Predator 2

Answer: As a reward for besting the Predator in combat, he proved himself a fierce warrior worthy of praise and the gun was a token of their respect for his strength.

Answer: It's a reference to the comic where a pirate and a predator became somewhat friendly. The gun was given to the elder predator by the pirate as a thank you gesture. The elder predator then some few hundred years later gave it to Glover as a congratulations.

The comic came out years later to give a back story to the pistol. The only significance of the pistol is to show how long the predators have been coming to Earth.

Question: Right after the Jamaicans kill Ramon Vega and the predator slaughters all of them, Jerry Lambert says, "she (Ramon's girlfriend) never made it". What could she have died of? She was seen walking with Leona Cantrell and didn't seem wounded, and the predator would not have hurt her because she was unarmed. If she were wounded, she would have been checked out by paramedics right away. (00:31:20)

Chosen answer: Jerry means she never made it to the hospital. Keyes' goon squad intercepted the ambulance and snatched her to interrogate her about the Predator.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Why did the Predator target drug dealers, and what was his interest in Danny Glover's character? I never found a connection between the two.

Answer: The predators are honour bound hunters, and as such they will only attack a target if it is capable of defending itself (i.e, if it is armed, which is why it doesn't attack the boy in the cemetary). Although the police outside were armed as well, the Predator presumably attacked the drug dealers because they were a harder target (as the police were outside he could have just sniped them from the roof tops, but he had to get relatively close inside the building) and as such, killing them gave a higher honour. The obsession with Danny Glover's character is probably because he is quite a brave and heroic person, similar to a Predator (the way he saves the other cop by risking himself etc.), so the predator may have been studying him for a while. There's also more honour in killing someone like that (as he'd be a hard target) than there is in just killing a random armed guy.

Gary O'Reilly

Answer: Same as in the original, when the Predator targeted Arnold and even took off his armour and weapons to make it a more fair fight. Dutch was his best competition, the strongest, bravest and best warrior. So he made the best trophy. The drug dealers were also heavily armed, and while hunting he would have noticed they are the most violent and would make good targets. Predators have a sort of hunters code, ethics if you will, and only kill armed and dangerous men. No women or children. Usually choosing those biggest, bravest, most bad-ass warrior to save for his last and most prized trophy hunt.

What's your evidence for stating that predators don't kill women? It doesn't kill pregnant women, but non-pregnant, armed women are fair game. Otherwise the film Prey (in which a predator hunts a woman) has an epic plot hole.

Question: Why at the end, after the Predators have appeared before Danny Glover to give him the pistol, do they camouflage themselves again? Being that they're on their own ship, and no hunt is in progress... Camouflaging themselves just seems like the special effects technicians wanted to indulge themselves one more time before the end of the movie.

Paul Weston

Chosen answer: It could be a precaution to keep him from attacking them once their backs are turned.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Why do the Predators keep skulls as trophies? At the end of the film, we see a lot of skulls hanging up in the Predators' spaceship, most of them are not human skulls and one of them looks like a dinosaur's skull, is this to make us think that the Predators came to earth millions of years ago and killed a few dinosaurs, or is it to make us think that they're the skulls of huge creatures that they killed on their own planet?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: Why do some human hunters mount the heads of their kills on the walls of their house? To denote the kills that they've made, to commemorate a successful hunt. Same with the Predators. The skulls on the wall depict previous kills, one of which does indeed strongly resemble that of an Earth dinosaur. Whether this is intended to imply that the Predators have been around for so long that they hunted an actual dinosaur, or that it's supposed to be an alien species of a similar nature is unknown. Most likely the production designer simply thought it would look cool and didn't really give it any further thought.


Answer: At the end of Predator 2, the old Predator throws Danny Glover a 17th century French flint lock pistol. In Alien vs. Predator, scientists find an Aztec temple over a thousand years old.

Question: What does the Predator say when he is in the slaughterhouse and looking at his hands in the gray/red vision?

Answer: Now you will die.

Answer: There's really no reason for it not to. Predators are hunters that hunt for both sport and for honor. It likely saw hunting humans in an urban setting (especially one as chaotic as LA is portrayed in the film) as a potential greater challenge, and thus a greater reward.


