Ocean's Eleven

Question: What is the name of the soundtrack being played when Benedict is watching the tape and rusty is explaining him the escape plan?

Question: What is the name of the soundtrack when Basher is detonating the pinch as a part of the plan?

Question: Does anyone know what Rusty is referencing with his "A Boskie, a Jim Brown..." speech when he and Danny are getting the blue prints for the vault?

Answer: The implication, from the context of the full conversation, is that these are all names for specific types of cons. The Boesky, for example, may refer to Ivan Boesky, a Wall Street trader who served a prison sentence for an insider dealing scam. A Boesky is therefore an inside man claiming to be a wealthy bankroller. A Jim Brown is the confrontation between Linus and Frank, Miss Daisy is the getaway vehicle, two Jethros are the Malloy twins, a Leon Spinks is the disrupted boxing match, and an Ella Fitzgerald refers to the looped tape.


Question: Benedict goes down to the security center after receiving the call from Rusty that it's being robbed. Benedict tells Mr. Walsh to "make the call" and the "SWAT" team comes in. They tell Benedict to cut the power, then an explosion is set off, and so on. But what Benedict and everyone in the security center are actually seeing is a staged event, though it's all happening at the same time. Even if the "eleven" had timed it down to the last second of how things were going to happen, it would have been lapsed due to the few seconds wasted when Danny and Linus had to change the batteries in the trigger for the vault. So, I guess my question is, what are the chances that the tape and actual events would run in time together?

Answer: The battery-related delay doesn't matter - Rusty doesn't call Benedict until after the vault has been successfully breached. Up to that point, Livingston is simply running a looped image of the undisturbed vault. Only once Benedict has reached the control room does the tape of the fake vault start running. This just shows the preparation of the bags and the robbers generally wandering around the vault. Danny and co, down in the vault, would know how roughly long to leave it from the start of the tape to sending the bags up, and they know that the tape will start within a few minutes of them breaching the vault, so that's no real problem, timing-wise. The fake SWAT team show up and head down the liftshaft to the vault area. They then tell Benedict to cut all power to the vault, which he does, and all his screens showing what's going on go blank. During that time, they throw an explosive into the vault and it detonates. When Benedict brings the power back up, he's not looking at the tape any more - he's now seeing real images from the vault cameras. At no point is split-second timing required, nor do they have to worry about the tape being out of time with real events.


Question: Why do the crooks stage the scene in which Danny is 'eliminated' from the plan. What advantage do they gain in Linus' ignorance?

Answer: They needed to make sure Linus had confidence in himself and took more responsibility for his actions. Especially after the incident, when he left the van, even though he was specifically told to stay in the van.

Super Grover

Question: Benedict sent the SWAT team down to the vault while the "thieves" were still there in order to gain control over his vault etc. Obviously the SWAT team kind of managed to do that, except that the "thieves" blew up the vault with the money. But then when Benedict came down to the vault personally, why he didn't ask about the thieves or want to speak to them, or wonder where their bodies were? Because when the SWAT team left it was only him in the vault.

Answer: Simple, he didn't suspect the SWAT team to know anything more than he did. All he knows is that the SWAT team arrived in an empty vault, just like he did. No thieves, no money. He is a control freak anyway and wanted to nail the scumbags himself, it was his vault.


I thought about this... but how are they going to justify the standoff and gunfight if they say the vault is empty.

He talks to the SWAT team shortly after the lights are turned back on. They say the bomb was detonated, and they were looking for survivors. He then rushes to the vault and doesn't contact them again, assuming he would meet them at the vault but the SWAT team was already gone before he got there. I suspect Benedict would have run up to vault to find nobody there, no guards, SWAT, or thieves. That's when he starts working things out. Remember the money was supposed to be in the van at the airport.


Question: If Danny was meant to trigger the vault alone, was he meant to do all the stuff that Linus consequently did, like impersonate NGC personnel and swipe Benedict's access card? If so, how stupid was he introducing himself to Benedict when he knew he had to impersonate someone else and do all the stuff that Linus did in order to gain access to the vault with Yen? If the above is false than what was the point of Linus being in the operation and how else were they going to obtain the security codes for the elevator?

Answer: The plan right from the beginning was to get Linus to do that part of the job - they just didn't tell Linus that so that he wouldn't have time to fret about it. Danny introduced himself to Benedict as part of the side-plot to get Tess away from him - he needed to be known to Benedict so that after the robbery he could ask the question that finally causes Tess to leave Benedict. The whole aim was to get Benedict to imprison him so that he couldn't subsequently be linked to the theft.


Question: When Danny plays Poker with the Teen-beats, he plays his hand as four queens and then says 'I think the Ace is pretty high), the ace is high, but how would that make a difference to the four queens? Also, when Topher Grace (used real name in film) plays his hand as all reds, does 'all reds' mean anything in poker, it's certainly not a flush, as he has hearts and diamonds in there, is that why Rusty looks depressed as Topher Grace collects the money?

