Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Question: How did Lex Luther find Superman's lair? I thought his lair was in the fortress of solitude in the Arctic Circle.


Chosen answer: Lex Luthor didn't find Superman's lair. Rather, he entered a crashed Kryptonian vessel that still had a functional computer database. Luthor used Zod's amputated fingertips to activate the database, which told him how to make the hybrid-clone monster, Doomsday.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: I don't understand the beginning; why does everyone suddenly hate Superman, and what is that alien-looking thing in the sky that is knocking the buildings down and killing the people inside, and do they think Superman is doing that?


Chosen answer: The beginning is Bruce Wayne's perspective of the events that occurred in the movie "Man of Steel" when Superman and General Zod are fighting (if you haven't seen it, it would explain a lot of BvS events). It's General Zod's ship and the phantom drive. It cuts to 18 months later. Supermen is called to testify in front of a congressional hearing because of his vigilantism over the past 18 months and people are concerned about his actions (like the events in Africa) since he's an all-powerful alien with no way for the people to stop him, so they're very nervous. Bruce seems to blame Superman more than anyone though for the destruction and death of people he knew (and tried to save) because if Superman wasn't on Earth, Zod wouldn't have come to Earth, etc.


Question: Who is it that Bruce sees in his dream/vision while waiting for the file to be decrypted? It seems like it might be the Flash, given his time/dimension-travelling powers, but it doesn't look like Ezra Miller and seems to be wearing some sort of armour.

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: It is Flash. He is wearing armour because of whatever has transpired in the future. He often wears an armoured suit in dire circumstances in the comics.

Also, if you look at the bottom of the image frame you can just make out the Flash icon on his chest piece.

Question: When Alfred watches the senate bombing on the news, he finds one last refused check from Wallace Keefe (actually from Lex). But it has a drawing of the senate in flames, what is the purpose of this? It's completely against Lex's plan to frame Superman and make Batman fight him, because it shows that Wallace actually knows what is going to happen/he is the one who will blow up the building.


Chosen answer: The plan was not to frame Superman for the bombing, the authorities would know relatively quickly that a bomb was planted in the wheelchair. The plan was to goad Wallace into taking his grudge against Superman to extreme measures and actually carry out a terrorist action. Lex knows that Batman will ultimately blame Superman for putting Wallace in his deranged mental state and will feel compelled to act against Superman.

Question: Multi-part question regarding the actual brawl between Batman and Superman. Batman's first barrier is a sonic attack (lifted right out of Marvel's "Incredible Hulk," which Superman defeats the same way the Hulk did: Ripping apart an iron plate and destroying the sonic emitters with the two halves of iron). Why was Superman bending over, holding his head, when we know he has super-selective hearing? Superman could instantly block out a sonic attack without even blinking. Batman's second barrier was comprised of a couple of machine-cannons; again, Superman ducks and covers until he realises the cannons do not affect him. Why would Superman attempt to shield himself from conventional firearms? Did he suspect they were Kryptonite rounds? If so, why even bother shielding himself? If Superman suspected that Batman was using Kryptonite-based weaponry, why would he even walk into that scenario? After Superman strolls through Batman's first two deterrents, Batman then uses a third barrier, a smoke bomb that can, apparently, block Superman's X-ray vision. What was in the smoke? Was it lead-based smoke? Because Batman escapes while Superman seemingly can't see through the smoke. As far as I can tell, Superman doesn't realise that Batman is using Kryptonite-based weapons until Batman uses the Kryptonite gas mortars on Superman. So, why did the first three weapons even slow Superman down? Superman could have defeated Batman in a fraction of a second without killing him.

Charles Austin Miller

Chosen answer: The sonic emitters were constantly changing frequency making the sound impossible for Superman to "select" and block out. As for the cannons, Superman knows that Batman is resourceful and therefore assumed that he would not bother firing at him unless the rounds could do damage. Superman took cover as a precaution against this. There are also several elements which block x-rays and can be made into a gas.


Answer: We see Bruce working with lead to contain the Kryptonite gas in the grenade capsules, so we know he understands the interaction of lead and radiation. X-ray's are a form of radiation and if Luthor has a complete file in Superman's abilities the fact that he can see in the X-ray spectrum would be included, so Bruce would have planned accordingly but adding lead particles to his gas grenade should he need to escape. This is not covered in specific in the film; it requires you to add up several incidental pieces of information and make and informed assumption.

