Question: How accurate is the boxing depicted in the movie compared to real boxing?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: Why did Qi'ra choose to kill Dryden Vos and spare Han? Was it because she loved Han, or simply because she decided that she would rather work for Darth Maul instead?
Chosen answer: Qi'ra's motivations are purposefully vague. It could be she killed Vos because she loved Han. It could be a simple power play, as she did not like being a slave to Vos. It could be a combination of both: she was able to save Han and also gain a position of power by killing Vos. We'll likely never know the answer as a follow up to Solo seems unlikely at this point.
Question: What did Susan do after she left at the end of season 4?
Chosen answer: She was promoted to Captain and thus had to leave Babylon 5, becoming a captain on a new Warlock class ship. Later on she retires/quits and becomes the top Ranger on Minbar.
Answer: She was promoted to Captain and headed a new class of ship called the Warlock. Hence she was no longer on the station after season 4, dealing with her grief from Marcus dying.
Question: When Logan said "oh so this is what it feels like" was he referring to dying or what Charles was talking about at the house?
Answer: I believe he was referring to two things here. The obvious one is dying, however I'm thinking that's less likely. As even though Logan always would heal before and come back, he has "died" many many times in previous events and would have felt that until his body regenerated enough for him to come back. Other than on maybe a religious level and if feeling the soul disconnecting from his body differently on a permanent death, it would be the same. What I really think he is referring to... is love. He is a father now, and accepting of it. His daughter is right there with him and crying over him, something that probably nobody has ever done for him in his life or a very long time. He is feeling that genuine unconditional love for the first time. He gets to experience what it feels like to be loved as a father moments before he dies, and I believe that is what he is referring to.
Answer: Ducati Scrambler Classic.
Question: What became of the little girl after Riot left her body?
Answer: Like all other temporary hosts, she died. This was first seen when Riot took over the EMT and when he left her after finding a new temp host, the EMT died.
It depends on how long they are inside the host though, as Venom took over Annie as well but she survived. It depends on how much they feed on their host. In the case of the girl he was inside her for several hours or more so she most likely died.
A host can only survive if they are a genetic match to the symbiote that is bonded to them. If they aren't they'll leave the host and the host will die as shown with the three hosts that Riot took control of then left. Plus, as it seen in the movie if the symbiote can find some other form of food, it won't feed on the host at all.
If that's the case then Annie should have died as well or she just happened to be a genetic match as well.
Since Ann lived, this would mean she is also a genetic match.
That seems way too much of a coincidence.
It's not a coincidence. Dora Skirth explained to Carlton Drake that symbiosis falls along the same lines as an organ transplant. The only way for a host (recipient) to survive is if the symbiote (organ) is a match. This explains why so many of Riot's previous hosts died but Carlton survived.
That actually makes it a coincidence.
A Computer, a Plastic Pony, and a Case of Beer - S1-E12
Question: Why does Mary grab her kids and leave just because George bought beer? I know they were fighting a little about money the night before but George used his own money, so what does it matter?
Answer: It's as simple as money is tight, it's not "George's money", it's the family's money so the expenditure was selfish.
Question: When Caleb is in the house rescuing a young girl, would it really have made sense for Caleb to take off his mask, and put it on the child he is rescuing? I mean the child was unconscious, and he would still need oxygen. It's really hard to breathe in buildings. I would like an actual firefighter to answer this question.
Answer: As a Firefighter, in a fire your own life and safety are your top priority. You can't save anybody if you become a casualty. And you never take your mask off. We are trained to work in all our gear, it all stays on until we come out.
Answer: I'm not a Firefighter but I believe that the masks are uncomfortable and he took it off so he can work faster. It only makes since to give the mask to the unconscious girl because it might help her breathe better or start to breathe again. He is trained to do these types of things.
Caleb would have a pretty hard time breathing by taking his the oxygen mask off.
Question: Was there any indication or hints that Will was actually Ben Willis' son before the reveal at the end?
Answer: I believe it was supposed to be a surprise plot twist, I don't remember there being any indication that Will was setting them up.
Question: Why did Estes attack Will with the paddle oar when he said "we're not going anywhere", and what did he mean by that?
Answer: I think that Estes already knew that Will was Ben's son. He had made a comment about a man (Ben) killing his wife (Sarah) in the same room Julie and Will was staying in. He also makes a comment about Will having his mother's eyes. So he probably recognized him. He also knew that the answer they gave to the radio host was wrong, and that proved it was a set up from the beginning.
Question: For no obvious reason - except for the fun of it - the downsizing procedure included a complete shave-down. In the Norwegian colony they have horses, sheep and dogs. Were the animals also shaved before being downsized?
Answer: They apparently shave them because the process only works on living tissue. So yes, they would have had to shave the animals.
Question: When Beaupre thought there was a woman in the Alcott's house, why go back in and kill her? He thought she was in the shower so she couldn't see him, so there was no evidence to give the police about what he looked like.
Answer: I think Beaupre believed there was a woman, but not in the shower, but answering the phone.
Answer: It was Jernigan who thought there was a woman in the shower and he couldn't take the risk that if it was a woman, that she would eventually get out and see intruders in the house and call for the police. The only option open to Jernigan would be to kill her so there'd be no witnesses.
No it was Beaupre who thought there was a woman in the house.
I've seen the movie and I can confirm that it was Jernigan who opened the shower curtain because he thought a woman was in the shower.
Question: What does Rizzo mean at the Frosty Palace when she asks Danny if someone is snaking him?
