Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: According to Al Jean, the producers haven't decided yet but they have some ideas.


There was an episode in which Ned went to Springfield elementary as a substitute but left. Bart convinced him to come back. Then in S30s finale, "crystal blue haired persuasion", Flanders show Marge a test that Bart got in "his" class, suggesting he is the new teacher. However, Simpsons wiki fandom shows that it a is a temporary job.

Question: If Professor X transferred only his consciousness into his twin brother, why is he not able to walk? His brother did not suffer a spinal injury, he only suffered from basically being brain dead. So why can't the new Professor X walk around? He can speak, move his head, and arms but not walk.

Answer: If his brother was bedridden his entire life then his leg muscles never would have developed enough to allow him to walk. That's why babies can't walk as soon as they are born. They have to build the muscles first. A lot of time also passes between the movies - we have no idea what's happened.


Answer: For time. For American TV, a film needs to have a run-time in increments of 45 minutes (An hour with 4 commercial breaks.) Casino Royale runs 144 minutes, so 9 minutes have to be trimmed somewhere, and this scene IS a bit drawn-out. We know Bond's going to survive because the game isn't over.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Does anyone know if in the scene when Blain gets killed and the group is hosing down the jungle, if the actors were using live ammo or just blanks with pyro to take out the trees?

Answer: Its unclear but highly unlikely any studio would let actors fire such high powered weapons for real. Probably just squibs. At most, it may be live ammo being used to shoot the trees by people trained in gun fire when not on an actor's close up.


Answer: Pyro. Consider the health, safety, and legal implications of having actors live firing weapons.

Question: At the end of the movie, Aidan asks Rachel what will become of the person they show Aidan's copy of the videotape to as, according to the rule, in order for Aidan to be saved, he must make a copy (which Rachel helps him do) and show it to another individual. I want to know who? The second movie, which takes place about six months later, never clears this up. If Aidan is still alive six months after the events of the first movie, who did he show the video to in order to save himself? It couldn't have been his mother, because the rule says anyone who watches the cursed tape must show it to someone who has never seen it before.

Answer: A deleted scene shows the tape sitting on a shelf in a video rental store. It's safe to assume someone from that store rented it.


Answer: There was originally a "bookend" plot where a convicted murderer goes to Rachel claiming he's "found God and has reformed", at the end of the movie she gives him the tape since she (rightfully) didn't believe him. This plot was scrapped when test audiences didn't understand and demanded more of the actor.

Question: At the Ewok village, Luke tells Leia that she is the only hope for the Alliance if he doesn't return from his meeting with Darth Vader. However, if he had died, how could she have become a Jedi? Would the ghosts of Luke, Yoda, or Obi-wan have trained her?

Answer: It is quite possible their spirits could have contacted her, and while she may not be able to be trained as a Jedi, they could certainly guide her into developing her powers to use the Force that would help her lead the rebellion. There may even be other Jedi still alive that she would find out about.


Answer: That Leia is the rebellion's last hope is a separate point from her being able to use the force. Luke doesn't necessarily suggest that Leia can become a trained Jedi without anyone to train her; simply that she is already a formidable warrior who is intelligent and resourceful, and now he can confirm that the force is with her, so she can indeed put her absolute trust in her own instincts.


Question: Where is it ever stated that the shots of unmasked Jason in part 2 are hallucinations of Ginny's, and that is the reason for the difference in Jason's appearance between part 2 & 3?

Answer: The very ending of part 2 proves this, as Ginny appears again found by the police and ambulances. 1) if Jason really got her she would be dead, not alive, he wrapped around her. 2) Paul was dead, not alive and 3) as far as Jason's appearance she would not be able to stand it at first glance, so in her head she would put more human features on his face to be able to deal with it.

Answer: It is never stated anywhere that she's hallucinating, some say that Ginny surviving is proof but Jason was badly injured, she could have gotten away, this is before Jason became supernatural. The changes in Jason's appearance is simply a continuity error.

M. - S1-E12

Question: How did Holmes know where M was, so he could have found him and taken him away? And how did Holmes transport M on his own? Was M unconscious, or alert and thus went where Holmes told him to go, or he'd kill him? But M wouldn't do that; he doesn't mind dying.


Chosen answer: M broke into the brownstone and left a note. Holmes deduced he was staying at a high-class hotel from the soap scent on the note, and gave a picture from a hidden camera to his "irregulars" on the street to stake out hotels. One of them saw him, so Holmes followed him to his next intended victim and knocked him unconscious with a baton.


