Spider-Man 2

Question: What happened to that Asian nurse in the hospital that was last seen sliding down and scratching a sort of metal wall?

Answer: It's implied that all the doctors and nurses in that scene were killed. And she wasn't scratching a metal wall. She was being dragged across the floor and her fingernails were peeling up the floor surface in a desperate attempt to cling to safety.


Question: What exactly does Aunt May mean when she says, "What do you mean 'we'" after Spider-Man tells her, "We sure showed him"? Is she just being modest?

Answer: She's actually being funny because she thinks that she did all the work, instead of Spider Man.


Answer: I later found out it could have been a reference to a Spider-Man comic. In the comic, after he rescues a girl from a bad guy, she says "We sure showed him!" There is a thinking bubble by Spider-Man's head saying "We?" It's like the conversation in the movie but in reverse.

Question: How did Harry know where Doc Ock was later located, when Peter asks him for instructions on how to find him and save MJ?

Answer: Unless there is is a deleted scene to shed light on the issue, then it's not really addressed in the movie. It's possible that Doc Ock and Harry had a second meeting that took place off-screen in which Ock revealed to Harry where his hideout was, but as there's nothing really to go on, it's anyone's guess and it's reasonable to consider it a plot hole.


Answer: While it's never mentioned in the film, the most likely explanation is that Harry, as a rich kid, grew tired of "slumming it" and decided to move back into his mansion.

Question: Why would Aunt May realise she was wrong about Spider-Man just because he saved her? She always knew he saved people.


Answer: I'd say this is typical of many people who disbelieve or discount something that does not personally affect them, but have a radical change of thinking when they personally experience it.


Answer: Because she was like this in the comic books for years until he said he wanted to help her in Amazing Spider Man issue 200 when she'd been held hostage by Mysterio then The Burglar. They merely did this as a nod to the likes of stories like that one.


Chosen answer: Essentially he created a nuclear fusion machine to produce energy, more efficiently than anything else on Earth. Currently, nuclear power plants work by nuclear fission, the splitting of atoms to produce energy. Fusion is the combing of atoms to produce energy and is how the Sun (and all stars) works. Which is why Otto says "the power of the sun, in the palm of my hands".


Also. A cool little feature I just realised. If you look at his glasses. Splits the light and dark. Just realised.

Question: When Dr. Octavius is out cold in the hospital, he has bandages covering his eyes. Since his eyes were protected during his demonstration and when he took them off to see his wife had been hit by debris, why would he need the bandages? His eyes were never damaged.

Answer: As the surgeons were going to be using metal cutting equipment, it makes sense they don't want bits falling into his eyes - the surgeons themselves all have protective goggles on. His eyes were also arguably damaged from the light of the artificial sun, despite the protective coverings. It's why he's wearing sunglasses for the rest of the film. It's also noted in the comics that Doc Ock's eyes were damaged during his accident, thus making him sensitive to bright light.

Answer: Despite being removed as CEO, Norman would still own the stock, which would then be passed on to Harry.

Greg Dwyer

Did Harry have to take over or was it his decision?

It's always a choice to become CEO of a company.


Answer: Norman killed the other board members at the World Unity Festival. If he did so before all the legal requirements of removing him from the company were completed, then their intentions would effectively be null and void and Norman would remain the owner.


Answer: Well Harry did want to keep his father's "Honor" and quoting from the first film, "become half of what he is." He didn't want to disappoint his father even after death. Or has a bigger goal in mind. But he did it on his own.

Question: At the very end of the movie, when Harry discovers the secret room, he sees many vials of the performance enhancer that his father was working on. Why did Norman Osborn need so many?

Answer: It seems likely that a large number of samples would have been created during the initial experiments - Norman simply took them away and stored them to prevent anyone else from doing what he did. It also gives him the option to repeat the experiment if he feels that the effects are wearing off - remember, it was highly experimental so it would be hard to predict precisely what would happen in the long-term.


Answer: It was destroyed by an electrical shock when he turned around and saw Rosie fall over dead.


Question: I never understood why Peter wanted to avoid a relationship with Mary Jane in order to keep her safe from his enemies. Doc Octopus and the Green Goblin already found out about her and captured her before she was his girlfriend, so why avoid being with her if his enemies were finding out about her anyway?

