Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Did that woman really manage to put that huge sausage down her throat or was it really good cgi?

Answer: She actually can do it, and became somewhat famous for it. She was on the Howard Stern radio show, and WOR-TV show several times.


Question: When Aquarius is descending during re-entry, why is the Navy preparing Search & Rescue instead of the Coast Guard?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: Aquarius was most likely going to splashdown in international waters; since the U.S. Coast Guard only has jurisdiction within American waters, the Navy would have to rescue them.


Answer: Because the Navy was assigned the Search, Rescue and Recovery task for all of NASA's space program. Imagine how long it would take the Coast Guard to get to the other side of the world.


Show generally

Question: Whenever the agents are interrogating somebody at SCT, they sometimes torture them. By doing so they sometimes stick a needle into somebody and injects something into their bloodstream. This causes severe pain in the person as you can see them either scream or see the pain etched on their face as they try to hold it in. What is it they are injecting into people and how does it work that it causes so much pain?


Chosen answer: It's a fictional drug called hyoscine-penothal. I don't know if why it causes so much pain has been explained, but it's been described as a neural inflammatory; it gives the feeling of "every nerve ending in your body on fire." It's a useful tool because if one doesn't yield soon enough, at 8 cc's, one can go into cardiac arrest and die before giving up any useful information.

Cubs Fan

Question: Has there ever been given an official answer as to whose body is in the bathtub in Buffalo Bill's house near the end? It's been a while since I have seen the film, but don't remember any mention of it.

Answer: I read it was the former owner of the house.

Answer: No, there's not been any official statement on the subject.


Chosen answer: It was Julie's laptop, and when Monk plugged it into the SWAT team's system, Julie's friend's address (where the teen girls were having a slumber party) popped up and fooled the cops into thinking that it was the perp's house. Highly unlikely, true, but the SWAT guys storming into a house full of squealing teenage girls in pink nighties did make for a very funny scene.

Jean G

Answer: Julies Laptop was using the SFPD's Internet to receive mails from that girls house i.e. the girl throwing the party. So, the FBI thought that the girls house was the perp's house because of the connection from Julie's laptop to the girl's house.

Question: When Jack saves Elizabeth from drowning, why is the Governor's first reaction to have Jack shot before he even discovers he's a pirate? He didn't know Jack was a pirate because he's shocked a moment later when Norrington reveals Jack is a pirate.

Answer: Jack's just stripped Elizabeth down to her underdress and, while Swann may not know that he's a pirate, it's pretty easy to tell that Jack's not exactly the sort of person who should be stripping governor's daughters. Swann's over-protectiveness and sense of social outrage might be a bit extreme, but given that he's just seen his daughter fall from a high cliff, nearly drown, then be dragged from the sea by a ruffian, a degree of over-reaction isn't entirely unreasonable.


Question: Steve Zahn's character avoids being in the prison population by repeatedly hitting the prison guards and ending up in solitary confinement. Wouldn't assaulting a prison guard also add time to his sentence?


Chosen answer: It could, but they would have to bring charges against him, and have a new trial for that crime. It would most likely prevent him from getting a early parole.


Question: When Linguini brings Remy to his apartment for the first time and Linguini falls asleep on the couch, there is an old movie playing on the television. Is this little segment we see about dreaming in Paris a nod to an actual movie or is it just something the Pixar team made up?

Answer: The film is 1945's "Brief Encounter" - see:


Question: I know that the condition Lucy suffers from in the movie does not really exist. But what about the condition suffered by 10-second Tom, who loses his memory every 10 seconds. Does that condition really exist?


Answer: Yes it is called anterograde amnesia.

Answer: You might be interested in reading this. Clive Wearing looses his memory after 7 seconds

Chosen answer: Nope. A variation of the conditions exists. The memories are lost to be replaced by more recent ones, instead of a complete "reset" at the end of a consistent cycle.


Answer: Actually, there is a British woman named Michelle Philpots, whose story might have inspired the movie. She was in a motorbike accident and later, a car accident. She wakes up every day and believes that she is still in the year 1994. Unlike the Lucy character, however, she can unexpectedly forget things during the day, instead of being "reset" over night.

Question: When the first golden ticket is found, it seems like the news reporter has antlers on his head. Did they intentionally do that, or was it an accident?

Answer: It is almost certainly on purpose; it fits the kind of comedy of the movie, and the editors would had to have been really dull not to notice it if it was an accident.


Answer: According to on-screen text visible in one episode, Jonathan Archer served as Chief of Staff at Starfleet Command, then was appointed Federation ambassador to Andoria. He then served on the Federation Council, before finally holding the office of Federation President for eight years. According to additional biographical text that ultimately never appeared on-screen (and therefore may not be canon), Archer died peacefully at home in 2245, the day after attending the launch ceremony of the Enterprise NCC-1701. James T. Kirk died on Veridian III in 2371, 78 years after he was believed killed on the Enterprise-B, as seen in Star Trek: Generations (although novels written by William Shatner have resurrected the character for further adventures, these are of uncertain canonicity at best). Jean-Luc Picard remains in command of the Enterprise-E; while a future version has been seen as an ex-Federation Ambassador suffering from the lethal irumodic syndrome, this remains only a possible future. Benjamin Sisko was taken into the Celestial Temple by the Bajoran Prophets; a series of follow-up books reveals that he eventually returns and lives on Bajor with his family, but, as with Kirk, the canonicity of these novels remains unclear. Kathryn Janeway was promoted to Vice Admiral upon Voyager's return from the Delta Quadrant and, when last seen, held a position at Starfleet Command.


