Continuity mistake: When the ladder falls off, several rungs remain at the top and are through the rest of the movie (eg. when Becky climbs down she attaches her rope to the lowest of these rungs). However, when the ladder first breaks and Becky is falling, there is a shot looking up at the platform that shows the entire ladder breaking off, with no rungs left attached to the platform. (00:38:44)
21st Mar 2023
Fall (2022)
21st Mar 2023
Project Hail Mary
Continuity mistake: Atmospheric pressure is inconsistent throughout the book. Grace says Erid has 29x Earth's pressure (because of the 1 ball:29 balls Rocky provides). But all Rocky can measure is the Hail Mary's pressure, and earlier Grace said it was only 40% of Earth's (Ch. 7: "the entire Hail Mary is at that 40 percent pressure"). So Erid would really be 29 x 40% = 11.6 times Earth normal. Also, the Hail Mary pressure is sometimes described as "0.33 atmospheres" (Ch. 27), or "one-fifth atmosphere" (Ch. 16).
10th Feb 2023
Fall (2022)
Continuity mistake: After the ladder falls and before the girls realise Becky has been injured, the cut on her leg is visible in several shots. Sometimes her leggings under the cut are red with blood and sometimes they're not - it goes back and forth a few times. (00:41:35 - 00:42:55)
5th Feb 2023
Project Hail Mary
Question: Weir makes a point of telling the reader the notes for the name "Adrian." Since he got the names from the movie Rocky, and since the theme song of that movie is "Eye of the Tiger", if I was Weir I would have made Adrian's name the first few notes (or the first few notes of the chorus) of that song. But I have no idea what "an A-below-middle-C major fifth, followed by an E-flat octave, and then a G-minor seventh" sounds like. Can anyone tell if these notes are from that song?
5th Feb 2023
Project Hail Mary
Character mistake: Ch. 21: When Rocky tells Grace he blew the scabs off his wounds, he calls it a "black substance." But Grace never said it was black, and we know from when they get the first astrophage sample (Ch. 17) that Rocky doesn't understand "black" and "white." Even if Grace did explain what black is, offscreen so to speak, neither of them would know that Rocky's scabs later would be black. They never talked about it before (and if they had, Grace would have known not to mess with it).
5th Feb 2023
Project Hail Mary
Continuity mistake: After the "adventure in acceleration" at Adrian, the Hail Mary is effectively upside down (Ch. 20). Then Grace gets "sick of living in the Poseidon Adventure" and rights it-meaning the storage area is at the bottom again. He goes in there to fix a leak, then "climb[s] back down and wince[s] the whole time." He should be climbing up or out, not down. Also, in Ch. 22, when Grace is in there again (finding Taumoeba poo), "Rocky calls out from below"-but Rocky should be above him, not below.
12th Sep 2019
It Chapter Two (2019)
Trivia: The heavyset man speaking at the architects' meeting - the first one we see in this scene and who viewers might at first think is the adult Ben Hanscom, before realizing Ben is skyping in to the meeting - is Brandon Crane, the actor who played the young Ben Hanscom in the 1990 TV miniseries version of IT.
26th Feb 2017
Deepwater Horizon (2016)

Trivia: When Mr. Jimmy is calling out names on the boat to see who's missing, the real Mr. Jimmy Harrell is standing next to him, wearing a dirty grey T-shirt (and presumably playing a random rig worker). You can first see him (from the back) when Russell calls out Caleb Holloway's name. The first view of his face is just as Russell gets out the life raft onto the deck of the rescue ship. (01:28:30)
9th Nov 2016
Hush (2016)
Continuity mistake: Maddie kills the intruder with the corkscrew and then pushes him onto the floor to her left. A wide shot from above shows them lying side by side; Maddie's left hand is lightly touching the intruder's right elbow, but her hand is definitely not under his arm. Then the shot switches immediately to a closeup, and the intruder's arm is suddenly on top of Maddie's hand and wrist. You can see her pulling her arm out from beneath his. (01:14:00 - 01:15:00)
3rd Oct 2016
World War Z (2013)
Question: On the plane, as Gerry is wrapping her stump and right after he admits he hadn't known cutting her hand off would work, Segen says something quietly, then adds "Now I'm just a liability." What does she say right before "Now I'm just a liability"? I can't hear what she says (it might not be English) and it's not in the closed captioning or in any transcript I've been able to find online.
15th Aug 2016
The Martian (2015)
Continuity mistake: This mistake is in the extended edition: When Watney decides "I'm not going to die here", he packs up his five crew mates' belongings in plastic boxes and stows them in one of the two bottom bunk beds, from which the mattress has been removed. Then Watney is shown struggling out of bed, presumably the next morning, and a wide shot shows all six bunks. Every bed has a mattress and bedding on it and there are no boxes in sight. (00:19:10 - 00:19:50)
12th Oct 2015
The Martian (2015)
Continuity mistake: When Watney is putting duct tape on the plastic patch over the hole where the Hab airlock blew out, the first shot shows him outside the Hab putting the last strip in an evenly distributed set, from about the 10 o'clock position down to about the 4 o'clock position. Then (after a quick reverse shot from the interior), suddenly he is placing a new strip up from the 8 to 2 position, covering a spot that was already covered when he did the 10 to 4 strip, but which is now suddenly blank.