Answer: The Goblin grabbed her only after he figured out that Spider-Man was Peter Parker. Doc Oc grabbed her because she was with Peter and he needed to send Peter to get Spider-Man, since he knew that Peter had some kind of working relationship with Spider-Man. In other words, her relationship with Peter puts her in danger because Peter already has a direct connection to Spider-Man through his pictures. If he were able to distance himself from her as both Peter Parker and Spider-Man, it would reduce the chances of her being specifically targeted, especially if the villain figures out that Spider-Man is Peter Parker to begin with, which seems to happen at an alarming rate. When Eddie figures it out in the third movie, he grabs her again because he knows Peter cares about her. And Harry used her as a pawn to get his revenge on Peter. Clearly, her relationship with Peter puts her in danger.


Question: When Peter is in JJJ's office, while he is naming Doctor Octupus, the reporter says, "I heard Spider-Man was there" and he looks up at Peter. Did he suspect Peter of being Spider-Man?

Answer: He might not suspect that Peter is Spider-Man, but he knows that somehow Peter always seems to be where Spider-Man is in order to get pictures.


Question: How closely does the movie match the comic? Was that how Doc Ock get his tentacles? Were any of the fights similar to those in the comic? Did Doc Ock have an honorable death like he did in the movie?

Answer: Comic continuity is constantly being changed particularly in different comics (Amazing Spiderman, Spectacular Spiderman and Ultimate Spiderman are 3 comics in the same universe), . For each thing that happened in a movie, you could find one way that happened the same and two that it happened differently in the comic universe. So it's really best these days to take the movie on its own.

Grumpy Scot

Question: When Peter goes to the doctor after losing his powers, he lies to the the doctor about a dream that he had, where he was Spider-Man and he was losing his powers. Then, after describing it, he says that it is actually his friend's dream. Chances are that the doctor saw through him, and suspects that Peter really is Spider-Man. Will the doctor end up being a villain, or at least have a significant part in upcoming movies?

Answer: If the doctor saw through Peter's lie, chances are he would disbelieve the part about "a friend" having the dream, not that the dream itself is a lie.

JC Fernandez

Question: Is there any word that Felicia (the other girl that Peter dates in the TV series) will be in the movies?

Answer: There are no indications of Felicia Hardy showing up any time soon. However in Spider-Man 3 we will meet Gwen Stacy, another one of Peter's girlfriends from the comics.

Question: In the scene where Aunt May is packing up her home, she mentions that the boy helping her is Harry (or Henry?) Jackson and that he's fascinated and looks up to Spiderman. As a former comic book collector, I know the name and am sure he was/will become a superhero, but I don't recall who. What hero would he later become?

Answer: To be honest, I don't think he does - I've been reading comics for years, and I can't come up with any hero with that name (and a little research around the internet hasn't helped). One suggestion is that his name is a reference to current Marvel guys Clayton Henry and John Jackson.


Question: In the commercial for Spiderman, they play background music that has vocals. What is this song and who sings it? (if you look on http://spiderman.sonypictures.com/ , watch the full length trailer and near the end starting when the blue writing shows up and says 'this summer', it starts.).

Answer: It actually starts slightly before that - the harsh drum beats before the text appears are the opening to the track. It's called "Lacrimosa" by a bunch called Immediate Music, whose compositions get used in movie trailers a lot. As for who actually sings it - it's obviously a choir, presumably one hired to perform that track.


Question: The music playing over the scene where Peter and Aunt May visit Uncle Ben's grave sound exactly like the music playing over the scene in x-men two when Wolverine gives Rogue his powers in order to save her at the end. Is it the same music?

Answer: Nope. The score for the two films is, in both cases, unique and were written by different people - the notable similarity is co-incidental.


Question: What's the song on the end credits of Spiderman 2?

Answer: "Vindicated", by Dashboard Confessional, which is on the Spider-man 2 soundtrack.

Question: Why do the posters for Mary Jane's play say Emma Rose on them? Her character in The Importance Of Being Earnest, the play, is Cecily.

Answer: The billboard and posters are not advertisements for the play. They are advertisements for a perfume called Emma Rose.


Spider-Man 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the train scene, Spider-Man's mask had gone partially black. We also see it when Spidey puts his mask back on. Yet when Doc brings him to Harry, we don't even see a patch of darkness on his mask.

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Mr. Ditkovich: If promises were crackers, my daughter would be fat.

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Trivia: When J. Jonah Jameson is thinking of a name for Octavius, Hoffman shouts out "Dr. Strange" and JJJ says "Already taken." Dr. Strange is another Marvel hero who lives in New York. Director Sam Raimi would later go on to direct Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness after original director Scott Derrickson stepped down.

T Poston

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