The Rock

Question: Why is there a "string holder", for lack of a better term, next to the shower, is it there for a plot device to get Connery out of the building or is there a hopefully better reason?


Chosen answer: These are sometimes present in hotels and are used as a makeshift clothesline. This way travelers can handwash clothes and hang them to dry.


Question: During the SEAL team raid on the rock, they are using two "decoy choppers" which fly towards Alcatraz. What is the point of this? Wouldn't it be easier to just have the transport chopper fly all the way to drop zone under radar coverage?


Chosen answer: Alcatraz is small enough and out in the middle of the bay that any lookout in a high point could see and hear a chopper, no matter where it approached from. The idea of the decoys was to split any enemy fire received. The whole insertion of SEALS was absurd, in a real situation like that, the SEALS would have been inserted by submarine or used dive motors to pull themselves to the island.

Grumpy Scot

Question: I never really understood the point of injecting the needle into your heart if you come into contact with the chemical. Doesn't the chemical eat away at your skin? If so, does the injection somehow instantly stop the gas from eating away at your skin? Or did I just imagine the whole thing about it eating your skin?

Answer: The whole inject-it-into-your-heart thing is crap. Atropine is like super-adrenalin. It sends you into overdrive, forcing your body to stay alive despite the nerve gas. It is normally injected into the buttock. Injecting it directly into your heart would probably kill you faster than the nerve gas, assuming you could even get it into your own heart.

Grumpy Scot

Question: What is the purpose of the special gear given to Mason? He uses them to kill the bad guy later in the movie but he was just there to lead the way and wasn't meant to take part in any action, so is there any other reason why he was given them?


Answer: He led them to believe he needed it to break in.

Chosen answer: He wasn't meant to be involved in any action, but being SAS-trained he could defend himself if needed. He was given the equipment just in case.

Question: Why does Mason give Goodspeed the location of where he hid the top secret microfilm? I thought the whole point of why Mason was locked up was because he wouldn't tell the FBI where he hid it, so why divulge this information to Goodspeed? Does Mason think Goodspeed isn't going to hand in the microfilm to his superiors?

Answer: Mason got a clean slate, no more secrets for him because of Goodspeed. So, as a token of appreciation he tells him where he hid the government secrets, to do what he pleased with it. It was no longer his burden.


Question: In the opening scene, when Hummel passes the four soldiers in the graveyard he salutes them but they pay him no attention, even though he is a general. I was thinking it could have been because they are taking part in the funeral procession, even though Hummel probably couldn't tell that, as they weren't carrying the coffin anymore at that point. Also, it seems a bit strange for a funeral as they're not victims' family or any other participants. Is there any explanation for this?


Answer: When marching with a rifle a soldier rests the rifle on the right shoulder. In order to salute with the rifle the soldier holds the rifle vertically, with both hands, in front of himself/herself. This is known as "present arms." As the Honor Guard is approaching the General you can see them move their weapons to the present arms position and hold them there until the General returns their salute.

Chosen answer: I'm no expert on military protocol, but those soldiers (marines?) are marching with their rifles as part of some tradition or honour guard, and so are probably not required to salute.

Soylent Purple

Negative on that they present arms with their rifles.

Question: When did Mason have time to write the note of the location of the secret stuff? He surely didn't have it on himself all the time due to the risk of being frisked and that it had no water damage.

Answer: He didn't. He told Goodspeed if he happened to be honeymooning near a certain church and look through a certain confessional booth, he'd find some information.

Not true...he hands Goodspeed a piece of paper with the location written on it. In answer to the original question, I think this can be classified as a mistake...Mason had some downtime during the mission (notably, when they were captured and held in the cells), but I can't imagine where he would have gotten a piece of paper and pencil to write the note.

Factual error: When Goodspeed crashes the Ferrari, his airbag deploys and he must shoot it to get out of the car. In reality, airbags inflate and deflate again in less than a second - the gas escapes through vents or the material itself, so there's no way for one to stay inflated.

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General Hummel: Do you know who I am? Did they tell you why I am doing this? Why I am out here? Or are they using you like they did everyobdy else?
John Mason: All I know is that you were big in Vietnam. I saw the highlights on television.
General Hummel: Then you probably have got no fucking idea what it means to lead some of the finest gentlemen on God's earth into combat, and then watch their memories get betrayed by their own damn government.
John Mason: I don't quite see how you can cherish the memory of the dead by killing another million. This is not combat, it's an act of lunacy, General Sir. Personally, I think you're a fucking idiot.
General Hummel: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson.
John Mason: "Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious," according to Oscar Wilde.
[Hummel knocks him to the ground.]
John Mason: Thank you for making my point.

More quotes from The Rock

Trivia: When Stanley introduces himself, Mason replies with "but of course you are". James Bond said the same thing to Plenty O'Toole in Diamonds are Forever, and both Bond and Mason were played by Sean Connery.

Jedd Jong

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