Question: Why did Pamela follow Jason to Russia if she had the tape with Abbot's confession?
Question: How did Bourne find Abbott?
Question: What was the soundtrack when Bourne was searching for Neski and Hotel Brecker? Could not find it anywhere.
Question: When Bourne interrogates Nikki (under duress) in the underground station, Nikki insists that Bourne had never worked in Berlin, much less completed his first mission there. But it is established that Bourne had killed the Neskis in Berlin on what is described by Conklin as his first mission. Assuming Nikki has no reason to lie and that she would have accurate information about Bourne's activities, what might explain that issue?
Answer: Conklin was using Bourne for an off-book hit on the Neskis because Neski knew about the stolen money and the oil leases. Bourne was told it was a genuine "hit" for patriotic purposes, but it was not.
Question: Abbott and Gretkov could have framed anyone else for stealing the Neski's file, why did they frame Bourne whom they knew well was a tough cookie? Even if Kirill was successful in killing Jason right from the beginning, it took a lot of effort to do so.
Chosen answer: They frame Bourne because Borne was actually the one who killed Neski and his wife (he was doing it on Conklin's orders). Once Pam Landy does some digging, she will realize this; then it's a simple matter of putting two and two together - the man who killed Neski would obviously have a huge motive for covering up his crime. This is why Abbot and Gretski frame Bourne: he's the perfect fall guy.
Question: How did Jarda, the last treadstone agent (besides Bourne) set off the silent alarm in his house?
Chosen answer: While it's not explicitly spelled out, it's suggested that he was suspicious from the moment he entered the house (which is why he quickly goes for the gun in the fridge), so what he entered on the alarm keypad when he came in was not a disarm code, but was instead some sort of emergency code which called for backup.
Question: In The Bourne Identity, Conklin orders his staff to activate all Treadstone operatives. The only one in Germany is Pico, who is based in Hamburg. In the Bourne Supremacy, Jason Bourne returns to Berlin and kills the "last" Treadstone field agent. This operative never makes mention of the fact that he killed Conklin. Was he supposed to be the same field agent as Pico from Hamburg in Bourne Identity? If so, it is a different actor playing the same role. That may not be so uncommon, but there is a mistake in the city where the German operative is based - Jason Bourne tells him: "You should have moved" - as if he was always based in Berlin, not Hamburg. Anyone have an explanation?
Answer: Picot from The Bourne Identity is not in The Bourne Supremacy. The one Jason Bourne pays a visit is called Jardo (director Paul Greengrass mentions this on the commentary track) and lives in Munich (visible on screen), ie. South Germany.
Question: How did Jason know where Jarda, the last treadstone agent, lived? How do they know each other?
Answer: Either they trained together or just felt some comradeship as Treadstone assets. Jarda says "Word in the ether was you'd lost your memory" to which Bourne replies "You still should have moved", implying that prior to Bourne's amnesia he knew of the safehouse where Jarda lived. Also, in the first film, Bourne accessed the safehouse in Paris where Nicky Parsons managed Treadstone logistics, there could have been data on agent locations there.
Question: At the end of the film, Is Kiril trying to kill Bourne because it is his mission, or is he doing it simply out of bitterness that he failed the first time?
Chosen answer: It is clear that Gretkov expects Kirill to finish the job he failed the first time around, since Gretkov contacts Kirill after he found out that Bourne was still alive. To quote the movie: Kirill: You told me I had one month off. Gretkov: You told me Jason Bourne was dead.
Also, I question if he was trying to kill Borne. He had a clear shot and hit him in the shoulder. These are trained assassins. No way he doesn't kill Bourne with one shot there. It doesn't make sense that he's a bad shot assassin.
Question: Bourne did not kill the men at the deal in the beginning of the film, so who did? Matt Damon is definitely playing the killer, as we see his face for brief moments in between shadows, etc. in order for us to think it is him. Was it Kirill, Karl Urban's character? Or the former Treadstone agent?
Answer: It was Kiril, in the pay of the Russian businessman.
Question: After Marie dies, why does Bourne burn the pictures of her as well as her possessions but keeps of picture of him and her?
Answer: It would be standard practice from his old career as an assassin - leave no evidence behind, don't carry anything with you that you don't have to, so he burns all the passports that were created for her and so on. It's only when he gets the photograph of the two of them together that he can't bring himself to burn it - after all, he loved her; she means too much to him to just discard it completely.
Question: Why is it so important that Landy's phone is engaged when Bourne asks the receptionist at her hotel to ring her? There must have been a reason why he specifically made sure that she is already on the phone before getting the receptionist to ring her, but why? I know that when the receptionist dials, Bourne looks over and finds out Landy's room number, but what was so important about it being engaged when he did this?
