Question: What does "Here's Johnny" mean? Torrance says this as he chops down the bathroom door.
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: When Will and Jack climb aboard the Dauntless, Jack says, "everyone remain calm we are taking over the ship". What does Will say after him and what does it mean?
Question: What happened to Kelly's genius friend Arby who, in the book, went with her to the island?
Answer: Like with most adaptations from book to film, some characters weren't needed and therefore not included in the movie script.
Question: About 3/4 of the way through the film, Vincennes finds the body of the actor he arrested early in the movie, with his throat slit. Who killed him and why?
Answer: Reynolds has been sent by Sid Hudgens to sleep with Loew, the District Attorney. Dudley Smith and Pearce Patchett, who are trying to take over everything, have been threatening Loew, who initially refused to play along. They set Loew up, probably in much the same way that Hudgens tried to, with the intention of blackmailing him with photos so that he couldn't prosecute them. According to Loew, who spills the details while Bud's dangling him out of the window, Reynolds overheard all this - presumably Smith and/or Patchett followed Loew to the motel room to do the blackmailing - so they killed him.
Question: Is this the only Bond film that features any references to Tracy Bond (other than the given "On Her Majesty's...")?
Answer: It's mentioned he was married in The Spy Who Loved Me and Licence to Kill.
Answer: It is also vaguely alluded to in The World is Not Enough. When Electra asks Bond, "tell me, Mr. Bond, ha- have you ever lost a loved one." And it's written all over his face, so to speak.
Question: As with the other two films, did Viggo Mortensen have to grow in his facial hair? To me, it looked just full enough to be natural.
Answer: It is Viggo's own facial hair that appears in all three films.
Question: Did Kiefer Sutherland really have to bleach his hair or was his hairstyle simply a removable hairpiece?
Answer: Real hair.
Answer: In all his movies he's always been blonde.
Question: I heard the Strokes were on the soundtrack with a song called When It Started. Does anyone know which scene this is in?
Answer: Some of the songs on the soundtrack were not in the movie. The soundtrack is made up of songs "from and INSPIRED by".
Question: Did they ever explain what happened to Brendan, who was missing this season?
Answer: According to the SBS website, Brendan's disappearance was never really explained. He just kind of faded out. He was hired as the cute "little" one and as he got older he wasn't as cute. When the Lamberts had the little girl, they got their cuteness factor back and didn't need as many kids around.
Carol and Frank continued to tell people they had seven children throughout the remainder of the show's run, but they never referred to Brendan after season 6.
Question: What does it mean, that German speech of Nazi soldier who met Indy at U-Boot base? I know he is asking Indy about why is he sleeping and thinks Indy looks like pig, but I don't understand the rest.
Answer: He's asking "Why are you so lazy?" He starts complaining that his jacket is undone and his hair is all in a mess. He is also saying "the general will be here", although he doesn't finish his sentance as Indy kicks him and steals his hat.
Question: Is this the only Bond film where the title song is being sung by a character during the film?
Answer: As far as I can tell, yes. Unless you count "Die Another Day," where the singer of the title song (Madonna) appears in a scene, as well as the song being remixed for the party scene in the ice castle.
Question: Why is Catwoman's name "Patience phillips"? wasn't it Selena Kyle in "Batman Returns"?
Answer: It was, yes. The filmmakers deliberately didn't bother with anything resembling film continuity, intending to make this a completely new character.
Question: Can someone please tell me the point of the conversation between Harry and his dead dad, as well as him stumbling onto the Green Goblins gear.
Answer: From the story point of view, Harry's been becoming increasingly unstable, and the realisation that his friend Peter is also the man he's vowed vengeance on is likely to increase that instability to dangerous levels. The 'appearance' of (and argument with) his deceased father, the man who Harry felt was always disappointed in him and who, of course, died at Peter's hands, seems like a pretty reasonable psychological thing to happen under the circumstances. The discovery of the Goblin's technology simply means that the already unstable vengeance-seeking Harry now has the means within his grasp to take on Spiderman at his own power level.
Question: In the House of Pain, just prior to the attack of the Reapers, they start playing a techno track (you can see Reinhardt nodding his head to the rhythm). What's the name of the track and where can I get it?
Answer: I never saw Reinhardt nodding his head, but the song that is playing exactly when the Reapers attack is Child of the Wild West - Cypress Hill & Roni Size which is availible on the Blade II soundtrack. If this is not it, I am pretty sure any techno featured in the movie is on the soundtrack, which is a decent buy.
Voodoo and Serano - Blood is Pumping.
Answer: I believe that is a track by Voodoo and Serano...not sure of the track name itself, but I'm sure if you search that group you'll find it. Please note, many of their songs sound similar so don't confuse the songs you find with the exact one in the movie. It might be "Blood is Pumpin", but a remix of it.
Question: I'm curious, why is it stated that the Tigriss of Gaul is the only undefeated gladiator? Wouldn't Proximo be an undefeated Gladiator, seeing as how he won the wooden sword? I do take in mind that Proximo could not be counted because he was set free, but could someone clear this up for me?
Answer: Gladiators weren't automatically killed on losing a fight - it almost certainly wasn't even the norm. As such, a gladiator could be defeated, but be spared to fight again and, if luck was with him, ultimately retire in some fashion.
Question: After Spooner explains how much of his body is robotic, the woman asks what it was like when he went back to work. He starts to explain, then starts describing the accident with the truck and the girl. I'm a bit confused. Was this where his arm and lung were damaged, or did this happen after he received his bionic appendage?
Answer: Although not clearly explained, Spooner lost his left arm and lung during the accident.
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Answer: "Here's Johnny" is a classic line used on the Tonight Show when Johnny Carson hosted. Anytime Johnny would enter the stage at the beginning of the show, Ed McMahon would shout "Here's Johnny" as his introduction. Jack Nicholson ad-libbed the line.
T Poston