Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why were Henry's coat sleeves ripped off after he demanded that the ship go in another direction?

Answer: They're marking him as treasonous. He's countermanding the lawful orders of his commanders, which can be seen as the start of mutiny. And when he's confronted in the hospital (0:25:44), Scarfield says "Your sleeves have been ripped. The mark of treason."


Question: Why do we see belisha beacons (striped black and white poles topped with orange light to show pedestrian crossings in UK) during the car chase? Are they seen on USA streets?

Answer: Those were just lamps that had a yellowish globe. The poles aren't black and white striped, they're solid black. They have a sign attached to them, probably a no parking sign, though that may make it look like a white stripe.


Answer: I don't see what you've described. Timestamp? But since the movie was all filmed in Massachusetts, I'd say that everything you see is either typical for the area or was added by the filmmakers intentionally.


Question: How could Shredder survive that fall long enough to touch some of the ooze to heal himself?


Answer: This is where comic book logic meets real-life physics. He was wearing a giant metallic, robotically augmented suit of armor. The idea is that this protected him enough to survive long enough. They do similar fuzzy physics with Iron Man from time to time. In real life, the reason fighter jets can't fly faster than they do is that they're carrying a living blood-filled water-balloon inside that they can't risk bursting. The fact is that sudden acceleration/deceleration could easily liquify a human's brain and dislodge internal organs. But comic book logic determines that if we can avoid the obvious immediate damage of impact, the human will survive. We see it with Superman catching someone mere feet from the ground, and they survive rather than showing them as being impaled by two arms jutting straight up, or sliced in three if the arms are held horizontally. All they have to do is suggest that he remained alive, though possibly hanging from a thread, until he's able to touch the ooze.


Answer: She lives to shoot the killer thereby saving Helen. She only plays dead. Or was knocked unconscious. After all she was shot more than once. The vest may have saved her life but it didn't stop her from being out of action for a time.


Answer: Yes, she survives.


Answer: She was shown with the vest on before going out that night. She said something like makes my wonder bra obsolete.

Question: When Jake enters the gang members hideout with a shotgun why didn't he just kill them all right then since that's what his mission was?

Answer: That would be too quick and easy, he wanted them to suffer. They thought they owned the road, he wanted them humiliated, they died from their own carelessness. They were so determined to win they pushed their cars to the limit and disregarded all the rules of safety.

Question: What relief/landform did he climb from the tour guide?

Answer: A mountain.

Question: How did Athos realise that Raoul's death was actually planned by Louis? How could he know that the king wanted his son to die?

Answer: To add to the answers, Raoul himself mentions that he's been recalled to the front and says that he couldn't make Christine a widow. Meaning that by going to the front, both Louie and Raoul knew that the chances of him getting killed were very high leaving Louis free to have Christine.

Answer: But it is later revealed that Louis deliberately set it up in order to get Raoul killed. Christine becomes Louis' mistress after finding out about Raoul's death.

Answer: Athos knew the king well enough that he was returning Raoul to battle solely so he could pursue Christine, Raoul's fiancée, as his mistress. The king presumed Raoul would be killed by having him placed in a dangerous position at the front. Although Raoul subsequently died, he conceivably could have survived. After becoming Louis' mistress, Christine later wrote to someone in the military who revealed it was the king who issued the order to have Raoul placed at the battlefront. Christine, distraught, considered his actions to be murder; arguably the king mostly wanted Raoul out of the way, though he still was responsible. Louis had no long-term interest in Christine and had a continual succession of mistresses, soon becoming bored with them.


But it is later revealed that Louis deliberately set it up in order to get Raoul killed. Christine becomes Louis' mistress after finding out about Raoul's death.

Question: Why did Jack think the only option available with the gap in the freeway was to jump it? Wouldn't it have made more sense for him to at least try to ring Payne and explain what was happening? A simple "We've ran out of road, could you disable the bomb whilst we turn round" - Payne could still detonate it remotely so it's not like they could use that opportunity to unload the passengers.

Answer: I'm curious why you think Payne would do anything to make it easier for Jack? He's set a bomb with the express intention of killing people if his demands aren't met...why would he give Jack even the slightest chance of escaping that? And even if he was willing to, just because Payne can detonate the bomb remotely doesn't mean he can disarm it temporarily, then turn it back on.

Because the odds of the bus making that jump intact were incredibly small - if the bus blows up because of an infrastructure issue, Payne gets nothing.

If this plan fails, just like the elevator job, then they play a different game the next day so Payne would just look for another scheme to get his money.


