Question: When Zatara goes to Mr. Morell's house to find out information about Dantes and about the others that he wants revenge on, why do they keep showing Morell's granddaughter looking at Zatara? Does she realize that he really is Dantes or is it some other reason?
Question: In the jail cell, as Richard Harris dies, he tells Jim Caviezel not to commit the crime he now serves. What's the point of this? Telling him not to be an honest man and have a good life and be framed for high treason?
Answer: That's not what he was telling him; Jim Caviezel did not do what he was imprisoned for. Richard Harris is telling him not to do that thing after he gets out. Harris was trying to keep him from trying to get revenge because it would consume him and make him even more bitter.
Question: Edmond was imprisoned for 13 years, yet he was gone for 16 and was only on the ship for 3 months. What happened to the rest of the time?
Answer: When Mercedes confronts Edmund, in his bedroom, she asks, "Where have you been?" He responds, "For 13 years prison, then everywhere else.
Question: In the prison, the priest has several books, a chair, table, etc. Where did he get these things? I assume he wasn't given them, as the prisoners are expected to live with absolutely no creature comforts. He could have made the chair and table, but out of what? He wouldn't have been given any materials. How would he make something out of nothing?
Answer: Priests, as men of God, tend to be considered differently from others - it's reasonable to think that the guards would have allowed him a few privileges denied the other prisoners.
Answer: I believe it's just because there is a dirty smelly man that she doesn't recognise visiting her ailing grandfather, she just wants to keep an eye on things.