Question: Can someone translate what Sir John said after Lawrence told him he should pray?
Question: What was the argument that Ben and Sir John had about Gwen?
Question: When John is telling Lawrence about the argument with Ben, John says that Ben would have taken Gwen away from him. Does this mean that John was secretly in love with Gwen?
Question: In the Director's Cut, was the conversation that Lawrence had with the old man a dream or did it really happen? Lawrence dropped his wallet then put it in his bag and the old man offered to give Lawrence his cane, but he politely declines. After waking up, the old man is gone but his cane is there, and Lawrence's wallet is back on the floor on the same spot.
Answer: It really happened. The discrepancies are meant to show Lawrence's mental state.
Question: When Inspector Aberline is speaking to Lawrence, was his questioning a way of implying that Lawrence had something to do with his brother's death as well as the attack on the gypsy camp? It seems highly likely to me.
Answer: Yes. In modern times Lawrence would have been a "person of interest". There was no direct evidence, but the circumstances and his behavior made the inspector suspicious.
Question: Did Lawrence think that Sir John was responsible for Ben's death? Is that why he followed him into the crypt with a loaded gun?
Answer: Lawrence only had suspicions that Sir John was hiding the truth of Ben's death. If not directly, he believed that he knew who or what did kill his brother.
Question: Even though not said outright, why would Inspector Aberline accuse Lawrence of the murder of his brother and the gypsies? He was with his theater troupe when his brother was killed and the gypsies were killed by Sir John as a werewolf. Not shot to death.
Answer: Of course, probably not real love, but he wanted to possess her.