
24th Jul 2024

Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Question: Is K meant to be the boy that supposed lived (while the girl survived)? Or did the girl get passed off as a boy? Why does K have her memories? What is the back story to the doctor? Why is she in a containment area?


Answer: The birth records were purposefully mixed to hide Ana Stelline (Rachael and Deckard's daughter). She was passed off as a boy and raised in the orphanage. K was given her memories because she secretly was giving replicants pleasant memories of her own. She is in a containment area because it is said she has an autoimmune disorder, but this is likely a ploy by the freedom fighters to keep anyone from examining her and discovering that she is at least part replicant.


1st Jan 2022

28 Days Later (2002)

Answer: It's Finnish. They say "Lähetätkö helikopterin?" which means "Will you send a helicopter?"

23rd Oct 2020

Gosford Park (2001)

Question: Why is Jennings drunk and worried about the situation? Is he just upset? I can't understand why the other maid said she would do anything he asked.


Answer: Jennings' drinking problem stems from his having been a World War I conscientious objector, for which he was imprisoned. He has kept this secret and is worried the police investigation will uncover his past and jeopardize his job. The maid, Dorothy, is secretly in love with Jennings and wants to protect him.


11th Oct 2020

True Grit (2010)

Answer: It was Frank James, brother of Jesse. He didn't stand up as she approached. She was offended by his lack of manners.

Answer: Rooster Cogburn. She considered him a legendary lawman, like Wyatt Earp. She felt bad that he was reduced to being a sideshow attraction in a circus.

Answer: Sound designer Matthew Wood said they retired the Wilhelm scream after The Force Awakens, and that a new scream sound would make an appearance from Rogue One onwards. He didn't give any detail but Metaflix theorised the new scream was from WALL-E, although ABC News said sources told them the new audio easter egg was a scream by George Lucas recorded for American Graffiti.


Answer: No other lightsaber in the films was shown to have a yellow blade, so this is one she constructed herself.


Answer: I believe you are talking about the medal. That is one of the medals from the end of A New Hope (Star Wars) that was given to Luke and Han. Presumably it is Han's medal.

Answer: It's a medal similar to the ones Han and Luke received at the end of "A New Hope." Whether it's a new one, or Leia was in possession of one or both the medals that belonged to Han and Luke respectively is unknown.


It is Han's medal which Leia had saved. It says so in the novelization.

Answer: In the movie, there's a bar called "Formosa Lounge." In real life, "Formosa" was the name Portugal gave to Taiwan.


Question: 2 questions: 1. What Is the significanceof the Deathly Hallows story (Luna's dad wears it around his neck, is it some sort of religion?), and 2. Why did Dumbledore draw the symbol in correspondence with Grindlewald?


Answer: It's a bit complicated. The Deathly Hallows were not tied to any religion but to mythology. They were the three powerful and revered magical objects (the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the Cloak of Invisibility) that, through history and legend, were believed to give whoever possessed them immense power and mastery over death. The Deathly Hallows symbol, like the one Mr. Lovegood wore, is a circle, a triangle, and a straight line that represent the three objects.Voldemort only coveted the Elder Wand, wielded by Dumbledore, because it was the most powerful wand in the world. Dumbledore won the wand from his former friend, the evil wizard, Gellert Grindelwald, after defeating him in a fierce duel. Mr. Lovegood merely serves as a plot device to explain the significance and lore of the Hallows that were tied to Harry's ancestors, the Peverells. Dumbledore placed the Deathly Hallows symbol in the book as a clue to Hermione about the Elder Wand's importance. In the book, when Harry became the Elder Wand's master, he chose to return it to Dumbledore's tomb; in the movie, he destroys the wand. He deliberately dropped the Resurrection Stone in the Forbidden Forest so that no-one, including himself, would be tempted to summon a spirit from the Netherworld. He kept the cloak, that he had inherited from his father. Harry understood that truly "mastering" death was not fearing it.


Answer: Sirius was attempting to break into the Gryffindor common room to find and kill Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail), who had been disguised as Ron's pet rat, Scabbers for the past twelve years.


Following on from this answer, when the Fat Lady would not give him access to the tower because he didn't have the password, Sirius (not Lupin) became angry and slashed the painting in an attempt to get her to open and allow him access. However, she still refused him access and then left the portrait, essentially sealing off the common room.


Answer: In Captain America Winter Soldier, when Cap and Widow are in the military bunker that has the mind of Zola in it, some images flash across the screen that Cap can see. One of them actually shows links to Winter Soldier and Tony's parents. It's not concrete, but not too difficult to put together for Cap and he deduces things on his own. As well as his time talking with Bucky who does claim to remember them all.

Quantom X

25th Mar 2018

Black Swan (2010)

Question: I didn't understand the movie. Was it all a metaphor for her descent into madness? And the ending. How much of the movie was imagined and how much was actually real?


Answer: **Spoiler Alert** I would say you are correct about the movie being a metaphor for descent into madness, but also displays themes of repressed sexuality and transformation. As the main character is given the lead role, she must play dual roles, one good and one evil, with the hallucinations representing the latter. Towards the beginning, Nina only embodies the personality traits of the white swan, innocence and grace. As the film gradually progresses, Ninas hallucinations represent her metamorphosis into the seductive and mysterious black swan. The film expertly convinces the audience that Lily (Mila Kunis) is out for Nina's role. In a twist ending, it is revealed that Nina has imagined most of her encounters with lily (including their sexual one) and has instead been battling herself, such as breaking away from her domineering mother and coming to terms with her sexuality. At the end, Nina really does stab herself (but actually hallucinates it is Lily she is stabbing) and her fate is left ambiguous.

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