Question: Is this movie related (ie producer, director) to the Austin Powers films? The main character's name is Scotty, and the old lady in the confessional is from Austin Powers.
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Do Rose and Cal ever sleep together? I've heard that they don't, but in one scene Cal says something like, "There's nothing I won't deny you if you don't deny me tonight," and we don't see how she responds. And in the scene where Cal blows up at her at breakfast, he says "You're my wife in practice if not yet in name, so you will honor me." That's pretty suggestive.
Chosen answer: When he says at breakfast "wife in practice" he's saying that yes, they indeed sleep together which is also why she isn't hesitant about sleeping with Jack so quickly. She obviously was not a virgin.
Question: I have seen the movie three times, and I still don't get it...why does Mort Rainey try to hide the fact that he smokes?
Answer: Mort doesn't smoke, but Shooter does.
Answer: Actually Mort does smoke He does it when he's stressed out.
Answer: Particularly in America, within one generation smoking has moved from a very widespread convention to a habit viewed as filthy and unseemly. Thus, many people hide their smoking from others to avoid this prejudice.
Question: In the scene where Bart was about to get kicked by the Australian Prime Minister Bart jumps forward. After that he says "...and this is for the United States of America." He shows his butt with the words "Don't tread on me" and hums the American national anthem. Does this imply that America can get away with anything or was there a different message being implied?
Answer: During the American Revolution one of the early flags used, known as the Gadsden Flag, was a coiled rattle snake on a field of yellow, with the words, "Don't Tread on Me", written below. This a good site for a more in depth story into the origins.
Question: Almost after the D-Day battle is over, Caparzzo picks up a Hitler Youth Knife and hands it to Mellish. Then Mellish calls the knife a "shabbat challah cutter." What does that mean?
Answer: I do not know the exact signifigance for the Jewish faith but Shabbat Challah is a Jewish Bread and the Challah Knife is used to cut the bread. So using a knife from a Nazi you killed for this would be a pretty good F You to Hitler and the Nazis.
Question: Did the real Titanic have a passenger named J. Dawson on board?
Answer: Not a passenger, no. There was, however, a 23-year-old Irish crewmember named Joseph Dawson who died in the tragedy. His body was recovered and is buried in Nova Scotia. According to James Cameron, he was not aware of this until after the script was finished.
Question: Quite simple really, is Pantoufle a real Kangaroo?
Answer: Imaginary friend.
Question: Did Sean Connery wear makeup to make him look older for this movie? Because he made his last James Bond movie only a couple of years before The Last Crusade so it doesn't seem like he should look that old.
Answer: Actually he wore makeup and a wig to make him look younger in the James Bond film, not the other way around.
Question: Why were many of the lifeboats intentionally lowered down to the water without being filled to capacity?
Chosen answer: This is what really happened - it was at first feared that the davits used to lower the boats would buckle under the weight, or that the boats themselves would break in the middle, and so many of the ones lowered first were not filled to capacity - one of them, with space for forty, had just twelve people on board. Later, as it was realised that there was not nearly enough life-boat space for all the passengers and crew, boats were filled to capacity, or even over-filled (one boat carried seventy).
Question: Evie constantly refers to the 'Bembrige Scholars' - do they actually exist?
Chosen answer: No, but it sounds a bit like Cambridge or some other old institution. Bembridge actually exists as a village in England, but there is no mention anywhere of any institution or society named "Bembridge Scholars", so it's most likely something that was invented for the sake of the franchise, as they are mentioned in the second movie as well.
Question: I was watching an old episode of Friends and was wondering, what ever happened to the duck and the chicken that Chandler and Joey own?
Answer: Much like a lot of things in sitcoms there are certain aspects that get fazed out temporarily or completely because they don't fit the story line. However, in 'The Last One', Joey mentions that the chick and the duck went to live in a special farm when they grew old; meaning that they died of old age. In the same episode Rachel confirms this when she asks "Didn't they die?"
Question: Does Jamie leave her at the end, after seeing her kissing outside, or will he always be there with her without her knowing it?
Chosen answer: I've always assumed that Jamie does indeed leave, going on to wherever he's going on to. My read of the story is that Jamie has come back to help her move on with her life (whether he knows that himself is unclear). As she has begun to move on, he himself can now go to whatever awaits him.
Question: You can't have a gun in school, but you can put a guillotine in your locker?
Answer: It was a flare gun. I very much doubt that this is something that the faculty are aware of. Brian was obviously caught with the flare gun because it went off in his locker, whereas Bender has not been caught with the guillotine in his locker.
Answer: Well, a guillotine isn't something that goes off like a flare gun. Since teachers never check their students lockers, no-one knew that Bender had one in his.
Question: Does anyone know who does the voice of Korben Dallas' mother?
Answer: Jill Mullan.
Answer: Haviland Morris.
Question: I'm sure I've seen the actor who plays Nox before. Is he the same guy who played the Vampire that Buffy encounters in Conversations With Dead People in Season 7 of BtVS?
Chosen answer: Yes - Jonathan Woodward (
Question: When the titles are running at the end, just after the headlines have stopped, the screen goes to black and the first title you see is "Taj Mahal". Obviously, I know what the Taj Mahal is, but why is it mentioned in the titles?
Question: What is parfey, which is supposedly the most delicious thing on the whole damn planet?
Answer: It's parfait. It's a cold dessert made of layers of fruit, ice cream, flavored syrup,sometimes cake and whipped cream. While I wouldn't call it the most delicious thing on the whole damn planet, they are pretty darn good.
Actually, that's the American version. Originally it was a French dish made with cream, eggs, sugar and syrup to create puree.
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Answer: There doesn't appear to be any significant overlap. Scott is hardly an uncommon name and seeing an actress from one film in another isn't exactly uncommon either - neither implies any greater link.
Tailkinker ★