The Fifth Element

Answer: Jill Mullan.

Donald Jenkins

Answer: Haviland Morris.

Question: Has anyone recognized any of the pictures on the wall of the building on the left as Corben's taxi is being tailed by 4 police cars? They seem like they're significant, if not direct references.

Tony Martin

Answer: I looked it up and it is Jill Milan. If you do a search for her, it is in her credits as an actress.

Question: The Diva gets to perform only one song of her concert before she is mortally gunshot in the abdomen. Almost simultaneously, Zorg sets a time-bomb to detonate in 20 minutes. Korben removes the stones from the Diva's dead body and barely escapes from the Fhloston cruise liner before it explodes 20 minutes later. Korben and his party immediately fly at hyperspeed straight to Earth and set the stones in place with only 5 minutes to spare. If they had followed the original plan without interruption and the Diva hadn't been unexpectedly murdered, she would have proceeded with the remainder of her concert, lasting an indeterminate amount of time; thereafter, presumably, she would have to undergo surgery to remove the stones from her body and deliver them to Korben, all of which would have taken far too long for him to save the Earth, correct?

Charles Austin Miller

Chosen answer: Not necessarily. Remember that the evil sped up once he knew Zorg was dead and the team had the stones. And we don't know how the Diva was going to get the stones out.

Greg Dwyer

Answer: At the end of the Diva's big number she bows, and they close the big curtains behind her displaying the amazing view. Maybe that was it, one big epic song. Plus, she asked Leeloo to wait in the hallway for her which seems kind of rude if it's the longer concerts we think of, so I don't think she planned on being that long. The Diva definitely gave off the mystic physic vibe so maybe she knew her fate. However, that would mean that she told Leeloo to wait in the hallway knowing she wasn't coming back, and maybe even knew the big beasties would show up. Either way you are correct about the dramatic timing issues all around in this movie, not that I mind.

Nikita Moon

Answer: The Diva already knew her fate... she knew it was her last song and fate would unfold the way it did.

Question: During the scene when the blue alien is singing at the opera, Leeloo begins her fight scene with the big aliens. She fights them one by one. Why don't the aliens simply shoot Leeloo? They all simply stand around as if they don't know what to do. One finally takes a couple shots at her and he quickly runs out of ammo. Three or more turn up and they too simply stand there as Leeloo winds up a punch for like five seconds while one big alien is standing right behind her watching the whole thing. This enitre scene never made any sense to me.

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: As demonstrated several times throughout the movie, that particular species isn't particularly intelligent, that they didn't do the obvious thing that you mentioned further enhances their status as being quite stupid. They are also planting a bomb and need to remain quiet or risk alerting security.

Plus it's just a well sequenced and choreographed fight scene highlighting the uniquely artist and fun vibe of this movie. And maybe a small reference to the typical sitcom type shows from that era. Where it's always a group of enemies that seem to wait to take turns to fight the hero, or only in small groups, when they could easily swarm the them. This allows for a show casing of different knock out moves, which we all enjoy when done right.

Nikita Moon

Question: Right after the opera scene when Willis is getting the stones his shirt has sleeves. When he exits the opera house his sleeves are ripped off and he has blood on him. Was there a deleted fight scene?

Answer: Korben's shirt is fine before the fight with the aliens who walk back into the theater after Ruby shoots the hostage one by accident. A deleted or not filmed fight sequence occurs in which Korben and Ruby both get their shirts ripped up and gain several small wounds. The point where we see Korben shoot the three on the balcony is after he's taken care of the ones in the theater.

Question: What happened to the Mondoshawan trapped inside the temple at the beginning of the film? When we see the temple again towards the end of the film it isn't there anymore. Did it get out? If so, how?


Chosen answer: The Mondoshawan died. It was moved out of the temple room by David while he was preparing for the arrival of the heroes.


Answer: The opening scene happens 300 years before our heroes and story line kicks in, as it tells us on screen when we switch the 'present'. So, it stands to reason that the large metal bodies were removed or collected by the Priesthood of that time, and maybe a few after - did you see the size of those things? Plus there were a lot of them. It does seem to imply their death, the heroic sacrifice for life. But I've never fully bought that. The big metal beastie gives the priest the key, which the 'present' priest 300 yrs later has. I'm sure the first priest and his buddies (or a posse of Egyptian child labor candidates) pried that door open and got them out. Dead or alive. There's no way that skinny, awkward, priest kid in training would have been able to clean all that up on his own. Nor do I think they would have just left the big mess of dead aliens for 300yrs.

