Question: Ruth wrote "GONE BACK 2RV.XR" on Graeme's forehead in the forest scene. I can see she means she went back to the RV. What about the "XR" at the end? What does it mean? (01:05:00 - 01:05:50)
Bunch Son
17th Jan 2025
Paul (2011)
22nd Sep 2024
Bird Box (2018)
Question: In the market, Tom gives a pack of diapers to Malorie for her baby shower. He says, "My sister is expecting her fourth, so..." "Oh, my God. She's a saint," she answered. What does she mean, "She's a saint"?
Chosen answer: Well, with Malorie being quite pregnant at the moment, and her fear of giving birth, Malorie is using the word "saint" unconventionally, and it's a compliment for Tom's sister. For the woman to have gone through the many long months of pregnancy and already given birth three times, and is now pregnant a fourth time, Malorie considers the woman to be *saint-like*, meaning unselfish, good-hearted, kind, etc.
12th Sep 2024
A Quiet Place (2018)
Question: The father keeps his daughter from going down to the basement. Why?
Chosen answer: The basement is filled with electronics, and if Regan goes down to the basement, there's a risk of potential dire consequences if any accidental sounds occur.
12th Sep 2024
A Quiet Place (2018)
Question: In the beginning, at the abandoned market, the dad gives something to his daughter right before the family leaves the place. What was it and what for?
Chosen answer: Of the things Lee has collected, Regan first picks up an old circuit board that Lee says may help boost their radio signal; then Regan picks up a new package of a Leatherman Skeletool CX, a 7-in-1 multi-tool, which Lee says is for her. It's a handy tool for her to have that includes a knife, pliers, wire cutters (we see her using it later to cut a sound wire in the toy space shuttle), etc.
Answer: He gives her a pair of pliers, but I don't know why he gives them to her. My guess is that they are for her to use when she fixes things.
7th Dec 2023
Star Wars (1977)
Question: I'm not an English native speaker. This can be more of an English-related question. There's a line of Han Solo that I don't understand. He said this line twice, during the conversations with Greedo and Jabba: "Even I get boarded sometimes." What exactly does he mean? What is "get boarded" here?
Answer: To "board" means to step foot on a craft. Han is referring to random inspections, where stormtroopers will come onto the Millennium Falcon to search for contraband. He is saying it isn't his fault he had to dump Jabba's shipment. Even being as good a pilot as he is, he still can't stop the Empire from searching his ship from time to time.
Chosen answer: Getting onto a ship or plane is called "boarding." Han is saying the authorities have come onto his spaceship (boarded his ship), which is why he had to get rid of whatever he was smuggling (bringing in secret and illegally) for Jabba. By saying "even I get boarded", he means even though he's the best smuggler, there's still times he gets his ship searched.
7th Dec 2023
One Piece (2023)
The Pirates Are Coming - S1-E4
Question: Luffy says to the crew, "From now on, it's all gonna be smooth sailing," and then an explosion is heard outside. Nami says to Luffy, "You had to open your mouth." What does she mean by this? I'm a non-native English speaker who studies English by watching shows. Shouldn't she have said, "You shouldn't have opened your mouth"? (00:57:00)
Chosen answer: "You had to" or "you just had to" is a sarcastic way of saying "you shouldn't have".
3rd Dec 2023
A Dog's Purpose (2017)
Question: As a non-native English speaker, I ask: At the dinner, Jim says to his boss, "I was thinking, with the numbers so high, maybe it's time I get off the road and take an office position." What occupation did he have? And what does he mean "get off the road" here?
Chosen answer: I don't know what his specific occupation was, but the term to "get off the road" would refer to someone who constantly travels, either domestically or internationally, for their job, but they now want to work in their company office every day. The most common trope would be the "traveling salesperson" who was constantly "on the road," going town to town, selling their product.
3rd Jun 2022
La La Land (2016)
3rd Jun 2022
La La Land (2016)
Question: After the party, the visitors line up to get their own car keys. An employee was checking the keys to return them. And Mia in the line, desperately asks Sebastian to grab her keys instead. Why couldn't she just go get her keys herself if Sebastian can right away? And why would they keep all the keys in there in the first place? That looked weird to me. Is it common in the United States? (00:30:30 - 00:31:13)
3rd Jun 2022
La La Land (2016)
Question: At the pool, a band takes song requests from a crowd. Mia requests a song titled "I Ran." It seems like Sebastian got offended by that. He even complains about it to Mia after the performance. I don't know about the song. What's wrong with that song? I'm curious.
