Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: How did they do the deserted London scenes? I mean, it is practically impossible to do, right? Are they real shots of London, or is it a set or was it done somehow different?


Chosen answer: According to the making of documentary, they cleared relatively small portions of London early in the morning (with the help of the Police of course) and filmed the shots using a digital camera, which is incredibly easy and fast to set up, meaning they could go in and do a take in a remarkably short time. So it is the real London (as well as the motorway scenes), but only small portions at a time are deserted.

Gary O'Reilly

Question: What sort of fabric is Neo's trench coat made of? I would guess wool, but can anyone be more specific?

Answer: It was a custom-length black wool garbardine coat. In an interview with the costume designers, they stated a need for a lighter fabric, but still light and sleek for the actors to wear. About half of Morpheus's crew wear black wool gabardine when they jack into the Matrix. The rest use PVC, leather, or a combination of both.

Question: I think I've finally figured this movie out, but there's still something I haven't quite explained. For the duration of Diane's "dream/fantasy", there seems to be a recurring theme of pink: Exaggerated pink make-up, pink clothes, pink paint, etc. What, if any, is the purpose of this? Is it simply to further highlight the idealism and innocence of Diane's dream and past respectively?

Answer: Pink colour is sometimes associated with same-sex relationships (eg. the pink stripe on the Bisexual Pride flag is for homosexualism), and lesbian love is one of the main themes in the film. Anyway, David Lynch's imagery is perhaps a little too subtle to be reducible to a code of symbols.

Chosen answer: The driver only carries $5 at any time, or something like that.

Show generally

Question: The actress who played Divatox changed midway through the series, from Carol Hoyt to Hilliary Ann Duffy (Or something similar to that). Why the change?

Answer: Scheduling problems with Hilary Shepard Turner meant that she was unable to reprise her role as Divatox from "Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie". Carol Hoyt was brought in as a replacement until the major cast change mid-season, when Hilary returned. Carol still played Dimitria, the Rangers' mentor.

Question: At the beginning the tracker is quite determined to catch the girls. Later it seems that he deliberately misses their tracks (out of admiration for their cleverness and courage?), but then again he is seen all by himself trying to follow them. Is there any evidence from the book that he wanted them to make it home?


Chosen answer: The Tracker didn't actually want to catch the girls, he only had the job so he could stay close to his daughter in Moore River. He has a lot of admiration for Molly's cleverness, how she covers the tracks and so deliberatly misses the tracks to give the girls a chance.

Question: I'm confused by the ending. Did Helen herself become just like Candyman, was it really Candyman using Helen's body, or did Helen simply decide to make a brief return from the dead to make her husband pay for his betrayal?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: It's a bit ambiguous, but just as Candyman became a tortured soul who suffered a painful and unjust death, to too did Helen.

Answer: I just Shazammed the music. It is a Jazz piece called "West Side Blues" by John Cameron. A search in IMDb corroborated this.


Chosen answer: The composer of nearly all the melodies that are heard in the show is Jonathan Wolff. As far as the name of the the melody; little interludes such as this are rarely named because they are not complete songs, just intro's or outtro's that are written to help move the action of the show along.

Question: Where can I find the lyrics to the version of the song, "Hot, Hot, Hot" in the movie?

Answer: Find it here:

Question: How did the Thin Man survive the explosion in the first movie? And if he is such an "angel," then why was he attacking Lucy Liu?

Answer: Creepy Thin Man has a talent for surviving otherwise sure deaths, like exploding, crashing in motorcycles, etc. As for attacking Alex, I guess he's just a weird, creepy guy. Maybe he only likes Dylan?

Answer: He was wasn't attacking her, he was defending himself from her attack. When she naturally assumed he was there to kill them. When he killed the bad guy sneaking up behind Alex, she realised he was a good guy.

Question: At the end, when Mad World is playing and it shows the FAA people talking, is one of them Jon Stewart? He isn't listed in the credits, but I am quite sure of it.

Answer: It's not Jon Stewart. I saw the guy you were talking about but you can see his chin is a bit longer than Jon Stewart. Added to that he is not credited or uncredited on the film's listing on IMDB.


Question: What exactly is the experiment all about?

Answer: To test the bond between children and their parents.

Show generally

Question: Does anybody know what year this show takes place? I've noticed that there are all these present day video games, keyboards, etc. on the show, but all the cars are old fashioned.

Answer: The show is based in present day times. Plus most cars aren't old fashtioned, I recall seeing a limo and not to mention a cherry picker, etc.

Question: This is probably ridiculous, but why did they alter the plot so much? I think they could have made the movie relatively true to the novel without controversy.

Answer: I know they changed it from Big Tobacco to guns because that storyline has already been done in The Insider.

Question: The very last scene shows Becky with longer hair than she previously had and Arnie with shorter hair. Which one, if either, is wearing a wig and did they shoot this scene first or last?

Answer: They shot it last and they didn't wear wigs.

Question: UK screenings of this film begin with a 'UK Film Council' credit. Why would this appear when it's an American film?


Chosen answer: Because it probably got some funding from the UK Film Council.

David Mercier

Question: Why does Thomas Reynolds want the telecommunications security and privacy act to be passed into law so bad that he has a congressman killed? To advance his career?

Answer: Yes, and to increase the importance of his agency.

David Mercier

Question: In the scene when Joel is a child with the red cape, he smashes something in a red wagon with a hammer. What was it that he smashed?

T Poston

Chosen answer: A dead bird.

Nick N.

Question: Yoda always makes a huge deal about Anakin's age in Episode 2, being too old to start training as a Jedi. Yet in Episode 5, he barely hesitates before training Luke, a full grown man. We are made to think that even a young boy is a lost cause, so wouldn't a man be impossible to train? Unlike Anakin, Luke had never displayed any Force characteristics (except for piloting in the Battle of Yavin).

Answer: In Episode 1, he's clearly reluctant to train Anakin at all, obviously sensing something that troubles him. The age issue may have been something of a smokescreen, but it is clear that Jedi training starts at a very early age - Anakin is well past that age already. With training Luke in Episode 5, what other choice does Yoda have? If the Emperor and Vader are to be brought down, it's pretty much Luke, Leia (who obviously has the same age issues) or nobody.


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