Question: I still don't know whether Leeloo is human or an alien. Can anyone explain her story for me?

Answer: Leeloo was originally human in some form; the Supreme Being label indicates that she's just an extremely advanced human. Her essence has resided on Earth for many thousands of years, but the Mondoshawans (aliens) remove her for safekeeping. She is reconstructed from the few cells remaining in the statue from the alien wreckage.


Answer: She's a supreme being who isn't so much alien but more of an evolved hybrid of divine and human. She protects not just Earth but the whole universe. She is also a weapon who seems to be within the Mondeshewans control and care, as shown in the first Egypt scene, and they are alien. She is also linked to Earth, meaning she is meant to 'go off' on Earth in the temple specifically thus is created in our likeness.

Nikita Moon

Question: When the 'survivor' is brought into the lab, it appears to me to be a Mondoshewan arm holding a lever of some sort. The Mondoshewans themselves aren't the fifth element so I must be wrong. So what is it? Is it the arm of the statue seen at the start?

Answer: If you look at the statue / sarcophagus at the beginning (specifically when they are hovering it out of the tomb) you can see the hand of the 5th element is visible on the side of the statue / sarcophagus. That hand part matches what you see in the lab regen chamber. The 'lever' you see her holding is one of the handles of the case that originally held the stones (you can see the missing handle when Zorg gets the case from the mercs).

Question: When Zorg is on the phone with "Mr. Shadow", he gets very nervous and starts sweating. Then a black, gooey substance starts running down that nose...what is that?

Michael Westpy

Answer: The substance is actually blood - in extreme cases some people have been known to secrete blood from their pores. I believe it is a Biblical reference even when encountering extreme anguish or in this case the ultimate Evil it is simply More Than The Human Condition can bear and causes any human that interacts with it to break down on a physical level therefore leaking life out of their body uncontrollably.

Answer: It's supposed to be concentrated evil.

So, Hershey's chocolate syrup.

Chosen answer: It happens to everybody who speaks with Mr. Shadow, but it's never really explained what it is. I think it's only written something like "a brown substance" in the scenario.

Dr Wilson

Question: When Korben speaks to Finger, they state that Finger was in his unit: "...sat beside you for over a thousand missions. I know how you drive." Two questions: Who does the voice of Finger, and does that not negate the 3rd reason why Korben was chosen for the mission, that no one else in his unit survived?


Chosen answer: 1. IMDB doesn't list anyone in the credits for the role of Finger. 2. Military members often serve in more than one unit over the course of their careers. I was in for four years and was with two different units and Korben was in for much longer. Finger and Korben could have been in a unit together then one of them transfered to a different unit later on.

Shannon Jackson

Answer: Finger is an uncredited voice performance by Vin Diesel.

This has never been confirmed, and is speculation at best. Also, while Finger sounds vaguely like Vin Diesel, the voices are different enough that it's unlikely to be him.

Question: Early in the film, the Mangalore warrior Aknot mutters "Showtime" as he leads the attack on the Mondoshawan transport ship, destroying it. Shortly thereafter, at Zorg's factory, we see Aknot shape-shift between his human disguise and his natural Mangalore appearance. Much later in the film, we see Aknot in his same human disguise again aboard the Fhloston cruise ship, where Aknot again mutters "Showtime" before leading a murderous assault. So we recognize Aknot by his appearance and his mannerisms throughout the film. But wait: Presumably, Zorg killed the Mangalores who failed him (including Aknot) with a powerful explosive booby-trap at his factory, early in the film. So, how did Aknot appear much later aboard the Fhloston cruise ship? (There is no reason to assume that the Mangalores were capable of surviving the powerful blast at Zorg's factory, because we see Mangalores killed by smaller explosions and small firearms throughout the film).

Charles Austin Miller

Chosen answer: Aknot wasn't killed, just injured in the explosion - he didn't seem to to be too close to the Mangalore whose weapon exploded. You see him later with several wounds, when he resolves to get the stones from Fhloston to get revenge on Zorg.


Question: Who does the voice of Finger? This has been driving me nuts for years.


Chosen answer: General consensus is Bokeem Woodbine (not Vin Diesel as many believe), although there's no official credit.


Consensus of who? (THGhost)... you sound convinced but based off what?

Nikita Moon

I agree, Nikita. Of all the speculation out there, I only found one person suggest it was Woodbine. The consensus is it's Vin Diesel, even Screen Rant makes this claim. Although it's all speculation and nothing confirmed.


