Plot hole: When Holly discusses what the crew can do as a result of activating the self-destruct, she comes up with three options which all end with "And get blown up." Since it turns out that Holly disconnected the bomb "ages ago," wouldn't she have known that they wouldn't be blown up?
Suggested correction: It's been a while since I've seen the show, but Holly is more than a little eccentric and silly, and if memory serves, it's implied he/she has gone a bit "senile"/glitchy due to sitting around mostly unused for three million years while Lister was in stasis. From the sound of it, it's likely just that Holly was being a bit thick and forgot in the moment about disarming the bomb.
Other mistake: When Cat picks up the can of Leopard lager which is invisible to Lister, he shakes it, pops the cap and sprays Lister with foam. The foam is visible but the can remains invisible, and that makes no sense. If we are seeing the scene from Cat's point of view the can and foam should both be visible, and if it is from Lister's then neither should be.
Factual error: While it is true that lithium carbonate can be used to treat depression and other psychiatric disorders, it cannot be administered in gaseous form. It is a very stable salt and only starts to form vapour at 1,310 degress Celcius. Spraying it about as a 'mood stabliser' at that temperature, as Kryten does, is going to kill everyone on the spot.
Suggested correction: A couple of explanations come to mind. After 3 million years, the lithium carbonate may have become contaminated or mutated, resulting in it becoming a less stable salt and/or a change in its chemical structure. Another explanation is that Holly just made a mistake. They have a proven track record of mistakes, saying the wrong things, and generally being stupid.
Salts don't mutate - they don't have genes. If Holly "just made a mistake" and the chemical being sprayed about by Krtyen wasn't lithium carbonate (or it was contaminated), then it would not work as a mood stabiliser. Since it does, it was lithium carbonate and the Boys From The Dwarf are going to die horribly.
Plot hole: Cat wasn't manufactured by the Jupiter Mining Corporation and had no connection with them, being born three million years or so after they lost control of Red Dwarf. The takeover by M-Corp would mean nothing to him. Why, then, does he become invisible to Lister?
Suggested correction: Cat was a descendant of the cat Lister brought aboard Red Dwarf. Would it be possible that the new owners might have stricter security controls, and Lister was sent to Stasis for a different reason?
Inventing Deux ex machina explanations for a plot hole doesn't make it any less of a plot hole. M-Corp erases all of the Jupiter Mining Corporation's equipment, personnel and infrastructure from Lister's life. In no way is Cat a part of that. He has no connection at all to the Jupiter Mining Corporation, and until he meets him in Episode 1 no connection to Lister, either.
If M-Corp only erased JMC equipment from Lister's life, then Kryten, who belongs to DivaDroid and not the JMC, wouldn't have disappeared either. He disappears as he doesn't belong to M-Corp, not because he belongs to the JMC. Cat has no connection to M-Corp, as he wasn't a part of the JMC (as you pointed out), and is therefore erased for Lister.
Timeslides - S3-E5
Factual error: The writer's understanding of the history of Nazism and its leaders is a bit shonky. Claus von Stauffenberg did not plant a bomb in Hitler's briefcase - he put it in his own briefcase which he planted in a meeting room next to Hitler (some berk moved it). This was in July 1944, while the last Nuremberg rally - which Lister visits, bringing back the briefcase - was in 1938. Stauffenberg didn't even join the anti-Hitler conspiracy until 1943. Red Dwarf is not an 'alternate history' - they correctly identify elements of the Stauffenberg plot and the Nazi regime, they just get them wrong.
Plot hole: At The End, Kryten, Rimmer and Lister are in a lift facing off six gelf shapeshifters - two copies of each real person, in a Mexican standoff. Nobody knows who to shoot, as they might shoot the real person instead of the shapeshifter. But the real people know they're real - all Lister has to do is shoot the two fake Listers, Rimmer shoots the fake Rimmers and Kryten shoots the two fake Krytens, problem solved. Not to mention Lister is now a soulless, unfeeling killing machine. Earlier he shot and killed a shapeshifter who could well have been Cat - he didn't know it was a shapeshifter and by his own admission he didn't care. We have already seen how fast on the draw he is - why didn't he just open fire on the six shapeshifters, Kryten and Rimmer in order to ensure his own survival?
Suggested correction: The point of a Mexican standoff is no one is in a position to shoot first for fear of being shot themselves. We're told the shapeshifters have no problem killing each other, so as soon as the real person starts to shoot, everyone may start firing, which could result in a real person being killed. Additionally, the only time all 9 are pointing guns at each other is in the lift. Before that, it's 3 groups of Listers, Krytens, and Rimmers, so no one is facing off with their shapeshifters. The only safe way to shoot the 6 shapeshifters would be to do it at the same time, and there's no way Lister, Kryten, and Rimmer could coordinate that. And, like all Mexican standoffs, it can only be resolved from outside help.
Factual error: Kryten tells everyone that the matter paddle transmits matter in digital form from one place to another at the speed of light - he is very clear on this point. He then locates Waxworld, which is 200,000 light years away. Okay - so when they use the matter paddle to transmit themselves to Waxworld, why doesn't it take them 200,000 years to get there?
Suggested correction: Kryten says that the paddle sends them via subspace, so they will reach it almost instantaneously (rewatch the scene, he never says they'll travel at lightspeed).
Visible crew/equipment: When Rimmer is being questioned by The Inquisitor, a full boom mic and arm can be seen rising out of shot by the three candles on the right of the screen. (00:08:35)
Plot hole: Right after the shrinking boxers scene, Kryten says the small boxers are missing from the bunk, but you can see them right in front of him. (00:10:00)
Suggested correction: I've just watched this scene. You're mistaken. The boxers aren't visible when Kryten turns back to the bunk. The trunks were bright red. The only red thing visible in the scene where Kryten is looking at the bed is the "no smoking" sign, which is on the side of the bed, right in front of him.
Confidence and Paranoia - S1-E5
Revealing mistake: After Lister faints, you can see him smirk when the cat sings 'S-E-X, I think I've found it!' (00:08:50)
Revealing mistake: The first time you see Lister, the Cat, Kochanski and Kryten in the AR machine you can see the cat opening his eyes realising that it is not in the script, smiling and then closing his eyes. (00:04:50)
Revealing mistake: When the cat priest dies on the bed, watch him move his foot so Lister can sit on the edge. (00:26:40)
Visible crew/equipment: A wire/string pulling along the baby Skutters behind the parent Skutter is visible in the episode. (00:25:35)

Visible crew/equipment: When the Red Dwarf crew are talking about who Legion is (after Lister has poured his bucksfizz), Kryten then says, "Could our very presence here have inadvertently awoken him?" As he says this, at the left side of the screen The End of a camera lens pulls away. (00:20:30)
Audio problem: When Lister and Rimmer see Cat just after Holly explains how he evolved, Rimmer runs at Cat screaming before he passes through him and we hear a crash off screen to indicate Rimmer has just run in to something. He is a hologram and is not solid, so no sound should be heard. [The original version did not have this mistake. The sound effect was added for the now defunct Remastered series.] (00:27:10)
Confidence and Paranoia - S1-E5
Visible crew/equipment: When Rimmer says there was nothing wrong with his casual clothes, a boom mic shadow can be seen moving at the top of the screen. (00:06:10)
Continuity mistake: At the start of the 'Welcome Back George McIntyre' reception scene, Lister, Chen and Selby are throwing things at Rimmer, then Rimmer looks around. In the next shot, Lister and Chen are looking round to their left, Selby is stabbing between his fingers, Rimmer is now looking straight forwards and Petersen has appeared from nowhere. (00:09:40)