Question: In the real world, during the "Let's put It All Back" sequence, the son's creations are set up fighting Micro Managers. When the dad is rearranging everything, he never seems to do anything with them. If they weren't part of the Lego displays he built, why didn't he change them?

Answer: Either they were part of another set (which since in Finn's imagination they're owned by Lord Business so them being part of another set could be possible) or he just didn't get round to them. We only see him destroy some creations, not all.


Question: If Violet could sense that Caroline did something to the sugar, how come she couldn't sense the same with her glass of tea?


Chosen answer: The past few days Caroline started to act weird - going for what she claimed was 'shopping', locking Ben alone, going to the attic several times, asking so many questions about the past and about Papa J. & Mama C. 's story, inquiring information about the story, investigating various facts and events, trying to test Violet (when she asked her to step into the room to see the water leak) and insisting on doing that. That arose the servants' ghosts' skepticism and they started to suspect that Caroline knows and can somehow harm or obstruct their plans. Hence, when Caroline and Violet were having dinner, Caroline didn't eat and insisted Violet adds sugar to her tea several times, that was very easy for Violet to suspect and realize that something is wrong with the sugar and Caroline might have poisoned it - she didn't sense, she figured that out as a result of Caroline's weird behavior, so she grabs the sugar bowl and takes it away. At that moment Violet basically couldn't imagine Caroline having a medicine bottle with her, running up to her tea, pouring the medicine into her cup, in merely few seconds.

Question: This question is for the book as well as the movie scene. I don't understand why Severus agrees to make the Unbreakable Vow. Narcissa and Bella did visit his house behind Voldemort's back and discuss a matter that Voldemort told Narcissa not to speak about. So if he had declined, they wouldn't be able to complain. In fact, he could have gone to Voldemort and reported what they did.

Answer: Like any secret society, the Death Eaters have their own internal politics and power games. By agreeing to the Vow, Snape is "proving" his loyalty to the cause, while gaining something on Narcissa and Bellatrix. (He also knows he's safe because he already knows Dumbledore is dying and the two of them have already set up their ruse to make it look like Snape killed him).

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Do the dementors have personalities and souls? I thought they didn't, but in one chapter (I can't remember which at the moment), someone says that the Dementors "wanted to help."

Answer: They are sentient, therefore having at least some type of personality, and they are able to communicate with wizards. Otherwise they would be incapable of guarding Azkaban prison or take orders from the Ministry of Magic, and also from Dumbledore when they were guarding Hogwarts. It can only be assumed whether or not they have a soul.


Question: When Petunia says that her parents were "so proud to have a witch in the family" (referring to Lily), she seems to imply that they had previously been aware of the wizarding world, despite being Muggles. After all, most people would be shocked to learn that magic, wizards, witches, etc. Really exist. Did the Evans know about it?

Answer: No, they did not know about the magical world until after they were contacted by Hogwarts about Lily being a witch. Petunia, who had a long-standing grudge and resentment toward her sister's magical ability, is referring to how her parents were proud of Lily once she began her magical training.


Question: What horse actually won the race that Lonigan bets on Lucky Dan to win?


Chosen answer: I watched this the other night and specifically listened for what horse won the race that Lucky Dan was running in. It is never revealed who the winner is, because while the fake announcer in the back room is calling the race, the F.B.I. agents raid the building. During the ensuing chaos, shouting, and gunfire, it is impossible to hear the broadcast over the noise.


Question: Why did Harry and Ron get into so much trouble for using the flying car in "Chamber of Secrets", but in this movie/book, the Order of the Phoenix members openly fly on broomsticks?

Answer: Ron and Harry, who were under-aged, took the car without permission, flew it haphazardly, nearly got Harry killed, were seen by Muggles and it was reported in the Muggle news. They also crashed the car into the Whomping Willow, causing much damage and could have injured others at Hogwarts. Their actions also got Mr. Weasley into trouble with the Ministry of Magic, because Mr. Weasley bewitched a muggle object which is illegal by wizards' law. When the Order of the Phoenix is moving Harry to a safe house, it was carefully planned and precautions were taken to avoid being seen, much like how the Knight Bus is always undetectable to Muggles.


They flew next to a ferry which would also be a bad idea.

Even though it's illegal to bewitch a muggle object, several wizards have enchanted cars. The ministry of magic owns several enchanted cars. Think about the Knight bus, not illegal. So Mr. Weasley was not in trouble for that.