Answer: Actually, according to Cassell's Dictionary of Slang, snake means "to whip or punish, " originating from a teamsters whip which was commonly called a "snake" in the 1930's. I rewatched the scene with this definition in mind and it fits perfectly. Rizzo walks in and immediately notices Sandy sitting at a table with Tom. She walks straight over to where Danny is sitting with the rest of the gang and says, while glancing back over her shoulder at Sandy, "somebody snakin' ya Danny?" It seems clear Rizzo is referencing Sandy's behavior, which is designed to punish Danny for treating her poorly in front of his friends.
Answer: It's 50s slang and she's asking if Tom is moving in and stealing his girl.
Question: Why did the trio watch Buckbeak being executed?
Answer: Because they had some small hope that something would happen that prevented it, they stayed to see if a miracle would happen basically. They didn't want to see it of course, but they felt it too terrible to just not know if there was any hope it wouldn't happen and then miss it.
Answer: They didn't actually see Buckbeak being executed because he never was. They were far enough away that they only partially saw the executioner wield the axe, but he was actually chopping a pumpkin out of frustration because Buckbeak had disappeared. If they had been closer, they most likely would not have looked at all, not wanting to witness such a gruesome scene.
Thank you but I was meaning to ask why they stayed on that hill to watch instead of returning to the common room?
It's pointless to speculate what their reasoning for watching was because it really comes down to it being a plot device. The audience has to think that Buckbeak has been killed in order to propel the story forward. That is achieved by having HR&H stop atop the hill and watch what they think is the execution. It also is to convey their sense of grief and hopelessness.
Question: What's the point of the braces?
Answer: What I find ironic is the fact he tries to fix his teeth with braces hoping to minimize double-personality jaw mimique, while he grows and eats corn in the garden. Corn and braces are one of the worst possible combination in terms of comfort of eating. That was nice spice of absurdity to the story.
Answer: Mort had some problem with his jaw and eventually got braces to help correct it. I also read that it was Johnny Depp's idea for Mort to get braces, believing it added an interesting facet to his character.
Answer: As read in previous answers the jaw aches came about because of his imagination of Shooter. Shooter is taking over Mort's personality, throughout the movie it progressively gets worse and worse until the end where Shooter finally gets through to Mort and takes over. The braces are now a sign that Mort can no longer hold back Shooter, and it's shown because the braces stop the mannerism. (Shooter is the sole personality and no longer needs to push his way out, thus the need for braces and no more pain). He finally got his way. The true ending.
Answer: If you recall, Mort was kicked in the mouth after he had stabbed his wife in the leg. I'm thinking braces were the result.
Question: Why did Janson kill Ava Paige?
Answer: Because Janson wishes to be the one in charge. He plans to cure himself and only the people he deems worthy, presumably so he can "rule the world."
Question: What is up with the auction scene? Knowing that dinosaurs are unpredictable, why would they want to sell them off anyway? What were people planning on doing with them; keep them as pets? Build their own park? Use them against their enemies? This scene makes no sense and plus, even with them able to make more and more dinosaurs, why keep selling them at all? I'm sorry for all the questions but this scene is just weird for me.
Answer: They were sold for the sole purpose of making hundreds of millions of dollars from the auction and future sales. The buyers had different reasons for wanting them: weaponizing them, for trophy hunting, private zoos, etc. The buyers' zeal in wanting such exotic animals overruled their sensibilities regarding how dangerous the dinosaurs were and the extreme conditions needed to manage them.
Question: Is it true that the story Nick was telling Cap about his grandfather is based on Samuel L Jackson's grandfather?
Answer: Here's what he said in an interview: The thing with him is, you don't know if he's making up a story to get you to do a certain thing or if he's actually giving you a piece of himself. The great thing for me about that particular story is that is what my grandfather did when I was a kid. He actually ran an elevator in a hotel in Chattanooga, Tenn. That was his job. I used to go down there and sit in the elevator with him while he took people up and down. He got tipped that way and had money in his pocket or in a bag - and a little gun. He always had a pistol with him, some brass knuckles. I did not write that, it was just in there. It totally just happened that way. I chuckled about it. I was trying to figure out if I had talked about my grandfather in some interview somewhere years ago or something and somebody read it and put that in there. I never found out if that was the case. I think it's a true story for him.
Question: Why does this movie have so much product placement? And why did Jon put "Pepsi" and "Wendy" stickers on his train set?
Answer: Movies are incredibly expensive. Product placement helps pay for them - companies will give the studio money if the movies feature their products, which lessens the studio's financial burden. The stickers are likely just more product placement, but in the "reality" of the movie... Jon just probably thought they'd look cool or make the train look more realistic or something.
The One With a Chick. And a Duck. - S3-E21
Question: When Joey is holding one of the chicks, Chandler says "Easy, Lenny." What does he mean?
Answer: Lennie is a character in the novel "Of Mice and Men." He is large and strong, but also mentally challenged. He loves holding small animals, but has a tendency to kill them accidentally.
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Answer: It's pretty inaccurate. Real life fighters would tire out long before the 15th round after throwing so many haymakers (knock out punches). The amount of punches that connect clean without a knock out is also unrealistic. Creed doesn't seem to ever miss with his punches. Even an inexperienced boxer should be able to see at least a few punches coming and move to avoid them, Rocky seems to have no defense at all. The reaction to being punched is exaggerated for dramatic effect (Creed being lifted off the ground due to the power of Rocky's body punches, Rocky's head being thrown back due to the power of Creed's jab). It is also likely, though this is debatable, that the fight would have been stopped prior to the 15th round as both fighters could hardly stand going into that round.