From Hell

Question: Why is it a "known fact" that Mary Kelley was killed by Jack the Ripper? Her murder differs in many ways from the others. She was killed indoors, she wasn't wearing any clothes, her body was so savaged that she was unrecognisable. The other murders took place outdoors with victims fully dressed and only partly savaged. Considering the number of violent deaths that took place in London at this time (most of them by slashing the throat) she could have been murdered by anybody. I know Abberline was called to the scene of the crime but that doesn't prove the Ripper actually did it and Abberline was called to more murder scenes than just the five official Ripper ones. What makes people so sure that Jack the Ripper killed Mary Kelley?

Answer: As the Ripper was never caught and interrogated, it can never be said with absolute certainty that Kelly was one of his victims. Her death does, however, fit the pattern of Ripper murders quite well with regard to time, general location, methodology and class of victim. There was also a noted trend of increasing levels of mutilation as the murders went on, so, while the damage was considerably more extensive that the previous killings, that also fits with a noted trend of the Ripper murder - it's also worth considering that, as Kelly was apparently his final kill, he may well have wanted to sign off with a particularly grand statement, hence the extreme level of mutilation to the body. This would also explain why the attack uncharacteristically took place indoors - what Jack had in mind for Kelly would take a considerable period of undisturbed time, more than could be guaranteed in an on-street attack. It's also believed that Jack had been interrupted during the murder of Elizabeth Stride on his previous night of violence some weeks earlier - this could also have led him to alter his modus operandi to ensure that this would not be repeated. So, no, it cannot be stated categorically that Kelly was a victim of Jack the Ripper, however the evidence suggests a high probability that this was the case, enough so that many people consider this to be a fact.


It wasn't Mary Jane Kelly.

The question pertained to the real-life Ripper murders, not what we see in this film. It was indeed Mary Kelly in real life.


Question: In the middle of the movie, one of the doctors tells the others of John Merrick, aka The Elephant Man. They show him for a few seconds Disrobed.. What is the point of showing Merrick in the movie? This scene seems totally isolated from the rest of the plot. It almost feels like they had an extra minute to kill and decided to add it in.

Answer: In the original book, Merrick's appearance is used to show William Gull's education, expertise as an anatomist and that he recognises and respects cultural diversity - Gull assures Merrick that, had he been born in India, he would be worshipped as a descendant of the elephant-headed god, Ganesa. In this spirit, Gull even offers the victim of his first Ripper slaying to Ganesa as a sacrifice, as Indians make a sacrifice to Ganesa at the beginning of an important enterprise. Merrick is present as a vehicle to establish the rich nature of Gull's character. When it comes to the film, however, this subtlety is completely lost - it seems very much that the scriptwriter noted Merrick's appearance in the book and felt that it would be cool to include the character in his script. As such, as you point out, it does feel that Merrick's presence, stripped of the subtleties of the book, is almost entirely pointless.


Question: Was Ian Holm using contact lenses, or did they do something with his eyes in post production? From the scene where Abberline asks about the Free Masons and onwards his eyes are considerably darker (a deliberate effect I take it).

Answer: His eyes are not just darker, his entire eyes are completely black. This was done by CGI effects to show that the murderous Ripper side to Gull's persona is taking over and is in control.


Question: Did Abberline's wife die while giving birth, or after it? And how did the baby die?

Answer: Abberline's wife died while giving birth. It was hinted since she told Abberline (in his vision) that she's expecting a child from him. So she probably died while giving birth. It could have been a stillbirth but we didn't get more information about his wife and child's death.

Answer: Also, the lobotomy was not thought of until 1946 by a Portuguese physician and brought into the public eye by Dr. Walter Freeman, an American. The two received the Nobel prize for medicine in 1949.

Answer: While based on actual events and characters, "From Hell" takes considerable liberty with facts, in addition to leaving much of its convoluted fictional plot unexplained. The real Chief Inspector Frederick Abberline's first wife died of tuberculosis two months after they married (she was not pregnant at the time). Abberline remained married to his second wife for over 50 years, and they never had children. Abberline was never an opium or absinthe user, either, and he died at the ripe old age of 86. The movie fabricated everything except a handful of essential historical facts regarding the Ripper murders.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: Did Abberline use drugs to see visions after his wife and child died, or had he used them before?

Answer: Johnny Depp said in an interview that Abberline was a hypersensitive guy and had a lot of demons and a dark history. He probably start doing drugs to feel numb against the pain that he lost his wife and child since he desperately wanted a family.

Answer: It's not known if Abberline used Absinth before his wife died. But I doubt that he would have used Absinth or any other form of drugs when he was married.

Answer: The real-life Abberline didn't use opium or absinthe or anything else, and he wasn't psychic, and he and his two wives never lost any children nor had any children. Aside from the very few facts regarding the Ripper murders, everything in the movie is fictional, fake. Therefore, irrelevant.

Charles Austin Miller

I think those questions are meant for the fictional movie not the real story of Abberline.

Question: Who killed Martha Tabram? Just like in the real world, doubt is cast on her murder as to whether or not it was Jack the Ripper due to the differences in her murder and those of the other prostitutes. So was it just another member of the Freemasons?


Answer: I've always suspected (thought) that the man who murdered Martha was the guy with the knife who threatened Mary Kelly and used the weapon to cut off her buttons. McQueen. Wasn't he the 1888s version of a pimp?


I think that would make the most sense. If he didn't do the deed himself, then having one of his men do it to send a message to the other prostitutes tracks.


Question: In the film a specific group of friends are murdered as they are the only witnesses to the wedding. The women are watched and followed so the identity of each woman must have been known to the murderer or at least to 'special branch'. If they are willing to go to such lengths to cover up the royal secret then why is it that the french girl is murdered in place of Mary Kelley? Mary has bright red hair in the film and surely the killer might have noticed before he set to work on her that she wasn't the right woman? Or at least whoever tracked her down, they must have known which woman they were looking for so why didn't they realise that it wasn't Mary in the room? Am I missing something?

Answer: At this point the murderer (Dr. Gull) has been completely taken over by his insanity and bloodthirst, as indicated by his completely black eyes. He was not thinking rationally, and was even having hallucinations while carrying out the murder. He was absolutely, wholeheartedly convinced he was killing the right person and fulfilling his mission, so he never stopped to notice the details of her appearance.


Question: I remember seeing a mini series about the Ripper when I was younger, in which Mary Kelley had a new young prostitute (Ada) "under her wing", just as in this film. Did Ada really exist, and if so are there any evidence that might support that she was murdered in Kelley's place?

Answer: Kelly regularly spent time with several other prostitutes, as we see in the film, but there's no particular evidence that Kelly was acting in a sort of mentor role to any of them. There is, however, evidence that Kelly did share a room with another prostitute, so the fictional 'Ada' may have some small basis in fact. However, none of the reports of Kelly's murder give any indication that there was any doubt about the identity of the victim.


Question: What was the medical procedure performed on Ian Holm at the end of the movie?

Answer: A lobotomy.


A pre-frontal lobotomy.

Charles Austin Miller

Factual error: Towards the end of the movie, Mary sends a hand-written note to Inspector Abberline. The 'r' in her name is written in a North American style, where she is European.

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Sir William Gull: One day men will look back and say that I gave birth to the Twentieth century.

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