Question: Does the end of this episode get fully explained in series 5? Too long to wait until the DVDs. The only point of confusion for me is what happens to Connor - the idea that W&H can alter memories/history, etc. is fair enough, but then why does Angel cut his throat, or at least appear to?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Cordelia was controlled by Jasmine, Cordelia controlled the Beast who brought the rain of fire and blotted out the sun, they also brought Angelus back and released him. All of this probably caused many deaths and made terror overtake the city. But Jasmine was nice and kind and tried to make the world happier. So what was the point of Jasmine's plan to bring the Beast and Angelus? It makes no sense.
Question: Throughout the film, Hugh Stamp's accent keeps changing, where exactly is he supposed to be from?
Answer: South Africa, although the actor is Australian.
Question: When Dorothy is in Munchkinland and she starts off on the Yellow Brick Road, it spirals around with a Red Brick Road before splitting off toward the Emerald City. Where does the Red Brick Road lead to?
Answer: It is assumed that it goes towards the Sapphire City, but this is up for debate, as 1) it is never mentioned nor shown in a movie relating to Oz, and 2) the red road was not in the book series, and was purely added to the movie for aesthetics.
Question: How does Ben Hildebrand die? Only his skeleton is shown in while Billie removes the parasail. He would not have been killed and eaten by a dinosaur because his skeletal remains are still there, and he wouldn't have been strangulated as he was talking to Eric as per the video.
Answer: While the movie doesn't explain this, it most certainly wasn't a dinosaur (since a carnivorous dinosaur would eat him). However, in Jurassic Park Adventures: Survivor, he dies from internal injuries due to the rough "landing".
Answer: Raptors.
Answer: Compisigthus or compies would have done the trick.
To Sirloin with Love - S13-E20
Question: What is Boomhower's occupation?
Answer: Jeffrey Boomhauer is a Texas Ranger as can be seen in the final episode at the end when he sets his wallet down, it flips open revealing a Texas Ranger badge.
Question: During the scene in the Poppy field, does the Scarecrow fall asleep or is it just Dorothy and the Lion?
Answer: The Scarecrow does not fall asleep as he does not have a real nose, the same for the Tin Man, although the latter rusts because he is crying.
Question: After Wallace kills the lord that killed his wife, Hemish's father starts chanting something like, "McCoughlick, McCoughlick", then, "Wallace, Wallace", what exactly is the first thing he says?
Answer: In the script of the movie Braveheart (Section 9 the Scots are chanting "MacAulish, MacAulish, WALLACE, WALLACE!" The term "Mac" means "son of", and "Aulish" is intended to be a variation of the Medieval Gaelic name "Uallas" (later translated to the Anglican, "Wallace"). Where the writers got the spelling "Aulish" is anyone's guess. Perhaps they were just trying to simplify the name for literary purposes. At any rate, essentially the Scots are chanting "MacUallas!" or "Son of Wallace" which then morphs into "Wallace!"
Question: Just a quick one: Why the hell didn't Rose just move over on her door to give Jack some room? And why didn't Jack take the piece of wood from the frozen guy with the whistle after he had died?
Answer: In an episode of Myth Busters, they checked to see if Jack could've actually fit on the board and survived. Their first result stated the the movie was correct; there was not enough buoyancy to keep them both afloat. After some thinking they decided to tie Rose's life jacket under the board to increase the amount of buoyancy, and sure enough the board did float, but it's not unreasonable that that wouldn't have occurred to Jack and Rose. When they consulted James Cameron about the results he simply stated, "I think you guys are missing the point here. The script says Jack died. He has to die. So maybe we screwed up and the board should have been a little tiny bit smaller, but the dude's goin' down."
Answer: Insider did an interesting article on this debate. The "door" Rose was floating on was actually a carved piece of wood paneling that hung above the first-class lounge. The evidence for this resides on display at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Nova Scotia where an original panel of the ship served as the inspiration for the design of the wood seen in the movie. This is important because those panels were only made from teak, pine, and oak. Physics Central calculated the possibility of survival for all three based on buoyancy. They estimated teak would have been too heavy and would have sunk under its own weight. Pine may have supported their weight, but was ruled out when the panel flipped when Jack tried to grab it. The oak paneling seen was only strong [and large] enough to contain Rose as the weight of both Rose and Jack would have outweighed its buoyancy.
