Question: I don't remember if this is explained in the book, but when it is discovered that Umbridge has the locket, assuming she wore it while she had it, wouldn't she be possessed by its powers like Ron was when he wore it? And did she know it was a piece of Voldemort's soul?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: How exactly did Merida get her mother to transform back into a human? Did she do it with her tears or was it by mending the tapestry and putting it on her mother along with the sun to help break the spell? (01:33:00)
Answer: It was sewing the tapestry, for sure.
Sewing the tapestry was just a symbol of mending the bond (as the witch said "Fate be changed look inside, mend the bond torn by pride"). However, we see she sewed the tapestry and that didn't actually turn her mother back to human. It's not until Merida hugs her mother, apologizes, and says she loves her that the bond is mended. After that the tapestry magically seals and her mother turns back to human. Phixius is right.
Question: As the triplets misguide Fergus and the lords through the castle with a dead frog on a stick they use as a bear's shadow, Fergus and the lords end up on top of a tower. Since they are locked out, they manage to climb down on their kilts, which they remove from themselves and tie together. Why couldn't they just break through the door to get back into the castle instead? (01:33:00)
Question: Thor asks Loki who showed him the true power of the Tesseract. Then, he gets interrupted by Iron Man. But when Captain America asks Thor about Loki's plan, he knows exactly who is coming and why. Did we miss something? Did Thor already know? Or is he just guessing with a hundred percent accuracy?
Question: The cave paintings found in the Isle of Skye are reckoned to be 35,000 years old. Is this possible? Would not Skye have been under several metres of ice 35,000 years ago?
Answer: While the dating given in the movie does put it during the last major glacial period, which lasted from about 100,000BC to around 10,000BC, that period saw a number of advances and retreats by the ice, with the maximum ice coverage only occurring around eighteen thousand years ago, a considerable number of millennia after the dating given for the paintings. As such, it's certainly plausible that Skye was inhabitable during the time frame stated by the movie.
Question: Barbossa tells Sao Feng about Calypso to win him over to their side. Feng, mistakenly believing that Elizabeth is Calypso, wants Calypso for himself. Barbossa knows that Elizabeth isn't Calypso, so why does he allow her to be handed over to Feng? And what assurance does he have that Elizabeth won't spill the beans that she's not Calypso? Surely, that would just get Feng mad at Barbossa and wouldn't help matters in the slightest.
Question: What did General Ross mean when he told Betty that she couldn't see things?
Answer: Maybe that she is blind from her love for Bruce and she couldn't see that Hulk is a monster that can devastate a whole city in minutes.
The way I've always seen it, General Ross is the one who can't see things, considering he wants to use the Hulk as a weapon.
Question: Are 'Dawn of the Dead' and 'Day of the Dead' the morning and day after 'Night of the Living Dead'?
Answer: No. Each is a progression of several weeks or years.
Question: In the majority of the episodes, whenever one of Howard's friends, or he himself, knocks on his front door his mother yells out, "Is that a sex criminal" or something along those lines. Is that referencing anything in particular?
Chosen answer: I can only recall one episode where this happens more than once. Perhaps there are others episodes where this line is spoken but this does not occur enough times to be a specific reference or a regular on-going theme.
Question: How in the world did McClane manage to track Simon Gruber through an aspirin bottle? I know the North of the Border name was on it, but how would anyone know that was Gruber's CORRECT future meeting place?
Chosen answer: Simon and his crew had to get in/out the country somehow. He knew about the FBI was watching out for him. Flying was out of the question. The bottle from the pharmacy there gave him a clue on how they came in. THEN he needed to move a load of 13 (McClane drowned one) great big dump-trucks. He knows there is a large port there. John put 2 and 2 together. If they came in that way, probably was a good bet that they'd leave that way.