I was just reporting what was believed at the time, not just by me. Based on what, you ask? A simple Google search, obviously. No need for the shirtyness, Nikita :P That information may have been wrong though. So if it is in fact Vin Diesel, then cool. Love that guy.


Question: Corben and Leeloo fly to Fhloston Paradise planet in spaceship at hyper-speed (around speed of light). And the flight takes long enough for the spaceship crew to put passengers asleep. Let's say the flight at hyper-speed takes 2 hours. That means it would take 2 hours for radio signal originated from Fhloston to reach Earth. But 1) After Corben enters his hotel room on Fhloston he gets call from his mother who is on Earth. And they are talking over the phone in real time with no signal delay! 2) President and his cabinet - who are on Earth - are observing events on Fhloston via radio with no signal delay! How that might be? I realise that movie events take place in the future where new advanced communication technologies might be invented. But the speed of light is a universal constant that can't be changed or exceeded. So it would still take 2 hours (in our example) for the signal to be exchanged between planets. How come Earth and Fhloston communicate each other with no signal delay?


Answer: I think the issue here is that you are trying to apply real-world logic to an overly fantastical film. There's not necessarily a feasible or realistic explanation... but that's okay, because the film doesn't need one. It's just not that type of movie. And that's part of the fun of this film. It's a wacky, crazy movie. (Not to mention, instantaneous communication when there should be a delay is a pretty common trope in all of sci-fi.) You just gotta go with it. The best possible explanation I could give you is "futuristic sci-fi technology somehow makes it possible." But again, it's just not that type of film where it really matters.


Question: Who is the voice of Mr. Shadow?

Answer: Nobody is credited with the voice of Mr. Shadow, nor with the voice of Korben Dallas' mother. There's only speculation.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: I bet money it was Tom Lister Jr. under voice altering. He plays the president in the movie.

Question: When Korben first drops of Leeloo at the Priest's apartment, he is wearing a tank top. At the seam of his shoulder running vertically is a scar. The year before, Die Hard with a Vengeance premiered and McClane was injured in that same spot. Seemed like a strange bit to add to T5E. Did anyone recall any backstory or explanation for that scar? Other than his general only survivor of his unit (don't tell Fingers, that deserter!) description.

Answer: Bruce Willis has had that scar since he was 17, as a result of surgery after a broken arm.

Jon Sandys

Question: What's the name of the song that plays at the end of the movie, when Korben and Leeloo are in the blue chamber?

Answer: The song is "Little Light of Love, " words and music by Eric Serra (who also composed the score). Nourith provided the female backing vocals while Eric sings the song himself.

Question: In the Fifth Element who is it that removes Korben's name card from his door before Leeloo arrives?

Answer: It is the Priest (Cornelius) who rips the name card off.

Question: Ruby claims that the Mangalores stink. If so, what's the point in disguising their appearance (like Aknot did)? The stench would blow their cover no matter the mascara.


Answer: I can't give a complete answer but in the spaceport there seems to be a garbage strike which might mask the Mangalores' smell (although no characters comment on the garbage smelling). Also, Mangalores are thuggish fighters, not clever spies, so they may not have thought of it. But I agree that doesn't explain this mistake fully.

The Fifth Element mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Right after they "create" Leeloo and she is lying in the plastic cage with the little straps on her, the guy approaches her and says, "if you want out, you are going to have to work on your communication skills." She gives him a dirty look, and then you can see a huge hole, pre-cut in the glass, that she busts her hand through. (00:29:47)

More mistakes in The Fifth Element

Leeloo: Leeloo Dallas mul-ti-pass.
Korben Dallas: Yeah.
Leeloo: Mul-ti-pass.
Korben Dallas: Yeah, multipass, she knows it's a multipass. Leeloo Dallas. This is my wife.
Leeloo: Mul-ti-pass.
Korben Dallas: We're newlyweds. Just met. You know how it is. We bumped into each other, sparks happen...
Leeloo: Mul-ti-pass.
Korben Dallas: Yes, she knows it's a multipass. Anyway, we're in love.

More quotes from The Fifth Element

Trivia: The film was one of the first movies Sony released on the high-definition Blu-ray format in 2006. Unfortunately, the Blu-ray was considered a disaster due to a poor remaster that looked essentially indecipherable from the standard-def DVD. It was so widely hated that a year later, Sony released a replacement Blu-ray with a new HD remaster, and offered free copies to anyone who bought the original release. Thankfully this second Blu-ray was widely praised for its (much) better picture quality.


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