Blade: Trinity

Question: How did Drake discover the Nightstalkers hidden base?

Answer: It's possible that he followed one of them back to the base. This is feasible since they wouldn't be able to tell that he was following them because of his shape-shifting abilities.

Question: When Abby is crying over Sommerfield, Blade tells her to "use it" several times. What is he referring to?


Answer: He means for her to use her anger and sorrow over the death of Sommerfield and the others as motivation in their upcoming battle against Dracula and his minions.


Question: Hannibal tricks three, "DNA-modified" dogs to chase him, dodging the dog's attack to send them crashing through the building's high-rise window. The result is the three dogs falling to their death on the street below (you hear terrified screams as the dogs make impact). Why did the dogs die though? Wouldn't a vampire, however infected or changed, survive a fall from a great height?

Answer: Vampires may be very resistant to a lot of trauma, but they aren't indestructible. If they fall from such a height the entire body will just explode and though they could theoretically regenerate (very far fetched) if their head is still attached, the dogs would be dead not much later anyway.


Question: What's the name of the song that plays right after Blade drives off and the credits start? I think it starts out with "num num" or something like that.

Answer: "Fatal" by The Rza.


Question: Throughout the movie, there are a few times where we see Drake in a peculiar posture. One of his arms (I believe it's the left) is always held up at an angle. This is especially noticeable during the climax of the movie, where his armor is fitted to that posture, can anyone tell me why he might hold it up like that?

Answer: He'd have needed his armor made to allow his arm to raise up high enough to wrap around his victims, drawing them in for a bite. After so many eons of wearing that armor (which can't go all the way down since it's made to go higher) he just got used to holding his arm that way.


Question: In the movie, there is a song playing as everyone is hunting the vampires (there are a few split-screen images, and they show a few vampire glyphs), could anyone tell me what the name of this song is, and who sings it? The words 'This Blood' are repeated a few times, but I checked that song and it doesn't seem to be the one playing.

Answer: It's "Hard Wax" by Manchild.

Question: SPOILER: Blade is shown to be driving towards another battle during the end credits. Does this mean that the virus only killed the vampires in the building? Wasn't it supposed to destroy all the vampires in the world?

Answer: No, the amount was only enough to destroy the vampires in the immediate vicinity.


Factual error: When Blade notices the piece of Dracula's armour in the Nightstalkers' headquarters he's shown an image of what the full armour looks like. It'd be impossible to extrapolate a full suit of armour from such a small piece.


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Hannibal King: She's dowloading playlists. You know, rap hip hop, what the kids are into nowadays. Me? I'm more of a David Hasselhoff fan.

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