Question: What became of Martin and Beth after the the gene-swapping sequence? also, were Bartoks' employees aware of Bartoks' transformation?
Chosen answer: Presumably they go on to live relatively normal lives. The scene at the end of Bartok is meant to show that his employees have no sympathy for any creature, including him, who is suffering. At least some of them are aware it's Bartok, yet they allow him to be imprisoned and gawked at, just as they did the dog.
Question: Why did the scientists at Bartok Industries keep that poor dog alive in observation? what were they hoping to gain?
Chosen answer: They were studying the mutation. It was cruel to keep the animal alive, but they didn't care about that.
Chosen answer: Obviously, he was kept alive so he could be studied, which was a nasty twist on the fact that he kept the dog alive, and suffering, for so long. As far as the food, there is no way to know what it was. Probably some kind of bland mush.
wizard_of_gore ★