Payne had no way of knowing what way the bus was going to go. How could he have prepared for the exact circumstances that led to needing to jump the gap.


Answer: Payne is a raging psychopath. As long as he's alive, he can make more bombs.

Answer: They came from Azarath aka Earth.

Answer: Digimon started as a series of virtual pets, making them digital. In the television series, Digimon live in the "digital world."


Question: Why was the robot who comes to life called "Number 5" when it seemed like there were only three others like him? Shouldn't he have been called "Number 4"?

Answer: There were always 5. You see the 5 during the demonstration. Then, before the lightning hits, we see 4 of them in line, but number 5 was still attached to the generator and not in line. When they go inside, there's a weird cut that makes it look like only 3 made the turn, but if you watch closely you can see there's 4 followed by number 5.


Answer: OK then...what ever happened to Number 4? Why does the Army only send numbers 1-3 to get Number 5 back?

Question: Has it ever been established that Gotham City is some sort of separate district similar to Washington D.C.? In the Dark Knight films it was pointed out that the license plates said "Gotham" on them rather than whatever State Gotham is located in. Here, we see Edward's drivers licenses and they also say "Gotham" on them, rather than a State name. Also, has there ever been a distinction made between "Gotham" and "Gotham City"? Because why wouldn't the licenses have the word "City" too?


Answer: In "The Dark Knight," we see Gotham State Police setting up barriers. In short, Gotham has never been shown to be anything akin to the District of Columbia, probably because Gotham is never meant to be the capital of the country.

Answer: It's also been referred to as its own separate state. The city, county and state of Gotham.

Answer: Gotham City is in Gotham County, New Jersey.

Not always. In some comics or shows it's in New York, Chicago, or Connecticut. So the question remains, has there ever been a version where it's a separate district or city state?


Question: When the rangers are being deployed, Nelson puts something in his mouth saying the last rope he almost bit his tongue off.


Chosen answer: I'm assuming the question is, what was it? It was a mouth guard to keep him from biting his tongue when he hits the ground at the bottom of the rope.


Question: When Peter and Gwen hear a boy being carried out of the Oscorp training...what is the kid it something about Peter or someone taking his badge, so therefore they wouldn't let him in?

Answer: He says "Look! Listen, tell them Rodrigo Guevara is down here. Please, just tell them, Rodrigo Guevara is down here! I am Rodrigo!" That was the name on the badge Peter took, but we don't hear him say anything about someone taking his badge.


Question: When the helicopter lands and the fake parents run out of the car, is it Nash who jumps?

Answer: Nash.

Question: The awkward delivery Kitty makes when she says "Who's hiding... d**khead?!" to Juggernaut always struck me as really strange. Is it just poor delivery of a generic insult? Or is she trying to make a (bad) one-liner about the fact his helmet is maybe, kinda-sorta vaguely shaped like a man's glans? The weird pause and emphasis on the word "d**k" in "d**khead" made me think it was the latter, but I'm not sure.


Answer: She was scared, going into battle for the first time and going up against a very powerful mutant. It was the best one-liner she could think of at that moment. She purposely said it to agitate him, to put him in such a blinding rage, he wouldn't notice his powers were gone because of "LEECH."

Answer: Both because he has sickened his body from changing time so much and out of the shock and stress of how he is now an amputee.

Question: When Burnham came back from getting the tool kit, he didn't lock the door. Why didn't Meg grab a jacket from the bedroom and escape outside?

Answer: One obvious reason being she didn't want to leave her daughter alone in the house with them. Another reason being she is in a panic and it's not uncommon to suspend logic in a panic and just do the first thing that comes to mind. You'll find many stories of survivors saying they wish they had done something else, they were just too scared to think of it in the moment.

Show generally

Question: TV Tropes said there was an episode where Francine talks about having been molested in the girls' locker room shower in high school and Stan seems to be aroused by the story - does anyone know what this episode was called?

Answer: S04e01, "1600 Candles."


Question: Shouldn't Doc have been severely electrocuted because he touched the lighting bolt when he connected the wires?

Answer: He probably got a good shock, but there have been recorded instances of people being struck by lighting and lived with little or no injuries.

Mark English

Answer: Electricity always travels the path of least resistance. The wire cable is a perfect conductor and you can even see the electricity arch between the two cables while Doc is connecting the plugs, so most of the "1.21 gigawatts" passed by him and his gloves might have also protected him. In reality, a much smaller electric shock across the chest could have stopped his heart and, with no-one around to save him, would've left him dead.

Answer: He wasn't really shocked because he's wearing gloves when reattaching the wire after removing it from the fallen tree.

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