Question: How does Briony know when and especially how Robbie died, because he was obviously left behind in the abandoned factory on the beach and never came "home."

Answer: Robbie died at Bray Dunes, but he was found dead by Corporal Nettle, so presumably his body was later recovered and either buried at Dunkirk or repatriated to Britain. His family would have been informed of the circumstances of his death by the Ministry of Defence.


Answer: Though not seen in the movie, Corporal Nettle would have taken one of Robbie's dog tags with him and submitted it along with a report of Robbie's final observed disposition and location, upon Nettle's return to England-as military personnel are trained to do. The Red Cross or other wartime aid organization would have recovered Robbie's remains along with his remaining ID tag, and eventually repatriated these aid organizations did for all sides of the conflict. Military and aid organization info on Robbie's disposition, etc. would have been provided to Robbie's family, and kept within wartime casualty records, either of which Briony might gain access.


Question: I've been told that when Obi-Wan and Anakin walk into the bar and Obi-Wan says the line "Anakin, why do I get the feeling that you're going to be the death of me?", Ewan McGregor asked George Lucas if he could say that line so the fans would get the Episode 4 reference or something like that, and also that he asked Lucas if he could do the Jedi mind trick which he demonstrates on the 'death sticks' seller. Could anyone confirm if either of these statements are true, because I don't want to submit them as trivia if they're nothing but rumours.

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: I think it's unlikely those lines and the mind trick were suggested by Ewan McGregor, as they are present in the second draft of the script, which was written before principal photography began in June 2000, which means they weren't ad-libbed or added as revisions to the final shooting script. There is no mention of this occurring on the DVD commentary either.


Question: Why does Slevin tell Lindsey where Goodcat is going to shoot her? I take it that he wants to save Lindsey's life because he loves her, but if Goodcat wants to leave no witnesses, why would he disclose to Slevin where he would shoot her?

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: Goodkat didn't say "hey, Slevin, I'm gonna shoot her here and here. Y'know, FYI." Slevin has been trained by Goodkat. Slevin knows where Goodkat is going to shoot Lindsey because that's where Goodkat always shoots people when he's assassinating them.


Question: I am officially confused. Corrections on this site by a few people state it is all just a dream. However at the end of the movie, Sandler finds the remote at home with a note from Morty. So is it a dream or not? If so, then what is the deal with the remote at the end of the movie?


Chosen answer: It was not a dream - Adam Sandler just thought it was. Morty left the remote at Michael's house as a way of letting him know that he has been given a second chance.

Remember, Morty was the Angel of Death. He gave Michael the remote (control) of his life once to do things his way and allowed him to get his earthly material desires. He became CEO of the company but sacrificed all the valuable time he could've spent with his family. At the end, the remote appears to him again. This time it's significance is "temptation" he's being given the chance to take control of things again in real life. Not just in his dream. He knows now the repercussions of wanting the.

... back into our physical body. Remember that God is always in control. Don't take the remote away from him to try to do things your way or you won't like what you find at the end of the Rainbow (Death and regret). What Morty was telling Michael in one scene about the lucky charms metaphor.

I believe it was a dream because he comes home and everything is back to normal the kids are still young his dad is living the dog Sundance is still living and his wife isn't with bill the guy that teaches Ben how to swim. He was living in a different kind of reality.

Sorry I typed to fast I meant it was a dream.

Answer: Of course it's all a dream. He falls asleep on the bed at Bed, Bath and Beyond. At the end, he wakes up from the dream on the same bed. The remote and note from Morty at the end is supposed to be the "mystery" of the movie since he learned his lesson throughout the dream and gets a second chance to live normal. Speeding through the tough parts of life is not really a "dream come true" life since you'll miss everything life has to offer.

This same "mystery" theory of whether or not it was a dream also occurred in the old Bugs Bunny cartoon with the evil scientist and red monster. Bugs woke up from a "dream" only to see the monster from the dream talking to him. It definitely plays with your mind.

Question: Eric spent the last 10 years in prison, completely cut off from the outside world. How does he know everything about the Sentinel project and Trask? How does he know that Azazel, Banshee, Emma, Angel and many other mutants were tortured and killed?

Answer: It's possible Azazel, Banshee, Emma and Angel were captured before Magneto, so he knew of their fates before he was imprisoned. He may have been captured trying to rescue them, or tortured alongside them. And Wolverine could have told them about Trask and the Sentinel program.


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