Answer: So that the operator couldn't tell Landy that someone is asking to speak to her, and alert her that someone is interested in her.
It's so that Bourne could get Landy's room number and ensure that she was in the room so that he could track/follow her.
Question: In the final scene with Bourne and Landy, we find out Bourne's real name is David Webb. As this scene was only added after previews, was the audience originally going to find this out?
Answer: The original final scene, Jason walking through the snow, was described as "dismal". Something slightly more upbeat had to be added, paralleling the happy ending of "The Bourne Identity".
Question: What was the name of the music piece during the final car chase, the one where Bourne smashed Karl Urban's car into the wall, killing him and is it on the soundtrack?
Answer: The final car-chase music is called 'Bim Bam Smash' and yes, it is on the soundtrack.
Question: When Jason Bourne is running from the Hotel Brecker, he runs under a bridge over a main highway. The bridge is on a diagonal and it looks like the bridge Lola ran under in 'Run, Lola, Run' which was also set in Russia and starred Franka Potente. Was the same bridge used in both movies, and if not, what are the names of the two bridges?
Answer: "Run, Lola, Run" was not set in Russia, but in Berlin, and was shot there. Parts of "The Bourne Supremacy" were shot in Berlin, too. So chances are, it's simply the same bridge. I seem to remember seeing the same bridge in "Wings of Desire" (Der Himmel ueber Berlin). Perhaps it's just the most accessible for filming.
Question: When Kirill shoots Bourne from the bridge, he only fires once. Why doesn't he empty his gun and finish him? He has enough time before he the police arrive.
Answer: Bourne is a significant distance away from the bridge, and nearly round the corner by the time Kirill takes aim and fires. He was lucky to hit Bourne at all from that distance and angle, and with rapid fire from a handgun it would be almost impossible to get a subsequent hit, and Bourne would have ducked out of sight almost instantly. Also the police show up only five seconds after his shot, so he didn't have a lot of time.
These guys are professional killers/assassins. It's hard for me to believe that he couldn't get a deadeye shot there. But unless I missed something, it's the only explanation that can be made I guess.
Bourne and his fellow Treadstone agents were expert killers and assassins, there is no indication that Kirill, seemingly a regular FSB officer, possessed similar skills to that level - we don't see him fight, drive particularly well, and the long-distance sniper shot he takes in Goa hits the wrong person (Maree).
Question: In the Bourne Identity, Conklin orders all Treadstone operatives to kill Bourne and Jarda was neither shown in any scene or mentioned. In the Bourne Supremacy, Bourne hunts Jarda down and Jarda says, "we are the last two." How is this possible?
Answer: Only three Treadstone assets are shown being activated for the Bourne mission (there had to have been more), and all in Western Europe, so by "all of them" and "everyone" Conklin presumably meant all local/available assets. Manheim was based in Germany, so Jarda was probably elsewhere at the time, as he was in Germany in The Bourne Supremacy.
Question: After finding Pamela at her hotel Jason follows her in a taxi. Is the music played here listed anywhere as I could not find it on the soundtrack CD. Thank you.
Chosen answer: John Powell - To The Roof.
Question: I guess I wasn't paying much attention, but who is the girl he is talking to at the end about killing her parents? More so what I mean is, who are her parents, and when did he kill them? I have no idea what he is referencing and don't remember him killing a male and a female at any point.
Question: I get the point about Gretkov finding out from Abbott that Bourne is still alive, before Abbott kills himself, but how did Gretkov/Kirill know that Bourne went to Russia straight after?
Answer: Landy told an associate to let the Russian government know Bourne was on his way to them. The police show up to canvas the train station just after Bourne has left in a cab. Kirill is a secret service officer and would know this as well.
Chosen answer: Conklin ordered Bourne to kill the Neskis, telling him it was a training mission, when in fact it was an unofficial, off-the-books assignment to cover up his and Abbott's corrupt dealings with Gretkov, which Neski was about to expose. Nicky did not know about this Berlin mission as it was not an official Treadstone operation.
Sierra1 ★
Conklin did not tell Bourne that it was a training mission. Conklin told Bourne "this is not a drill soldier...this is a live project, you're a go."
Partially correct. After Bourne eliminates the Neskis, Conklin says "Congratulations soldier, training is over." This implies that while the mission was real, Bourne was still an asset in training, and off the books.
By "not a drill" and "live project", Conklin is telling Bourne to actually kill the Neskis - like killing the hooded man for Hirsch, it's training him to do anything for Treadstone. It could be that the edit is out of chronological order, but the order of the scenes implies that after Bourne has done the job and returned to the car, Conklin says "Congratulations, soldier. Training is over."
Sierra1 ★