Note: Cities are sometimes compared to jungles. So for the predator there is hardly a difference.


Answer: The Predator kills humans for sport and wants to kill as many as possible (for fun and status). There is "critical mass" in cities (urban areas are heavily/densely populated) but relatively few people live in or are found in jungles. The Predator went where he was most likely to encounter MANY people and thereby maximize his head count. (Why spend all day waiting to see if you can find a human in the jungle when you know there are hundreds of thousands - even millions - of people in major cities/urban areas?).

Answer: Changing the location from a jungle to an urban setting is a way for the filmmakers to keep a film franchise from becoming repetitive and predictable.


Answer: I believe the reason was, it was looking for the ultimate challenge. In the first movie, it was the first time they had ever been defeated. They considered humans nothing more than animals to be hunted for sport. Now humans had evolved to the point, where they learn to fight back. So the Predators went to the city looking for someone who was smart, tough and shows no fear. He was studying Danny Glover, following him and taunting him.

Question: At the end, what does the date and the name on the gun mean? Any significance? Other then that they have been hunting before, I wanna know who that person is, the name on the gun.

Kirill Ostapenko

Chosen answer: The person was a pirate who the same predator fought along time ago. The antique gun is proof that the Predators have been visiting earth for a long time.


Question: Right before they get killed, what are the Jamaicans trying to do to the guy hanging from the ceiling?

Answer: They are doing a voodoo ceremony to take his heart out and sacrifice it. It's a terror tactic to warn other dealers off their turf.

Grumpy Scot

Question: What does the Elder Predator say after Glover reads the pistol inscription? As in, the Predator says "take it", Glover reads it and says "1715", and the Predator then appears to say something else as he walks away.

Answer: Nothing which can be discerned. The subtitles on Disney+ simply say "growls, indistinct". Given the other times Predators speak English are fairly clear, if gutteral, and covered by subtitles too, this seems to be just some kind of grunting dismissal rather than any specific words. Or it's something in the Yautja language we're not meant to understand, such as commanding the pilot to take off, given the ship powers up immediately afterwards, but there's no canonical answer.

Jon Sandys

Answer: He says "Take it".

What does the predator say after he says "take it" he said something before he left.

Hard to pick out but he says "Major", in reference to the last time a Predator was killed by a human.

He doesn't say anything after "take it", just a short grunt as he turns around to leave. Try watching it with subtitles and you'll have it confirmed.

Answer: Leave now.

No I literally have it paused after replaying many times, and he doesn't say leave now, it's something more like peace out or something close as in two short sounds.

Answer: Drew's SCRIPT-O-RAMA.COM indicates he said, "1715", apparently in reference to the date inscribed on the gun. However, AVPGALAXY indicates that the 17th century "Matchlock Pistol" had "1640" engraved on it - which would have been in the 17th century (unlike the 1715 date).


Answer: To me it sounds like "Kill some" or "Kill them".

Answer: I think it was (in "predator lingo") "We're leaving. You should too."

Question: Since the Alien and Predator movies take place in the same universe, is it possible that Jerry Lambert (who was played by Bill Paxton) may be the ancestor of Hudson (also played by Paxton) from "Aliens"?

Answer: Not likely. Bill Paxton was a popular actor who was in high demand by various directors. He also had a reputation of being professional, reliable, and was well-liked. Many directors or producers like working with the same actors in multiple projects.


Answer: No, it's not Lloyd. I watched the YouTube clip, pausing and studying it. There's a superficial resemblance, but it's a different actor.


Continuity mistake: As Harrigan is walking away from King Willie in the alley, Willie turns toward him to say, "Prepare yourself." His face is well-lit. In the next shot, Willie is facing away in the background and his head is entirely in shadow. He's turned and lit again for his next line. (00:47:00)


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Jerry Lambert: And you told me, lieutenant, "the only way you survive down here is because you're a team." "The door swings both ways," remember?

More quotes from Predator 2

Trivia: As of 2004, almost everything that is used by the Predator in this movie has been reported stolen.

More trivia for Predator 2

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