Question: Why was Thomas Gates' name on that page?

Answer: Gates' name was added by Wilkinson to get Ben to do all the work in finding the treasure (as that would prove Thomas's innocence).


I disagree, Gate's name was always on the page. Presumably the investigation of the page would have revealed that it was a recent addition not a contemporary part of the text if this were not the case. Perhaps a simpler explanation is just that the conspirators needed to consult gates due to his deciphering skills, hence his name on the page, which explains the name "mastermind" as well.

Thomas Gates was on the page listed as "Artifex" which just means a practitioner of a craft. Mitch tries to say it's a "mastermind" but that's not 100% true, it could be but also just an expert at something. The museum curator who says, "we'll have this authenticated" was paid off by Mitch, so Mitch could very well have added the name and the curator lied.

Mitch says in the movie that adding Thomas's name to the page was the only thing he could think of to get Ben "in on the hunt." He says it at the end of the movie when he is apologizing for smearing Ben's "great great granddaddy's" good name.

Why does finding the treasure prove Thomas Gates' innocence anyway?

Question: Is there any reason why the sushi chef bothers haggling with Deckard in his native language when it's revealed not two seconds later he actually speaks perfect English?

Answer: Why shouldn't he? Just because he speaks English, it doesn't automatically mean that he must therefore bow to the linguistic preferences of others and use it. Many people take pride in their native tongues and prefer to use it. And if it puts Deckard at some small disadvantage in the haggling, so much the better.


Question: When they're singing "Professional Pirate" to Jim, the bald human says, "And me, I could have been a contender." Everyone laughs, and the crustacean gives him a dirty look, they even cut to him to show it. Am I mishearing? What's he saying, what's the joke?

Answer: You heard it right. "I coulda been a contender." is part of a famous, often quoted line spoken by Marlon Brandon in "On the Waterfront."


Question: When Yoda tells Darth Sidious that his faith in Vader may be misplaced, is it because he thinks, at the time, that Obi-wan can bring Anakin back?

Answer: It's a possibility, but, to be honest, it's considerably more likely that Yoda's referring to the fact that he thinks that Obi-wan will be able to kill Anakin.


Question: I don't know New York's geography, so I'll not post this as a mistake. But is it possible that after 3 years there are deers and tigers and lions roaming around the city? Where could these animals come from?

Answer: New York has a number of zoos from which these animals could have escaped.


Question: Why is it that every policeman in the state of Illinois is not alerted to the fact that an escaped serial killer is on the loose, and how would Laurie not know that she is related to the Myers, seeing as she was adopted to a family that only lived 3 houses away, wouldn't word of mouth leak that secret?

Answer: These are all answered in the movie. The institution didn't want people to panic and they knew it would be a huge embarrassment to them if everyone knew a psychopath was able to escape. As for Laurie not knowing. It is explained by the cop that when he responded to the 911 when Michael's mom killed herself he saw the baby and didn't want her to grow up with the stigma attached to the Myers family. He took her, made no record of her ever being there, and dropped her off at a hospital out of state. He then found out that the family adopted her, but I'm not sure they knew where she came from. No one knew she was Michael's sister. Had they known, she would probably have been hounded her whole life for being related to him, as her mom was. (It was mentioned that his mom was labeled Satan's mother because of Michael's actions).

It's always bothered me that Rob used such a stupid explanation for Laurie's backstory. She stays in the same town where Michael wiped out her entire family, then Michael returns 15 years later and happens to encounter his sister after Mr. Strode asks her to drop off mail to the very house she was recovered from after Michael's rampage? It's just way too coincidental. I love The RZ07 remake, but the plot is full of holes.

Answer: Sherriff Bracket explained that he took Laurie a few towns over and dropped her off at the hospital. He then hears from his friends the Strodes that they have adopted a baby not knowing she was Michael's sister.

Question: What does Columbus say in another language throughout the film? I know when they're taking down the night guards he says "You are finished", but what else does he say?

Answer: Columbus is speaking Italian. The first night, when Larry asks him about the lions, he says "Go find the lion somewhere else" and then "tourist!" The second night, when they're chased by the animals, he says "Young man, do your job well, take care of the beasts" and when he sees that the window's open, "Kid, what do you say, shall we close the windows?" The last night, when Columbus is guiding the Neanderthals, he says "Fellow Neanderthals, with me!" and to the night guard "It's over!"

Question: Does anyone know if the Trans AM and the truck used in the film are still around?

Answer: The trailer appeared in a recent episode of "The Walking Dead"

The trailer on the walking dead episode is a replica it's not the original one used in the movie as the one in TWD is a standard low slung with air baffles the original one doesn't have those and is also refrigerated.

Answer: The original "Bandit" Trans am no longer exists, but one from the second movie is kept at The Performance Car Museum, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

The original "Bandit" Trans Am still exists. Burt Reynolds owned it right up to the time of his passing. It was then auctioned at the Barrett-Jackson auction house in Florida and sold for more then half a million dollars. That Trans AM is now in the hands of a private collector and no doubt very well cared for.

Question: Who is Jedidiah? Where did he come from and Why isn't he in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning?

Answer: Jebidiah was the grandson of the sheriff. Since TCM:TB was a prequel, telling about Leatherface's upbringing, he would not have been born yet.

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