Freddy Vs. Jason

Question: Why was Kane Hodder disallowed to reprise the role of Jason? I know that director wanted Jason to be taller than Freddy but Kane Hodder is taller than Robert Englund. Thus, if he was hired again, Jason still would have been taller than Freddy.

Answer: This is one of those questions where we'll probably never know the real reason because different people involved have different stories as to why Kirzinger was picked over Holder. Holder himself has said he doesn't know why he didn't reprise the role, especially since he was told he would and was given a script. Some accounts say Yu wanted Jason to tower over Freddy and Kirzinger is 2" taller than Holder. One of the casting directors said Yu thought Holder's version of Jason was too campy. Meanwhile, Yu said it was New Line Cinema's decision to recast Holder because they want to change the direction of the film and used this film as a reboot of the series.


Question: When Will convinces Mark to hold off leaving town so he can go save Lori, Mark says "OK, but if you're not here by morning, I'm outta here." Just wondering how Mark was going to leave town (if he survived the night and Will didn't make it back) since Will had his vehicle?


Answer: He could choose to either hitchhike or get someone to take him to the next town.

Answer: Mark could have hiked on out of town. Or he could have bicycled. Or got a bus. Or a cab.


Answer: The town has said no-one comes in, and no-one leaves (which how do some of the character get to crystal lake which is in the movie mistakes as a plot hole) how could he leave?


Question: It shows in Jason's dream that he drowned as a kid, so how is it that he is now an adult? Also was he handicapped or just deformed?

Den Mitchell

Chosen answer: Jason survived due to his unique healing abilities, at the end of the original "Friday the 13th" he is shown coming out of the lake. He is deformed with some mental handicap.


Question: After Jason ripped off Freddy's arm, why didn't Freddy simply regenerate his limb? He regenerated both of his arms during their first fight.

Answer: Freddy was able to do that only because his powers work in the dream world, not in the real world.


Question: I still don't understand the situation with Lori's mum. So Freddy killed her, and her dad covered it up with the story of her dying in a car accident. So, I don't understand the scene where he is walking towards her in a threatening manner and Will is seeing it. What did Lori's dad exactly do at the moment Freddy killed his wife?

Answer: As the mum was being killed, Will saw her dad standing over her with a knife. He thought her dad was trying to kill her mum when he was actually attempting to fight Freddy. To continue with the coverup and attempt to bury Freddy, her dad had Will committed.


Question: When the ghost of Jason's mother, Pamela Voorhees, appears in his dream, why is Pamela so much older than when she died? (Actress Betsy Palmer was 54 when she played the character in the first film.)

Answer: Supposedly, they actually tried to get Betsy Palmer to appear in the film as a cameo, but she didn't for one reason or another. While I can't know for sure, I'm assuming that they cast Paula Shaw because she loosely resembled Betsy Palmer around the time the movie was being made. (I actually remember a lot of people wrongly thinking it was Palmer in the film.)


Question: The first "Friday the 13th" movie gave me the impression that Jason drowned while trying to swim alone at night. However, this movie shows that a group of campers pushed him into the lake during daytime. Which scene portrays his actual death?

Answer: Jason drowned in the lake and wasn't a very good swimmer. Maybe the kids pushed him in as a "joke" and the counselors weren't watching him. Hence how he "died" because nobody was there to save him, as two counselors were making love.

Answer: Jason didn't drown at night. I just watched a YouTube clip of Mrs. Voorhees talking to Alice (in the first movie). She says that she working the "day" that it happened. There are visions of Jason in the water. They appear dark in tone, but show enough light for a daytime setting.

Answer: It was the original Friday the 13th. Nobody anticipated there'd be a crossover. I think director Ronny Yu did this change for the sake of making Jason sympathetic.


Question: Why did they transfer Jason who was put to sleep to Camp Crystal Lake? I think Lori talked about this in the van, but I'm afraid it didn't make much sense. Why was it again?

Bunch Son

Answer: Since Freddy is using Jason to bring himself back, they want to put Jason back to sleep. Since he sleeps at Crystal Lake, that is where he would go when he finally does. Bringing him there also minimizes the chance for collateral damage and deaths and puts Jason on his home turf for the fight.


Revealing mistake: When Freddy and Jason are fighting towards the end of the movie, Freddy cuts Jason's fingers off so he drops his machete. But when Freddy catches it you can easily see that it isn't a real one (it's made of rubber, or something like that). (01:20:40)

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Shack: This ever-clear is kicking my ass.

More quotes from Freddy Vs. Jason

Trivia: The principal at Laurie's High School is Robert Shaye, the producer for all of the Elm Street flicks, he even has a part as himself in New Nightmare, and a cameo in Freddy's Dead. The DVD has a deleted scene in which he has a couple of lines.

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