Question: The opening synopsis says that the Trade Federation blocked all shipping to Naboo. Do we know what the shipments consisted of? Was it raw materials, food, machinery, or are we not really meant to know?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Did Herb Brooks really push the team as hard as depicted in the film?
Chosen answer: Oh definitely. His strategy was to make the team hate him....together. They united under that, and it clicked at the right time.
Question: I never understood why the Elf contingent arriving at Helm's Deep was led by Haldir, the marchwarden for Galadiel and Lothlorien. But he brought greetings from Elrond of Rivendell, who wasn't really the equal of Galadriel. Did Rivendell have troops that Lothlorien didn't? And yet, there were plenty of armed Elves as the Fellowsip arrived in Lothlorien in FotR.
Chosen answer: Haldir brings the message from Elrond, who is very much Galadriel's equal, that they fight in honour of the earlier alliance - Elrond fought in that alliance, while Galadriel didn't, so it makes sense that the message would be from him. The elven forces have been sent from Lorien for the simple reason that it's much closer to Rohan - they also don't have to cross the Misty Mountains, which would be a serious problem for any group sent from Rivendell.
Question: Do Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson do their own singing in the karaoke scene? The first time Murray sings it sounds a lot better than the second, and Johansson's singing sounds nothing like her speaking voice, which is why I'm curious.
Answer: Yes, according to IMDb both are credited with doing their own singing for this movie.
Question: Which hotel is used for filming the one where Marissa works?
Chosen answer: Two hotels were using during filming, The Roosevelt Hotel and The Waldorf-Astoria, both located in New York City.
Question: Walter is discussing changing the name of Cheap Girls to Meryl Streep with a band member. When they say 'Meryl Streep,' their mouths are not in sync with the words. Do you know what the original name change was supposed to be, and why was it changed?
Answer: It was Jane Fonda.
Answer: I have watched this several times. It looks to me like he is saying Meryl Streep but the audio is just out of sync with the man's lips. Plus when Hanks says it, it matches Meryl Streep on his lips.
Answer: It looks like Meryl Streep the first time he says it but not the second.
Question: Obi-Wan says to Anakin- "Only a Sith deals in absolutes." Isn't this line an "absolute" as well?
Answer: Not really - it's just a factual statement. The term 'absolute' tends to mean things like good and evil, life and death, that sort of thing, rather than simple facts like what Obi-wan says.
Question: Is it true that there are going to be two sequels to 'Fantastic 4'?
Answer: Generally speaking, when setting up a possible franchise situation, the actors will have at least one and often two sequels included as part of their original contract - Ioan Gruffudd has confirmed that this was part of the deal on this film. Whether those sequels eventually occur depends on how well the first film does at the box office - in this case, Gruffudd stated that he has already been informed that the second film will be going ahead, so takings were presumably satisfactory. Whether this will ultimately lead to the option for a third film being taken up remains to be seen.
Question: What is the song that is being played with Quentin Tarantino as he is first appeared in the bar. (Mostly the lyrics in it are "ohs" and "ahs").
Answer: It is called "Pass The Hatchet", and it is written by Ray Theriot, Roger Leon Jr. & Earl Stanley Oropeza. It was performed by Roger & The Gypsies. If you buy the soundtrack CD, it is on there, too.
Question: One of the Trivia entries for Phantom tells of a reference to Cats in "Masquerade." Well, I have yet to find it. Can someone be more specific about where it is, or perhaps include a time code? And are the actors really dressed like cats from the show, or do they only show a vague resemblance?
Answer: The scene is at about 01:18:44. It's when they sing "FACES! Drink it up, drink it in..." They are dressed like cats, but not the cats from the show, and they merely strike a pose similar to a promotional poster of the show.
Question: Sort of a technical question, but what type of camera was used to make this movie, film or digital? Also, there seemed to be a lot of shots made with a hand-held camera, was there any reason for this other than the "cool" factor of the camera moving through the shot? (The hand-held shots are generally the shots that are more "shaky" and such).
Answer: The director, Doug Liman, likes to do hand-held shots.
Question: When Obi-Wan is on Kamino, he reports to Yoda and Mace-Windu that Sifo-Dyas ordered the clones ten years ago. When he says he thought Sifo-Dyas died before that, Yoda and Mace-Windu give each other a puzzling look. Why does Obi-Wan think he died before this?
Chosen answer: Either because Sifo-Dyas DID die before this, and another party was simply using him as a cover in order to create the clone army, or else because he turned to the dark side (which the older masters know), but most Jedis were just told he died.
Question: Can anyone tell me why Dr. Crusher was written out for all of series two?
Answer: According to the "Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion," Gates McFadden was replaced as ship's Doctor by Dr. Katherine Pulaski (Diana Muldaur) because some of the show's producers were able to convince Gene Roddenberry that the character of Dr. Crusher was not developing well. Fans began a letter-writing campaign to bring McFadden back, and at the end of the second season, Roddenberry decided to replace Dr. Pulaski, saying the chemistry just wasn't good. Rather than finding a third doctor for the Enterprise, the decision was made to ask McFadden to return, and she accepted. Roddenberry later said, "It was always our intention to leave the door open for her to return to the show."
Question: I heard that the penguin from Wallace and Gromit appears in the opening scene. Is this true? Could anyone point it out to me?
Answer: Yes, he is in the opening scene.
Question: Does anyone know what the symbols carved on the back of the seat risers in Trelawney's classroom are and what they mean?
Answer: The symbols were just done by the crew to make the set look more magical and strange. They have no real meaning.
Question: What is the purpose of the special gear given to Mason? He uses them to kill the bad guy later in the movie but he was just there to lead the way and wasn't meant to take part in any action, so is there any other reason why he was given them?
Answer: He led them to believe he needed it to break in.
Chosen answer: He wasn't meant to be involved in any action, but being SAS-trained he could defend himself if needed. He was given the equipment just in case.
Question: What is that song sung at the wedding, when Mia is walking down the isle?
Answer: It is a famous classical song, "Canon in D" written by Pachelbel.
Question: In the bonus features of the movie, the director and Will talked about how they both didn't see eye to eye or didn't get along. Is this true or were they just messing around and being funny?
Answer: They're messing around. Will Ferrell and director Adam McKay are great friends. They wrote the screenplay for Anchorman together and are currently working together again on an as of yet untitled comedy about NASCAR which is due in 2006.
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Chosen answer: Put purely and simply, we have no particular need to know for the purposes of the plot. That being said, Naboo seems to be a largely pastoral world, so is likely to be self-sufficient on the food front, but may require the import of more industrially based goods, like machinery and so forth. Books related to the series suggest that Naboo has a highly profitable plasma-fuel industry - presumably fuel shipments would also be blockaded, depriving the planet of vital income.
Tailkinker ★