Question: Is the first telmarine who agrees to go through the two trees at the end the same guy who assassinates Miraz with an arrow?
Question: At the train station, when Peter says "It's been a year. How long does he expect us to wait," is the pronoun "he" referring to Aslan?
Chosen answer: Yes.
Question: Does anyone know what the song is that's being played when the Pevensies first arrive in Narnia again and are playing on the beach? I recognize that it is in the first movie too around the part when all four first come out of the wardrobe into Narnia.And what was the song played when Reepicheep and his comrades sneak into the castle where the cat is? And how come these aren't on the soundtrack?
Answer: The first part of your question is on the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe soundtrack and I believe that it is called From Western Woods to Beaversdam.
Question: Can anyone explain exactly the orange juice prank that happened between Will Moseley and Ben Barnes? I can never understand what they're saying in the interviews. I know it involved Will sneezing or something. Thanks.
Answer: I think Ben was in his armour and Will came over, sneezed and his orange juice went all over Ben. Will ran to his car and hid from the director.
Question: Any thoughts on whether or not General Glozelle actually killed his three men, like Miraz 'told' him to? He did attempt to follow Miraz's order to assassinate Caspian, but then hesitated to give the order to fire into the courtyard, didn't shoot Peter, and didn't stab Caspian. Maybe he told the three men to hide?
Answer: Without additional information, we have no way to tell. However, given the number of Miraz's supporters that were around at the time, it seems likely that he would have no option but to obey a direct order and kill his men. This may well have been the impetus for his subsequent dissatisfaction with Miraz.
Question: There's probably an obvious answer here; but why does Miraz wait until his wife gives birth to his child before killing Caspian? If Miraz wanted to take the throne, he could have killed Caspian any time after Caspian's father died (I think he died but can't remember the movie that well) so that he would be the next successor.
Answer: Prior to the birth of Miraz's son, Miraz had no heir. So his nephew, Caspian, was heir to the throne after Miraz. With the birth of his son, he didn't want there to be any questions as to who would be heir.
Answer: The one who stabs Miraz with the arrow is one of the Lords that promises support when Miraz is ordained King. He dies on the bridge (that the Telmarines built) when Aslan causes the waters to 'come alive'. The Telmarine who walks through the 'doorway' (to the world of men) with Miraz's wife and their infant son is Miraz's General. Earlier in the film, Miraz ordered this General to kill three of his men (after the Narnians stole the weapons), and during Miraz and Peter's duel Miraz ordered him to kill Peter if the dueling was not going in Miraz's favor, but the General chose not to. On the field, during the last battle, the General had an opportunity to kill Caspian, and again he chose not to.
Super Grover ★