X-Men 2

Question: Is there a reason for Storm creating a storm when the X-Men talk to the president or is it just to make the scene more "spooky"?

Answer: The president is delivering a live address on television. The storm would make an excuse for the break in the signal.

Nick N.

Question: Why does Charles look out of the window in the end of the movie, when he's teaching a class?

Answer: Presumably he is sensing the presence of Jean/Phoenix.


Question: When Mystique is disguised as Senator Kelly, why did she tell the other politicians about Professor Xavier's school?

Answer: Stryker was trying to get permission from the President to raid the school on the grounds that it is a mutant training facility. Mystique interjects and claims it is a docile boarding school in an attempt to dissuade the President from granting Stryker's request, as she doesn't want the students at the school to be harmed.


Question: In a conversation between Senator Kelly and Colonel Stryker - regarding whether Stryker wants a war - Stryker says he was leading military operations when Kelly was still a baby. Kelly isn't young. How old are each character supposed to be? (Granted, that's technically Mystique as Kelly, but Stryker does not know that).

Answer: Given his history with Logan, Stryker could easily be in in 70s. Assuming Senator Kelly is in his 50s, that could put Stryker as a young operative when Kelly was born. In any case, he may be exaggerating.

Question: Does Cyclops sleep with his visor on?

Answer: He has various other sets of glasses made of the same material - he would wear one of those rather than his bulkier visor.


Question: When the X-men are trying to escape Alkali Lake we see Rogue flying the X-jet but why is she flying it in the first place?

Answer: The jet was originally left some distance from the base to avoid detection - when it became apparent that things were going to hell, Bobby and Rogue decided to try moving the jet closer to the base in order to rescue their friends.


Question: When Jean 'hears everything' at the museum, she hears a man yell "to the shelter" this suggests that she can hear all the way to Washington D.C. with her incoming increase of powers. My question is can the Phoenix hear the future? If you watch with the subtitles, you see as she's looking around, it says WOMAN- THEY'RE GONNA KILL HIM the voice is of Rogue in the scene where she bobby and john are in the tunnels after Logan closes the passage way.

Answer: The Phoenix Force is a primal force of the universe and Jean is tapping into it. As such, she's heading for a point where she really doesn't have any limitations - in the comics, Phoenix destroyed an entire star system. A degree of precognition doesn't seem remotely out of the question.


Question: Do Nightcrawler and Storm have a crush on each other or something? They seem pretty close...

Answer: Not a crush, they just connect. Storm feels for him because of the pain and suffering he has been through, and Nightcrawler feels for her because she is angry at the world and he tries to comfort her. Besides that, he is closer to her because she was the first of the group to try and get to know him.

T Poston

Question: What was the deal with Magneto switching the metal squares in Cerebro around? They said Prof. X just needed to concentrate on a certain group of people, and the 'little girl' was telling him to concentrate on the mutants and then the humans, and we already saw he could switch between them without aid so why was rearranging the plates necessary?

Answer: He could switch between them in Cerebro. In Cerebro 2 (built at Alkali Lake), the plates had to be moved to find/kill one or the other. Stryker deliberately set it up that way so that Professor X couldn't hurt any humans (like himself or his troops) if he came to his senses in the second Cerebro.

Grumpy Scot

Question: When Mystique is in Logan's tent, why did she keep shape-shifting into other people?

Answer: She wants to have sex with him, but he's not going for it, so she takes on the appearance of other women to see if it will entice him.


Question: What is the the book "the once and future king" about?

Answer: "The Once and Future King" is a tale of King Arthur.

Timothy Cheseborough

Question: Apparently Jubilee is in the scene when the army attacks the mansion. Can anyone tell me where she is? Thanks.

Answer: Jubilee appears several times throughout the movie, although not seen using her powers, apart from in deleted scenes on the DVD. She is the Asian girl running around the mansion, she is in the holding cell in Alkali Lake (Storm shouts "Jubilee" to her), she is seen with a blanket wrapped around her when they find the helicopter is gone and she is seen in Xavier's office at the end.