11th Oct 2015
The Martian (2015)
Continuity mistake: When Bruce Ng is video calling Teddy Sanderson and Mitch Henderson to explain the modifications Watney will need to make to the Ares 4 MAV, there is a point in which the model MAV behind Bruce contains only a chair, all other chairs and the control console having been removed. Then, as Bruce and Mitch explain to Vincent that since Martinez will be remote-piloting the MAV, Watney doesn't need the controls, there is a shot of Bruce pulling several chairs and the control console out of the model.
11th Oct 2015
The Martian (2015)
Other mistake: When devising the plan to retrieve Watney, it is mentioned that the Hermes crew have had to lash together all the webbing on board to make the longest possible tether. When this tether is used, there is no evidence of any lashing together or other extensions or modifications to lengthen it. The tether is one continuous length and is stored on a reel that was designed for the length of tether gathered on it.
10th Apr 2015
Continuity mistake: In section 12 of chapter 11, Henry thinks about how "He, Pete, Beaver and Jonesy's wife had kept a secret among them", that Jonesy's "heart had stopped twice" after he was hit by a car about 10 months earlier. This is a mistake because earlier that day, in section 8 of chapter 3, Pete hadn't known about it - Henry tells Pete that Jonesy's "heart stopped in the ambulance", and Pete is shocked to hear it.
1st Nov 2014
Dracula Untold (2014)
Question: I thought the old vampire told Vlad that if he drank blood during the 3 days, the old guy would be released from the cave and Vlad would take his place there forever. So how come at the end, after Vlad gave in and drank blood, becoming a vampire forever, he didn't have to stay in that cave?
Chosen answer: Actually, what the master vampire told Vlad is that he will return to mortal after three days if there is no feeding. If Vlad does feed, he will become a new vessel for the dark power, a new offering to the dark. Nothing was said that Vlad would be trapped in the cave but rather a scourge on the Earth. It is true that if Vlad feeds, the master vampire would be set free. After that, the master vampire can take revenge on the one who turned him. A new game of revenge would then be played between him and Vlad.
That's kind of weird because I remember the Master Vampire saying the same thing about Vlad staying in the cave forever too.
19th May 2014
The Avengers (2012)
Question: When Loki first arrives and steals the tesseract, he looks sick or injured. The skin around his eyes is discolored, he seems to be in pain and/or have trouble walking (especially noticeable after Clint shoots Fury) and he needs help climbing into the back of the truck. Later in the movie, he's fine. What was wrong with him?
Chosen answer: Without the stabilisation equipment that's built by Erik Selvig, the portal opened by the Tesseract is unstable (demonstrated when the residual energy from the portal completely levels the Project Pegasus installation). Passage through it can therefore be reasonably assumed to be a pretty rough trip, even for an Asgardian.
21st Jan 2014
Sherlock (2010)
Continuity mistake: As Sherlock and John approach the missing subway car, and especially as they bend to peer beneath it, the interior of the car to a distance of several feet is plainly visible through the window of the door (you can see the curved ceiling inside and some unlit fluorescent light bars). However, an interior shot then shows that there is a closed door inside the car, a foot or so inside the exterior door, that Sherlock has to push open to enter the car proper. This door should have blocked their view of the inside of the car before they entered. It didn't, so it has gone from open to closed between shots without anyone touching it. (01:05:35)
10th Nov 2013
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Question: In the chapter called "Horcruxes", Dumbledore says he thinks Voldemort meant to create 6 Horcruxes. He created 5 of them before attempting to kill baby Harry. Dumbledore then tells Harry, "I am sure that he [Voldemort] was intending to make his final Horcrux with your death." However, as we all know, Voldemort's curse on Harry rebounded, and he lost his powers."After an interval of some years, " Dumbledore then tells Harry, "he used Nagini to kill an old muggle man, and it might then have occurred to him to turn her into his last Horcrux." My question is: if Voldemort was planning to use 1-year-old Harry's death to make his sixth and final Horcrux, but it hadn't yet occurred to him to use the snake as that Horcrux, what was he planning to use instead? He had already used the diary, the ring, the cup, the locket, and the diadem for the first five Horcruxes. So, if he wasn't originally going to use the snake as the sixth, what was he going to use, and what happened to this mysterious object? He must have had something to use, since he went to baby Harry's house fully intending to kill Harry and create the Horcrux. So he must have had the Horcrux object with him. What was it? (Please understand this is not a hypothetical question about what sorts of objects Voldemort might have theoretically wanted to make into Horcruxes someday - I already know the answer to that - but rather a practical question about what Voldemort intended to use that night, the night he went to kill Harry, since he didn't have Gryffindor's sword, or anything else of Gryffindor's that we're aware of).
15th Sep 2013
Sherlock (2010)

Continuity mistake: When Sherlock goes to look out the window at John leaving (after the tiff about the head in the fridge), his dressing gown is hanging off his right shoulder, exposing his t-shirt. Next there is a wider shot of him from behind, and his dressing gown is on straight, covering both shoulders properly. Then there's another closeup and it's off the right shoulder again. (00:05:40 - 00:06:10)
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Answer: Segen says in Hebrew, "עכשיו אני סתם עול" (phonetically pronounced, "achshav ani stam ohl"), which means "Now I'm just a burden." Then Segen says in English, "Now I'm just a liability."
Super Grover ★