Answer: He was mainly deflecting. When they first met, Sebastian ran away from Mia. So when she requested "I Ran", she was teasing him. He was already playing in an 80's cover band, knew the song, and was playing a keytar, which is a very 80's synth pop instrument. The band A Flock of Seagulls (who sang "I Ran") were an 80's synth pop band. She was saying how rude he was when they first met and he was trying to come up with something to say she was being rude about.
Answer: Sebastian views himself as a "serious musician" whose real passion in life is playing jazz, and thinks that that form of music is dying out. He doesn't take joy in playing mainstream, well known 80s pop songs; they're not his preferred style and probably doesn't consider them to be "real music" (Kind of like how Martin Scorsese said Marvel movies weren't "real cinema").
16th May 2022
Brokeback Mountain (2005)
Question: While the sheep were counted, Aguirre said to Jack and Ennis "Some of these never went up there with you." with a frustrated look. What does he mean?
Answer: He means they've brought back sheep that weren't part of the original herd, which implies they didn't completely separate them from the Chilean sheep earlier in the film.
3rd May 2022
The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
Question: After Frank fell to his death, Jack and Jason stay in the tent for the night. Jason has things dropped from his bag, and he puts something (looks like a tin can maybe?) into the bag right away and Jack notices it and stares at him with some kind of betrayed looks on his face. Does it imply Jason was keeping food or water for himself behind Jack's back? Please explain the scene.
Chosen answer: It's their last can of Sterno...basically, canned jellied alcohol (or ethanol) that can be lit on fire and used as a localized heat source. It's common amongst campers, as it can be used as a burner or to heat a small tent, which is how they've been using it. The look they exchange is an unspoken acknowledgement that if they don't get more fuel, or find somewhere warm, they will freeze to death soon.
20th Apr 2022
Brokeback Mountain (2005)
Question: In the bar, Jack walks up to the guy named Jimbo who played rodeo clown and offers to pay for his beer. Did Jack hit on him?
Answer: Not exactly, just kind of feeling out the situation to see if Jimbo might be amenable. Jimbo seems to sense what's going on and lets Jack know he's not interested.
20th Apr 2022
Brokeback Mountain (2005)
Question: After a storm, Jack and Ennis see the sheep all mixed up with someone else's sheep and Jack says "Get on in there and untangle 'em Chilean sheep out of ours." What does he mean by Chilean sheep? They are not in Chile. The sheep all looked the same. I'm curious.
Chosen answer: The sheep are not Chilean, but the shepherds are. In the original script, Jack tries to talk to them, but they do not speak English and neither he nor Ennis speaks Spanish. This was cut, but we can still hear the Chilean shepherds speaking Spanish to one another while they try to separate the herds.
5th Mar 2022
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
23rd Feb 2022
Dolittle (2020)
16th Feb 2022
Dolittle (2020)
7th Feb 2022
Dolittle (2020)
7th Feb 2022
Dolittle (2020)
Question: At the beginning, in the animation cut, Dolittle frees the gorilla from a cage, and he gives a blanket or cape-looking thing to the gorilla who seems to very much like it. What exactly is that and what does it suggest?
Answer: Like any rescue victim, he was giving him comfort and aid.
3rd Feb 2022
Dolittle (2020)
Question: At the beginning, Dolittle was scared because a boy broke in his territory, so he says to Chee-Chee, "Possum, play dead." Why does he call the gorilla possum? Chee-Chee is a gorilla, not a possum. Also Possum is not his name nor nickname.
Answer: 'Playing possum' is slang for pretending to be dead, as possums sometimes do that to avoid predators.
Answer: Opossums will go into a state where they appear dead when threatened, thus the term "playing possum." Dolittle was just saying to act like a opossum and play dead.
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Chosen answer: X" in a written letter typically represents "kiss," or a way to say with love (or some variation of that). R is her initial. She's just signing the note "Love, Ruth.