues.

Captain Defenestrator

I thought that before the end of "Cheers", Frasier and Lilith reconciled? She left her colleague and their eco-pod home, and went back to Frasier?


It's Hard to Say Goodbye If You Won't Leave - S3-E10

Question: In this episode, Frasier is portrayed as being allergic to cats, and cannot be close to Kate's cat. What about the times when he had sex with Kate (at the radio station building, in the elevator in his building, etc.)? As a cat-owner, shouldn't her clothes have set off his allergies before?

Answer: Not necessarily. Cat allergies aren't caused by the cat's fur (so if she has cat fur on her clothes, it wouldn't actually bother his allergies). It's the cat's dander (dry skin flakes), saliva, and/or urine that people are allergic to, so if her clothes don't have traces of any of that, he would be fine. For example, she could have clothes at work she changes into, or simply keeps her clothes in a room the cat isn't around.


Answer: But this is complicated by the episode where Frasier cat sits for a friend.

If there is an episode where he cat sits, it may be worthy of a character mistake entry. Although, only if we see him come in contact with the cat somehow without his allergies acting up. Otherwise someone may submit a correction, such as just because he's allergic to cats doesn't mean he won't do a favor for someone and just deal with his allergies, etc.


A Day in May - S8-E23

Question: Beyond the obvious (he hasn't gotten over it or is still upset about it) is there a reason Martin didn't want to say anything at the parole hearing? And what was the point of showing this?

Answer: While he hasn't gotten over it, he also took into account what the shooter's mother said. He refused to make a statement either for or against him. He can't forgive the shooter, but he's gotten past the anger.

Greg Dwyer

Show generally

Question: Would it be realistic for someone with Martin's injury to need a physical therapist for eleven years?

Answer: No, and it's outright stated in the show that Martin doesn't need her around after a few years, but the Crane family (Niles especially) are very fond of her, and want to have her around. Daphne, too, has become very attached to the Cranes and is reluctant to leave.

Answer: Daphne also cooks and serves meals, handles some errands, cleans, does laundry, etc. She is basically a housekeeper in addition to being Martin's therapist.


The Show Where Woody Shows Up - S6-E13

Question: Niles tells Frasier, "You would never make it in private practice" (after Frasier complains about discussing the same stories with Woody). If Frasier has never operated his own practice, how did he work as a psychiatrist before his radio show?

Answer: Like any doctor, not all psychiatrists have a private practice...some work on the staff in hospitals. When he was on Cheers, before moving to Seattle and his own show, Frasier worked at Boston General.

Answer: Over multiple seasons, a long-running show's details can often change or are inadvertently forgotten, creating plot holes. This would be such an example.


Answer: Odometer. It's the thing in the car that measures how far you've gone. It's a joke on how many guys she's been with.

Kaitlin Schwartzel

Answer: According to Wikipedia (so add the usual disclaimer), Frasier is six years older than Niles. Daphne's age is never stated - if we were to make the assumption that she's the same age as the actress who plays her, then Daphne would be three years younger than Niles.


Wikipedia does say Daphne was born in 1969.


Show generally

Question: Is there anyway to see the scenes at the end of each episode without the theme song playing over it so the dialogue can be heard?


Chosen answer: There is no dialogue - the end scenes are deliberately constructed to be visual, with no audio.

Chosen answer: 'Radio Wars' - Season 7 episode 3.

Answer: She did not see herself reprising that role unless Rebecca had made a huge change like becoming a psychiatrist.

Paul Pepiton

Answer: I read somewhere that it was because she was a Scientologist, and they don't believe in psychiatry. So joining a show that was so much based around that profession she considered it was somehow going against her beliefs.

Answer: It's a joke that relies on the stereotype that British people drink warm beer (i.e., the pub is so authentically British, they don't have any means to cool a drink). In reality, this isn't the case; lagers and most beers are refrigerated, while cask ales (a.k.a. "real ales") are served at "cellar temperature", which is usually colder than room temperature but not as cold as being in the fridge. For Americans used to "chilled" or "ice cold" beers, this comes across as warm and gave rise to the idea that Britons drink warm/tepid/room temperature beer...whence the joke.

And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon (1) - S8-E1

Question: When Frasier is in Donny's office, Donny says that he will sue Daphne for "breach of contract." How is this possible unless he and Daphne, at some point, created a verbal or written contract, in which Daphne specifically promised to marry him? Is accepting a marriage proposal the same as creating a verbal contract?

Answer: There are U.S. states that still have "breach of promise" tort laws, However, these are generally designed for one party to recoup any financial losses they may have incurred during the engagement (cost of the ring, engagement parties, pre-wedding costs, honeymoon expenses, etc). A party cannot sue for emotional damage, and any claims have to be within a certain time period after the engagement is ended. Donny is just upset, and he is mostly making an idle threat out of anger.


Answer: It fleshes out her character as being previously married, divorced, and having a child – typical for someone her age. It gave her a backstory.


Niles sees the photo of the adult son and guesses that Mel was young when her son was born. One of her employees scoffs at the comment. The joke is that Mel is probably older than Niles thinks and may have had cosmetic surgery, being in the business herself. Maris was also a few years older than Niles, so it's another way in which Mel is similar to Maris. Frasier later says that she is "Maris all over again".

Enemy at the Gate - S10-E2

Visible crew/equipment: When Frasier is standing through his sunroof to speak with the drivers stuck behind him in the parking garage, one shot shows Frasier's body and much of the rear window which features a very clear reflection of the boom mic.

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Selling Out - S1-E9

Frasier: Roger, at Cornell University they have an incredible piece of scientific equipment known as the Tunneling Electron Microscope. Now, this microscope is so powerful that by firing electrons you can actually see images of the atom, the infinitesimally minute building blocks of our universe. Roger, if I were using that microscope right now, I still wouldn't be able to locate my interest in your problem.

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