Answer: The bullets from the machine gun may not be able to break his skin and injure him but that doesn't mean they don't have a physical effect on him or that he cannot feel them. In Man of Steel Clark takes a 50cal round while trying to fly out of the military's line of fire and it throws him into a building. The bullets might not injure him but he can still feel them and they still hit pretty hard, so I imagine he's just trying not to get shot in the eyes.

Regular bullets do not have any effect on Superman's body whatsoever as long as he has absorbed solar rays before. Anyone that suggests they do knows nothing about Superman. Superman can survive a megaton nuclear explosion without so much as a hair on his body harmed, as long as he has absorbed enough solar rays.


In the comics, yes. In the movies is completely different.

Not at all. Someone fires a gun right on his face and it bounces off his eye without a blink.


Answer: First you have to understand that Superman doesn't know what Kryptonite is. He's never seen it, never heard of it, never encountered it. So he isn't expecting anything like it. He cannot prepare for or even look for something he does not know exists. Superman says in Man of Steel that he can focus on what he wants to hear above other sounds but that doesn't mean that he doesn't hear anything else; it just means he's able to manage the influx of information. You can hold a conversation with a friend at a nightclub but that doesn't mean you stop hearing everything else - you just don't focus on it. The sonic devices are very loud, focused directly at Superman's head and emitting frequencies up and down the spectrum not to mention the actual physical effect as evidenced by the rainwater caught in the blast. It's a lot to deal with all at once.

Question: What's the deal with the card that Bruce has when he hacks the Russian's phone? It seems it has a scorpion image on it. Why did he hand it over to the bartender? Does it have anything to do with the hacking? Was it the same card the Russian dropped during the previous fight?


Answer: The card was the Russian mercenary's calling card. He recognized Bruce Wayne at the fight and dropped the card to see if Bruce was interested in acquiring his services. Bruce picked up the card and gave it to the bartender, which showed the mercenary that Bruce was indeed interested in meeting him.

But how would giving the card to a bartender in front of the mercenary (who is already there) show any interest in his services?


The scene takes place in a fight club and the paper was a betting slip. When Bruce hands the card over the bartender gives him a look and Bruce comments, "The house treats luck like an insult." It has nothing to do with mercenaries or intermediaries.

Answer: Probably because the bartender acts as an intermediary for the mercenary.

Question: I have 2 questions. The first one: why did Lex end up in prison? yes he created doomsday, but with his team of lawyers he could have easily said "I was just conducting experiments like I was allowed to do and suddenly this giant thing was released." There is no way to prove he made Doomsday since the government can't just check the alien ship memory card. Also him kidnapping Martha, he never kidnapped her, his goons did and I'm pretty sure he could have or already did cover that up. The only person who knew were Batman and Superman. Superman was dead and Batman couldn't just show up to the police station as a witness. 2nd question I have is about what happened in Africa. We all know Lois and Jimmy showed up there to interview the African drug lord. Then the goons kill everyone and Superman comes in to save Lois. Next thing we see is a congressional hearing where they're interviewing some random African woman and she's making up all this BS that Superman killed them all. First, how did they explain everyone dead from gun shots? 2nd, where was Lois? She tells Clark to go tell his side of the story yet she was actually there. Wasn't her testimony a lot more important?

Answer: Lex also went in to the ship where he wasn't supposed to be. No he didn't take Martha himself but he hired people to do so which is still a crime. He also threw Lois off a building, even though Superman saved her that is still attempted murder. Plus Batman could have found enough evidence to connect Lex to the senate bombing.

Answer: Luthor went to prison because Lois was able to prove his connection to the Capitol bombing, as the newspaper article before the funeral scene states. As for the testimony Kahina Ziri gives, no-one explains anything about gunshots because no-one knows. The whole point of the situation is that the CIA is covering up the incident. The Committee on Superman Affairs doesn't know what happened and Lois can't testify because she doesn't know what happened; she didn't see it. The CIA wasn't supposed to be there and the US government has no authority to conduct an investigation on foreign soil for an incident they have no official part in.

Question: At the end, to whom does Lex Luthor refer when he tells Batman, "He is coming for us, and he is hungry"? Does this suggest that Luthor used Kryptonian technology to send a message into space, alerting someone or something? But who?

Charles Austin Miller

Chosen answer: Presumably it is Steppenwolf, who will be the main villain in "Justice League." It could also be Steppenwolf's nephew, Darkseid.


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Batman: You're not brave. Men are brave.

More quotes from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Trivia: The Oracle network on Bruce's computer is a reference to Barbara Gordon aka Batgirl, who becomes Oracle in the comics.


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