Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What exactly are the types of frogs that can spontaneously change gender in a single-sex environment, that Grant was referring to?

Answer: To be exact. Grant is reffering to "amphibian DNA" most commonly found in species of West African frogs. It is the amphibian DNA that allows the frog to change gender. It is not specifically related to frogs only.


This type of behavior has been observed in survival situations. Unbalanced populations.

Question: In all respect, was a woman allowed to hug the emperor at that time?

Answer: Nobody was allowed to hug the emperor.


Chosen answer: His Nokia phone has a video recorder on it. He simply records the display on the camcorder with his phone.


But the video on his phone was too clear, not like he recorded the video on the camera but like he downloaded directed to the phone.

Answer: Even if he'd been able to copy the video onto his phone, we see him running through water under the pier. There would've been water damage to the phone, rendering it useless.

Question: Something that was bugging me, but maybe someone who knows more about guns can help: On Shang Tsung's ship, Sub-Zero freezes & breaks off the front of Sonya's gun. What good does this do? The firing mechanisms are towards the rear of the gun. She could have fired off a shot, just not a second one. Freezing the front only locks the slide, part of the barrel and return spring, right? A round must have been chambered, otherwise it would be really stupid for her to be wielding it the way she does. Sub-Zero was not far away, so the shorter barrel shouldn't be much problem. Sub-Zero wouldn't have been able to freeze the bullet, given how he couldn't' stop that icicle that kills him later.

Answer: Sonya's pistol looks to be a Glock, Model 17 or 19. It looks like the barrel was broken off up to about the front end of the trigger guard. If she fired it like that, the bullet would have significantly reduced muzzle velocity because the recoil spring is gone (it would be in the front part of the weapon that was frozen and broken off.) The remaining part of the slide wouldn't have any resistance working against it. Not only would that result in less pressure inside the chamber during firing, but it would also most likely send the slide back into Sonya's face if she pulled the trigger.


Question: Was First Blood not approved by any law enforcement or military? I noticed many types of military uniform mistakes, the stars on the trucks upside down, the flags on the police uniforms facing backward when the blue field should be forward. Usually, if a film can not get approval, they can not correctly show military or law enforcement items.

Answer: More than likely. After all, the movie portrayed both the local law enforcement and National Guard to be either intolerant jerks or incompetent morons. Hardly something they would approve of.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: No, it's a myth that actors have to have permission to wear military or law enforcement items, and nor do they have to be displayed correctly.


Question: Why is Hershey always going into the men's changing/locker room?

Answer: She is not. The judges have unisex locker rooms. Later in the movie when another female judge opens a locker, a male is in the background wearing a towel, which shows they all share the same locker room.


Season 5 generally

Question: In the previous 4 series, Angel's had no sexual contact (once when someone else possessed his body, but that's different). In this series, he has a drunken/mystical encounter with Eve one night, and later he and Nina start to go out, and definitely have sex at least once. I realise his curse applies to perfect happiness rather than just sex, but is there any reason he started getting some in this series, whereas he pretty much swore off it completely in the previous ones?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: Previously Angel has had somebody around who had a very serious level of feeling for - Buffy originally and then Cordelia - and it was having sex with those that unleashed Angelus (even if it was only a hallucination in the case of Cordelia). With everything else going right, it was enough to disrupt the curse. In season 5, Angel's stuck in a position that he's really unhappy with (the whole Wolfram & Hart thing); all is not perfect in his world. He's dating Nina, but doesn't appear to have the same level of feeling for her as his previous love interests - combine that with his concerns about his situation, and he's intelligent enough to realise that he's not going to be perfectly happy any time soon, even if he does enter into a physical relationship. With Eve, the situation was even simpler - he doesn't trust her in the slightest, plus he's under a mystical imperative anyway. No chance of attaining perfect happiness under those conditions.


Question: All the easter eggs mentioned in the Matrix Revisited section are not really easter eggs on my version of the film. Is this because I own the American version, and the easter eggs are on the UK version? All so, The Matrix trailer is not included in my version, even when I try the easter egg mentioned in the Matrix Revisited section it does not work. Can somebody tell me where I can see the trailer?

Answer: I also own the American version and I have the easter eggs. It could just be your specific copy that does not have them. And if you happen to have the Ultimate Collection I'm pretty sure you can see the theatrical trailer for it there. Or you can search for it online and you'll probably find it.

Sir William

Answer: That's the standard British pronounciation.


Question: What exactly is Bob's job at the start of the film? I know it's something about insurance.

Answer: Bob works in the claims department, dealing with clients who are making a claim on their insurance policy, deciding whether their claims are valid and paying out (or not) accordingly.


Answer: The song is called "Don't Stand So Close to Me".