Question: Could someone please tell me where I can find a good quality picture of the back of Jean Grey's coat? I want to copy the Phoenix symbol that you see on the back of her coat (it's when Jean and Storm enter the church looking for Nightcrawler). I can't get anything resembling a decent picture on my TV (I even went frame by frame), and various Google image searches haven't even yielded a crappy picture. For something that should be simple, it's sure driving me up a wall. If anyone can help me out I will be extremely grateful.
Answer: I don't know if this is exactly because I can't see it very good in the movie, but give a try: Or try this:
Question: In the later seasons, why is Moe trying to kill himself (mainly the Christmas episodes)?
Answer: Simple, he's always depressed this time of year. He's ugly, he's alone and getting older. Christmas is the worst time of year to be all of all the above. That's why he tries to off himself every Christmas, and lucky for us he fails.
Question: Is there any particular reason that Leaven refers to the Z coordinate as "zed?" I know that it would be used to differentiate between similar sounding letters, but since spacial coordinates only use X, Y, and Z, (to my knowledge) it doesn't really seem necessary. I'm guessing it's a mathematics thing that I just don't know, but if anybody can answer, it would be greatly appreciated.
Question: I've heard people say that Wasp appears, is this true?
Chosen answer: No.
Question: We all know that movie guns tend to have outrageous amounts of ammunition, but what about movie quivers? In the big battle Hawkeye is knocking out arrow-ey death all over the place, and most of the time his quiver seems to be full. Up until it's totally empty of course. So just how many arrows does that thing carry, and how many arrows did he shoot in the movie?
Answer: The arrows in Hawkeye's quiver are very tightly packed - promotional shots of scenes immediately prior to the final battle seem to suggest that he has several dozen arrows in there. The number does visibly decrease as the battle progresses, although the initial tight packing makes it less easy to tell. A number of the shots he takes are also at close range, allowing him to potentially retrieve the arrows for re-use - it's only once he's atop the building, mostly sniping at long range, that he finally runs out. As for precisely how many arrows he fires in the course of the movie, watch it and count 'em.
Question: **SPOILER** When Loki kills Agent Coulson, Coulson has his Captain America cards in his pocket but later Maria tells Fury something about the cards being in a locker. Did I understand that right? And how and why were the cards in Coulson's pocket?
Answer: Coulson never had the cards in his pocket. They were in fact in his locker all along. This was done by Fury to help motivate the remaining Avengers to work together and save the world!
Question: Bit of a stupid question, but was just wondering. When Mr Andrews is talking to Rose, Cal and Ruth during the tour of the ship, Rose says that there are not enough boats for everyone on board, and Mr Andrews explains that he wanted more boats or something, and he was told that they would make the deck too cluttered so he was overruled, and the ship got the boats it does. But as Mr Andrews designed/ constructed the ship, surely it's up to him how many lifeboats there are etc, so why did he back down?
Chosen answer: It certainly was not up to him. Andrews was only the designer and an employee of the company, White Star Line. Whatever he may have wanted or recommended, the company had the power and the legal right to overrule him in favor of what they felt made the ship more profitable. They did not want their high-paying clientele's ocean view obstructed by too many lifeboats. Safety regulations were far more lax at this time, though many new ones were enacted following the tragedy, including more lifeboats.
Answer: Regulations at the time required ships over 10,000 tons to have 16 lifeboats on board, Titanic which was 40,000 tons had 20 so four more than required. In the 2 1/2 hours it took Titanic to sink they managed to get 18 of 20 boats off safely, collapsibles A and B were floated off and one was even capsized. It's quite possible that if Titanic had more lifeboats more lives would've been lost due to having to work around the extra boats they possibly would've got less boats away.
Question: On the back of the complete series DVD I just purchased, it says there are 14 episodes plus 3 unaired ones. The episode guide only lists 15 episodes (counting both parts of Serenity). Is this a typo or is there something I'm missing?
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Answer: This was never answered in the book, but in The Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter, it is speculated that Umbridge may have been unaffected because her own evil nature was more aligned to the dark locket. Also, the locket being somewhat sentient may have sensed that she posed no threat to it, whereas Harry, Ron, and Hermione's sole intent was to destroy it.
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