Question: The only way that the valley could be flooded by rampaging water is that a dam was broken up river. Otherwise the water rises very slowly. Does the movie explain this? If so I missed it. In which way was that river flooded?
Answer: Probably they have dismantled the coffer dam that was used while constructing the main dam. Hence, the flooding.
Good and reasonable last resort explanation - have the Coens ever addressed it?
Question: Another entry says "… his name is in the rip portion of the credits." What is the "rip portion of the credits"?
Chosen answer: The closing credits for both Kill Bill moves included a short list of deceased directors, writers and actors, under the title "R.I.P.", meaning "Rest In Peace": Charles Bronson, Chang Cheh, Kinji Fukasaku, Lo Lieh, Shintaro Katsu, William Witney, Sergio Corbucci, Lucio Fulci, Sergio Leone, and Lee Van Cleef.
Question: When Hal Jordan goes on his kamikaze mission against Aquaman's sub, why does he have to use the alien ship that Abin Sur crashed in 8 years prior? Why not a stealth jet or something? Doesn't seem logical that the government would send a top secret, highly valuable alien space craft on a suicide bomber mission. And Hal was told from the start it was a suicide mission. So why send that ship to be destroyed?
Question: When Taylor investigated the rocks, he aims the butt of his rifle at the rocks and then he fades through the rocks and he vanishes. What exactly was the cliff he fell through? Was it a hologram or a mirage or something?
Chosen answer: The mutated humans (the ones with the bomb) have telekinetic powers and projected the image into Taylor's mind, the same way they did with the fire with the apes.
Question: Near the beginning of the movie, how could the first-year students' luggage have been brought to their dormitories if it wasn't yet known what houses they would be in?
Answer: The first-years' luggage is likely brought all to one area, then transported by the house elves once the sorting is completed.
10:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. - S1-E12
Question: The episode is titled 10:00pm-11:00am, Kiefer Sutherland also says it in the intro. Is this an error?
Answer: No, it's right. The miniseries wasn't a complete renewal of the original series, but instead was promoted as a 'limited-run' series. Since it only covered twelve hours instead of twenty-four, the final episode skips over the eleven hours after 11:00 pm and picks up in the last few minutes between 10:00 am and 11:00 am.
Question: The Harry Potter Wiki website says that Hermione was born in 1979, if this is true then why is she starting school at age 12 instead of 11, especially with her being such a good student?
Answer: The Harry Potter Wiki says Hermione was born on September 19, 1979, the Hogwarts year begins in August which would make Hermione still 11 years old when she begins Hogwarts, she would then become 12 years old the following month. She still began Hogwarts at the same age as all of the other students, not a year later.
Question: Why does Colin not want his girlfriend's pictures out in the apartment?
Answer: Because he's a sh*tty boyfriend (as reinforced by purposely making a point of showing Costigan hanging it on the wall later on).
Answer: Because he doesn't want her to be in trouble if he gets into trouble. Also he wants as little information about himself in the apartment. Another option is psychological issues. He had a hard childhood after all.
Answer: Colin is Damon, not a mixup. I agree that it is to protect her identity from someone who may enter the apartment.
Answer: My interpretation is to emphasize the divide between the two characters and show how the person one conveys on the surface could be vastly different from someone's true nature. Colin is a cop (arguably a good one who is granted his own team investigating organized crime). As a cop, society views him as a good, well-intentioned, selfless person who serves a greater purpose. Furthermore, we are shown that he is highly ambitious (pursuing a law degree and aspiring to a life in politics). All of this shows that on a societal level, he is a good fit or match for Madelyn. She is a doctor, therapist, university educated, decent person who would typically end up with someone in a similar social class and circle. This juxtaposes Billy, who despite the fact that he went to a prestigious and private private school, is extremely intelligent and we know from the beginning a good person, to the rest of society is simply a low-life murderer, criminal and thug and member of Costello's inner circle. This is not the kind of person that Madelyn nor society would pair her with. So, on the outside, the characters are written as such. But this small interaction with the childhood photo shows that surface interpretations are not an accurate representation of the true man. Colin isn't actually the right match on a more intimate level, and Billy, for all intents and purposes is more loving and compassionate to Madelyn's true self.
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Chosen answer: Angel does not kill Connor. He disables him then takes him to Wolfram & Hart, at which point they contact a demon who uses magic to create false memories for anyone who has met Connor, Connor himself, and Connor's new family. No alternate reality is created, it was just memory alteration.