Question: Do the giant snakes look better in this sequel than in the 1st movie?
Question: Does the movie provide any evidence that the Blood orchid flowers would renew human youth like a fountain of youth?
Question: Early in this movie while still in the USA, Gail says she can't support the research that the blood orchid flower can be used to renew youth for humans, which would make that flower the fountain of youth. Why can she not support the valid scientific research?
Answer: I interpreted it as "I can't support this claim the chemical will extend cell life" because she already said it was impossible. However, the way the line sounded when delivered off screen makes it seem like it was dubbed over different dialog. So someone may not have like what was initially said and had this in as a foreshadowing of her objections later in the film, or it was just a throw away line.
Nothing was stopping her from saying that before they left the United States so that is awful writing. She had no valid reason to think or expect that saying "I can't support this" would change the President and other persons minds after they saw a great presentation with images along with science research to substantiate the claim that the blood orchid flower could renew human youth like a fountain of youth. I assume by objections you mean she didn't want to continue to go through with the expedition after Ben was killed by a giant anaconda, also she gave some answer about evidence not being valid.
Answer: No, it doesn't. The characters speculate that the anacondas are unusually large because the orchids are part of the food chain in the area; then have a discussion over whether or not the orchids would have the same effect on humans. This discussion is unresolved and the question goes unanswered for the rest of the film.