Fantastic Four

Question: When Reed, Sue and Ben see Johnny on TV, they see that he has a four on his uniform. Sue asks where it came from and at this point a brief glimpse of a four is also on Reeds uniform but then he quickly hides it giving the indication that he put one on his uniform as well as the others. If Reed only wanted to find a way of getting rid of their powers, then why would he place a four on his uniform? He didn't want to use his powers to help people at all. He only wanted to find a way to cure himself and the others.

Answer: From the look on Reed's face, I assumed he checked to see if he had the patch on his suit as well. He sees that he does and in order to hide it from the others in fear of Ben and Susan thinking he was involved, he hid it quickly and did not mention it.

T Poston

Question: What is the name of the song that is played in the boat, while they have a party, at the end of Fantastic Four?

Answer: That song is "New World Symphony" by Miri Ben-Ari.

Question: During the final fight Mr. Fantastic makes a remark about hot metal cooling fast, what is this about?

Answer: Ever see Aliens 3? When a metal gets hot, it expands. When it suddenly cools, it doesn't contract evenly and often shatters or pops. It would seem he was made of a tougher metal than we thought, as he's still in one piece, but immobilised (for the moment...).

James King III

Question: Did Reed and the others ever find out why The Thing was stuck in his form, while everyone else could turn their powers/changes on and off?

Answer: Thing was outside the station when the storm hit, therefore he got a much higher dose of the radiation than the others who were shielded inside. As a result, he doesn't have the ability to control his powers like the others do.


Question: What is the name of the song playing when Johnny is snowboarding with the nurse?

Answer: The song is called "Noots" by Sum 41.

Question: Do Sue Storm and Reed Richards eventually get married? And if so, how many kids do they have?

Answer: Yes, they do marry, producing two children, Franklin and Valeria. Franklin turned out to be an extremely powerful mutant who could alter reality, while Valeria could generate her own armor, travel through time and project force fields (though in later stories this has been changed, and Valeria is an ordinary human).


Question: Why does Sue tell Reed that there "never was" a "her and Vince"? Weren't they together for two years?

Answer: She was working for him for 2 years but there was never an actual relationship. Victor wanted it to go further hence why he was going to propose. If you notice on the space station when he talks about their relationship Sue is talking is a strcitly business sense.

dgemba dgemba

Question: I heard somewhere that Much Music VJ Devon Soltendiek appears in the film somewhere, can anyone tell me where?

Answer: He plays one of the reporters.


Question: When Johnny is poking the Thing in his sleep, the Thing puts his hand up to his face, and he gets something that's white and foamy all over his face. What is that stuff, and why was it there?

Answer: It's shaving cream. Johnny was just playing around and trying to annoy the Thing: He put foam on Thing's hand, and then poked him continuously until he would splatter it all over his own face.


Question: Is it true that there are going to be two sequels to 'Fantastic 4'?

Answer: Generally speaking, when setting up a possible franchise situation, the actors will have at least one and often two sequels included as part of their original contract - Ioan Gruffudd has confirmed that this was part of the deal on this film. Whether those sequels eventually occur depends on how well the first film does at the box office - in this case, Gruffudd stated that he has already been informed that the second film will be going ahead, so takings were presumably satisfactory. Whether this will ultimately lead to the option for a third film being taken up remains to be seen.


Answer: It's a generally accepted idea that using superpowers (especially force fields/telekinesis) is very draining on the body and mind, and is often seen to cause nosebleeds. Plus, any physically difficult task will cause the same thing if you overexert yourself enough.

James King III

Question: What is the significance of Latveria? It is referenced to a few times in the movie.

Answer: Latveria, in the comics, is a small country in the Balkans that Dr. Doom took over and became king of, see


Question: Can someone tell me the significance of Thing's girlfriend? Is she some kind of superhero?

Answer: In the comic books, Thing's girlfried, Alicia Masters, was blinded by an explosion of radioactive clay made by her father, the Puppetmaster. She has no super powers, but being blind, she can "see" past Ben Grimm's monstrous exterior.


Chosen answer: There appears to be no music in common between the trailers - there are, however, tracks by the same group, Immediate Music, which may well have sounded very similar due to their common source. The track used in the Fantastic Four trailer is called "Spiritus Elektros", with "Ultimatum" used for King Kong. Other music used in the FF trailer includes a track from The Matrix: Revolutions" and one with the rather unwieldy name of "Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm of The War Drums" by A Perfect Circle.


Question: In the finale, when the team is spraying Doom with water, when Ben closes the fire hydrant, the same noise made when Sue gained powers is heard. Was this on purpose?


Answer: I've just watched the scenes back-to-back and the similarities are pretty vague, so I can only assume you're referring to some subtle background noise I didn't notice. Regardless, chances are if they reused the same sound, it was just because it was some sort of licensed music-library sound they thought worked well in both scenes. This actually happens all the time. I've seen movies where, if you listen very closely, you can hear the same sound clip 2, 3, 4 or more times mixed into the background noise. (Ex. "Wes Craven's New Nightmare" reuses the same "pottery breaking" sound about a half-dozen times if you pay attention during the earthquake scenes.)


Question: Johnny had not yet mastered his powers, so how did he know his heat shield would protect him and the little girl on the bridge?

Answer: He didn't, it was a instinct to protect the little girl and it was a reflex action that his powers turned on at that moment. When you are in a dangerous situation, you instinctively pray for a miracle to happen.

Question: Is there a scene where Reid turns into a hose to dose Doom?


Answer: Yes... at least in one version of the film. In the theatrical version of the film, Thing merely uses his foot to channel water towards Doctor Doom. However, in the version released on home video, Reid turns his body into a "hose" of sorts to channel the water towards Doom. Evidently, they couldn't quite finish some of the effects (such as Reid turning his body into a "hose") on time for the theatrical version, but finished them for the DVD/Blu-Ray. The DVD/Blu-Ray version also has a few other minor tweaks, such as the music is also slightly different in the final battle. (It is important to note that confusingly, the theatrical version was released in some territories on home video and is also used on some streaming platforms - notably Netflix used the theatrical version).


Fantastic Four mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Johnny Storm jumps from the Baxter Building, a close up of him coming from the left is inverted, as seen from the inverted "4" on his chest. (01:21:35)

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