LuMaria 1

Question: I have a question about the infected people in this movie. I understand that they attack anything/anyone that moves, but why don't they attack each other? There's something about this on the correction page but it really didn't answer my question.

Answer: The goal of any virus is simply to propagate, they really have no other purpose. They attack only non-infected people simply to infect them, they dont bother attacking each other as there's no point in it.


Question: What is the name of the song playing during the opening scene?

Answer: Perfect Day by Hoku.


Question: It has been shown that the alien takes on part of the host traits as it matures on the inside the host body. It becomes a cross breed, EVERY TIME. So unless it has been breading with the same host (humans) over eons how can this race survive and reproduce? Over just a few generations it would have evolved so far in so many direction it would fail to exist as a alien.

Answer: Well, the alien warriors don't breed, so any traits that they might take on are irrelevent. The Queens are the key - one plausible explanation is that the Queens don't take on the host traits, or that they only take on those traits that are useful to them - they get incorporated into the species, improving them while still conforming to the basic alien structure. Also possible is that the Queens do take on some traits from their host, but that their reproductive system is isolated from this - i.e. the eggs produced are the same no matter what additional traits the Queen producing them might have. This would allow each newly hatched alien to take on traits relevent to its environment, without hampering the overall progress of the species.


Show generally

Question: How many different Power Ranger TV shows/movies have there been? To my knowledge, I know of at least 7 different series, but I think there is more. How do they all connect?

Answer: According to the IMDB, there are currently 10 different series (with an 11th premiering in 2006). And, as far as I can tell, there have been only two theatrically released movies. All of the series, with the exception of the first one (that premiered back in '93) are spin-offs of the original, and they all share similar plot lines, characters, etc.

Cubs Fan

Season 3 generally

Question: Why is everyone so convinced that Tony will be spending at least 20 years in prison, if he's not executed? Considering all that he's been through during the day, including nearly being killed and nearly losing his wife to a horrible virus, and then seeing terrorists trying to take out her eye, wouldn't he stand a great chance at a temporary insanity plead?

Answer: It's because he put Michelle's life and safety ahead of National Security (he even admits this when he's questioned by Brad Hammond from Divison). If you think about it, it's more than reminiscent of Jack's attempts to save Kim and Teri in Season 1.

Cubs Fan

Question: I've noticed in quite a few movies set in American high schools there is a certain student who talks on the PA system, acting as a sort of news reporter/DJ type thing. There is one in this film and another film that does it is 'She's All That'. My question is does this really happen in American schools? If so, why? What's the purpose of the role? And doesn't that student ever get to class? Thanks in advance.

Answer: Yes, this happens in most schools. The reason is that students are more likely to pay attention to announcements that are not made by a boring school employee. In many American schools, we have a phenomenon known as "home room". This is a short period usually first thing in the morning that is non-instructional when announcements are made, forms are filled out, and administrivial functions that don't have anything to do with any one class. At schools that don't have this, they have a thing called "study hall" or "independent study" which is a period where you sit in a classroom and work on your assignments, special functions for the school admin. like you are talking about are frequently done at these periods by students who are "working in the office" rather than studying. Then, there are schools that actually have classes in journalism, broadcasting, etc. where this activity would be part of the schoolwork.


Answer: This is episode 7 of season 3: "Gypsies, Tramps and Weeds".


Question: I don't know anything about football and the college drafting process, but isn't odd that the QB from the Odessa Panthers did not receive some kind of college scholarship? After all, he was theoretically the 2nd best QB in the state, as his team made it to the State playoff game, even if they ended up losing.

Answer: In the movie he was being recruited by the fake school, I forget the name something Kansas. And at the end it said that he played football for Baylor, so I think he did get a scholarship. But in many cases just because a player is on a good team does not mean he has what it takes to play at the next level, there is a big difference between high school and college. For instance you could be the starting QB on a State Championship team, but the team is mainly a running team, and almost never passes, or you are a running QB who almost never throws the ball, you might be really successful in High School, but not have any of the skills to play QB college.


Winchell never received a scholarship despite setting records at Permian. He was known for choking up in tight games, which could be the reason he never got recruited. He played at Baylor his freshman year but was not successful. He's the best QB Permian ever had and maybe west Texas.

Answer: Winchell also choked up the last game against Lee and three four consecutive incomplete passes to win.

Question: I watched the directors cut and there was not wedding scene. I heard about it, but didn't see the original, so I was wondering what happened, who it was between and why it was cut.

Answer: The unrated, director's cut that I purchased has the wedding scene (between Guinevere and Arthur) though it does have an alternate ending without the wedding. However, rumor has it that the scene was added against the director's wishes to make it more family friendly and provide a happy ending. Perhaps your version is more in align with the director's original vision.


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