Question: I don't get why Rogue is defending Bobby from what his parents are saying, because doesn't she hate her powers?


Answer: She may hate her powers, but she also hates being persecuted for being a mutant when it's not her fault. Plus, she truly does think Bobby is gifted and that his mutant powers are special (they were able to share a kiss because of his powers).


Answer: She does, but she also knows her situation is not everybody's (her power kills people, Bobby's makes nice ice flowers), and as a fellow mutant and Bobby's friend she comes to his defense.

Question: When Logan returns to the mansion, how come Rogue got so excited? she couldn't have known it was him, and also, did she not think that it might upset Bobby that she was really excited to see another man?


Chosen answer: She has a bit of a crush on Logan, and when she heard the motorcycle (which Logan had "borrowed") she assumed it was him. She's a teenager, so she probably wasn't thinking about Bobby's feelings.

Question: I think Storm and Jean trusted Nightcrawler pretty easily. But what make them think that he wouldn't have tried to escape from them? It could have been possible so maybe it would have been easier to tie him up, gag him and lock him into the X-Jet instead of letting him sit in the back seat?

Answer: Tying Nightcrawler up wouldn't work as he is a teleporter! Jean could use her power to stop him from teleporting, so it's possible she was stopping him on the X-Jet, but they probably did just trust him. Restraining him would pretty much ensure he wouldn't trust them.


Question: They talk about how Nightcrawler may accidentally teleport himself into a wall. What would have happened if he did?

Answer: If he appears within the wall, he would die. The structure of a wall is solid so his body including his organs and so on would only appear (or materialise) within cracks and gaps within the wall. Something could not "instantly form" within a solid area.


Question: Is Wolverine actually a 'mutant'? Since he had the adamantium surgically grafted in his skin, it didn't come naturally like mutants do.

Answer: Yes, his mutant abilities are enhanced senses, enhanced strength and agility and rapid healing, along with retractable bone claws. His healing factor is what allowed him to survive the implantation of the adamantium.

Grumpy Scot

Question: During the conversation between Magneto and John on the X-Jet, why did Magneto refer to "The X-Men" as the real bad guys? Didn't he try to kill Rogue in the previous movie?

Answer: Because the X-Men are his enemies. Magneto does not see himself as the bad guy.


Since Magneto and Xavier were formerly best friends, and he knows that Xavier formed the X-Men, he doesn't really consider them to be "the real bad guys" they are just obstacles in his way. He will always consider humanity to be "the real bad guys" and in the context of the film, his helmet is the only thing that would protect him from Stryker's corrupted version of Cerebro.

Question: What happened to Jason? I know Stryker said he died but it sure didn't seem like that.

Answer: Of course he died! He was left in the collapsing/flooding cerebro, which Professor X was only barely rescued from safely.

Question: Why were the X-men planning to escape in the helicopter instead of the jet they came in? Did they forget that Rogue and Bobby and John were waiting for them?


Chosen answer: The dam was breaking and at any moment they could all be killed. The helicopter was merely the quickest way to escape since they were much closer to it. Presumably they would have contacted Rogue and Bobby as soon as they got in and guided them on how to escape, or tried to go and pick them up.

X-Men 2 mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Storm and Nightcrawler rush to rescue the children from the holding cell, you see a shot of the cell where the children stand up and say "Listen..." before Nightcrawler teleports inside. If you look carefully, you will see Nightcrawler's silhouette in the shadow against the wall. (01:27:50)

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Policeman: Put the knives down!
Wolverine: I can't.

More quotes from X-Men 2

Trivia: Magneto is reading 'The Once and Future King' by T H White. In the novel Merlin is trapped in a crystal cave - Magneto in a similar plastic/glass cave.

More trivia for X-Men 2

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