Answer: To answer your first question: Two people can't have four queens on the same hand, so when Danny said that he was being sarcastic. In poker the fifth card is sometimes played as "The Kicker", it's a tiebreaker card. I believe it was four nines though and not queens. To answer your second question: All reds means nothing unless they are the same suit. They were just adding a little humor into the movie when they did that; that was a horrible hand, and likely didn't actually win. Rusty looks depressed because he hasn't been able to teach the teenbeats anything.


Question: In the scene where Rusty prepares Linus for his conversation with Benedict as a Gaming Commissions person, Rusty says something like, "And whatever you do, under no circumstances...", and then gets interrupted. Does anyone know what he wanted to tell Linus?

Answer: In the commentary with the actors, Brad Pitt says that they tried a variety of lines, but none seemed to fit, so they just left it.


I thought it was a nod to Fight Club.

Question: Daniel Ocean said they were going to rob three casinos, but in the film they only robbed one. Can someone please explain?

Answer: The 3 casinos (Bellagio, MGM Grand, and The Mirage) were all owned by Terry Benedict and all 3 casinos put their cash in the Bellagio's vault. By law, each casino had to have enough cash on hand to cover any bets and since Benedict owned all 3, it was cheaper and easier for him to put it in one safe and still be following the law.


Question: At the end of the film, why are the two 'goons' waiting for George Clooney and Co. nearby? Are they now involved with them as perhaps some sort of bodyguards, or are they just keeping an eye on him on behalf of the casino?

Answer: They have been assigned to watch Clooney by Andy Garcia because Garcia still suspects that Clooney had a role in the robbery. They're waiting for an opportunity to either gather evidence against him or simply beat him up some more.


Question: Why didn't they just put the small gem explosives in the cart with Yen? Why all the drama with the briefcase?

Answer: They needed Saul to be in the eye-in-the-sky room so he could distract the employees long enough for Dell to switch to video without them noticing.

Greg Dwyer

Question: What kind of car is it that Rusty is driving, when he picks up Danny from jail in the final scene?

Answer: I'm assuming it was the 1963 Ford Falcon Futura Convertible that served as Rusty's car throughout the film. http://www.imcdb.org/vehicle_5165-Ford-Falcon-Futura-1963.html.

If you listen closely it sounds like a late model 5.0L mustang engine in the convertible.

Question: Is the Mirage an actual casino? I know the MGM Grand and the Bellagio are.

Answer: Yes it is. 3400 S. Las Vegas Blvd. It is kinda shaped like a Y on the Vegas strip about half way.


Question: After the blackout, why did the the patrons go through a panic of grabbing chips? Money's understandable, but wouldn't they still need to take the chips to get exchanged? Surely the people who exchange it would know that they were taken during the riot.

Answer: It would have to be proved that the chips were taken and not won. Customers could just hold onto them and cash them in later and over time, claiming they won them on different nights.


Question: What's the tune at the beginning of the movie when Daniel leaves prison?


Chosen answer: Rodney Yates - David Holmes.

Question: Who is Terry Benedict talking to when he goes down to the vault to inspect the scene? Is it Rusty? And how does he not notice the swat members carrying duffel bags stuffed with $150 million?


Answer: He is talking to Rusty. Even if Rusty didn't have his mask down, he hadn't seen Rusty before and therefore would not know to be suspicious of him. The SWAT team came down with their duffel bags fully packed and left with them fully packed.

Greg Dwyer

Question: As Brad drives off with Julia and George at the end and the twins start following them, what is the name of the music playing?

Answer: It's "69 Police" by David Holmes, track 3 on the soundtrack album.


Question: What's the point of the whole "Aloe Vera" thing when they're buying the vans? I mean, why would they so desperately need to save a few hundred dollars in such a complex and expensive scheme? They made sure that the dealer would remember those guys that bought two white vans just days prior to the robbery. One would assume that they would want to keep a low profile. Not to mention, I doubt that a car dealer would lower the price just because the guy squeezes his hand.

Answer: It was not to lower the price (although that was a fringe benefit), but rather to intimidate the dealer into letting them pay cash for the vans. Hence, no trace. It was not the hand-squeezing that convinced the dealer, it was the tacit promise of further discomfort if he did not give them a "better deal."

Question: When George Clooney and Matt Damon are going to break into the vault they have two small silver round disks that they slide towards the guards. You see these disks pop open but don't see any type of gas or vapor emerge. Any idea what those things were?

Answer: According to the script, they are gas pellets. Most gases are invisible, but a lot of movies show visible vapour for theatrical effect.


Ocean's Eleven mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Linus and Rusty are standing in the Botanical Garden at the Bellagio going over Linus' observations. Rusty has a cocktail glass of shrimp in hand. When they change angles he has a plate in his hand, then change back, it's a glass. Full screen version. (00:43:40)

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Trivia: Don Cheadle's billing/crediting in the movie was of significant dispute. Cheadle wanted to be mentioned above the title at the end of the movie - "pre title credits" - as a featured actor, along with Clooney, Pitt, and Damon, as opposed to being mentioned after the credits with the remaining cast members. His ask was refused by the director, and in response to that refusal, Cheadle said that he didn't want to be mentioned anywhere in the credits if he couldn't be granted pre-title credits. Cheadle's ask was granted in both Oceans 12 and Oceans 13, and he is mentioned before the title at the end of each movie.

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