Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: Something he made up.

Question: In one of the scenes after Toomey stabbed Dinah, the color of her clothes changes from a saturated version of her pink outfit to a very obvious green. I was wondering if this color change was intentional, a mistake, or a request from one of the actors?

Answer: It was a continuity mistake. Whilst the characters appearances do start to look a little washed out over time, colours don't change, and if they did, pink wouldn't change into green.

Answer: There have been many reasons they maybe didn't want to come back for a sequel. Or sometimes actors are too busy working on another movie and it interferes with their filming schedule.

Question: Something I've always been confused about is the layout of Zavits' apartment. When his neighbor knocks on his door asking if she can use his phone, Zavits goes to answer it, but the door he opens is looking down from above at his own front door where he also notices Reynolds' men waiting in the stairwell below. Does he live in a duplex unit or something like that?

Answer: The men are downstairs, his neighbor is on the same floor at the 2nd entrance to the unit. Many apartments / condos have 2 entrances to meet code.

Question: Who is the porn star in the video Mich's wife is watching?

Answer: Julie Meadows.

Question: Why did the tech company that manufactured David stay based in Manhattan? Considering that it's flooded. Seems a little impractical.

Jack Vaughan

Answer: The owner/inventor of the company may have kept the doors open in Manhattan to see if any of his products would return 'home'. He seemed to be very pleased that David had returned and was interested in finding out why. I got the feeling the AI's creator was hoping for a sign that the instinct to return was something novel and not just a predictable result of their original programming.

Answer: Felix Serrano was the biological son of Antonio Vargas, the leader of Durango Cartel. Miguel Rojas (has 2 priors in cocaine distribution, and he launders money), was a Lieutenant with the Durango Cartel, and he worked with Felix Serrano. As for the motive, Miguel shot Felix (his actual target) because they had a falling out, which was presumably drug related, and the four other men at the poker table were just collateral damage (Miguel attempted to make it look like robbery). Later, when Miguel was in Antonio's car wired up with the FBI body cam, Antonio states, "Felix said that things were not going well between the two of you." So Antonio knew Miguel murdered his son Felix. At the end of the episode, after Rina's press conference, note one of the reporters even asks, "What was the motive for the 5 murders?"

Super Grover

Show generally

Question: In what season/episode did the officers show a store owner how to hang clothes with coat hangers so they are difficult to steal? They alternated the coat hangers so each one pointed in the opposite direction. The would-be thief couldn't just garb the garments and run. Thank you.

Answer: Adding to the previous answer, this is S3xE10 "Public Affairs DR-14" of Dragnet. At timecode 00:18:40, Friday talks about the clothing hangers on the storeroom suit rack in Daltons.

Super Grover

Answer: That was a Dragnet when Friday and Bill educate store owners how to avoid crime. No empty milk crates that can be tossed through a window, nightlights left on inside etc. The clothing rack was outside a store.

Question: At the very end, Arthur's body is being carried away on a barge, with three women standing above him. Are those three women the fates?

Answer: They were the Goddesses of Avalon. A group of women who each have a specific magical power. They were the makers of Excalibur, healed King Arthur's wounds from his first battle and took him to his final resting place, readying him for the day he would be needed again.

Most Arthurian myths attribute elves as making "Excalibur", and also "Clarent," King Arthur's other magical sword.


Answer: Or possibly they were attendants of Arthur, who would set the ship on fire, then have the option to die with their king, or to try to swim to shore. The Vikings did stuff like that. Why not imagine that the Brits did too?

Answer: Not the fates, but enchantress fairies. The Lady of Lake, who took back Excalibur at the end, was such a fairy.


Question: When Dr Connor (Lizard Man) is planning to turn everyone in the city into lizards, what are people going to do when they're lizards? Are they still going to continue their lifestyle, still eat human food, and do other hobbies and activities that humans do?


Answer: Connors believes that humans are too weak and flawed, and that if he transforms them all, he'll create a better, smarter and more powerful species. Presumably, given his motivations are to "improve" humanity, he also believes that society itself will also evolve into something "better" (even possibly utopian) once everyone has transformed. As for all the minutiae like what people will eat, hobbies, etc.? I don't think Connors has really thought about that. His obsession is very surface level, and basically starts and ends at "If I turn people into powerful hybrid beings, everything will be better!" Realistically? There'd probably just be a lot of panic and chaos, a lot of people might hurt or kill themselves when they realise they've changed into another species, and society would probably collapse for a while before slowly rebuilding itself over the course of years.


Question: What did Beni say when he was swearing in Hungarian?

Answer: Goblin Dick.

Answer: Masking tape on windows and glass doors during a tornado or hurricane is supposed to secure the glass if it shatters, containing any flying chunks. However, safety experts say it actually provides little protection and recommend against it.


The Mel Word - S1-E18

Question: When Joey and Melissa tried to catch Bianca cheating on camera, why did she suddenly refuse their advances after she already "made a pass" at each of them? She says that this is her wedding day, but then she has sex with her two stylists. So cheating on the day of her wedding is not an issue for her.

Answer: Apparently, she already planned the encounter with the stylists, so she doesn't have time to be with Joey and/or Melissa now.

Answer: Rosery Road.

Question: Why did Linda think Dave had anger issues? During the incident on the plane, he remained calm and never raised his voice.

Answer: It's been a few years since I've seen this film, but if I recall correctly, the entire movie is revealed to have been a setup to make Dave learn about how he has to stand up for himself, since he's too nervous ands bottles up his emotions. She doesn't necessarily think he has "anger issues." She's just in on the whole scheme to teach David his lesson since she loves him and wants to help him.


Question: How did Jason leave the hospital without anybody seeing him?

Answer: There was no-one to see him. Remember? After he murdered Axel and the nurse, they were the only two employees left in the building.


Question: If Marie was dead when Bourne took her body out of the car in the river, why did her body sink to the bottom instead of floating after being let go? And how did Jason make sure she was dead?

Answer: The density of the human body is similar to the density of water, and what keeps us floating is the air in our lungs. Once this air is replaced with water, people will sink to the bottom. Jason probably recognized that she drowned from his training. To add to the other answer from a scientific standpoint. Bodies do resurface once putrefaction begins. Microbes will start to eat bits from inside the body that results in a lot of gas. As a result, this causes the density of the body to decrease, as the gas is light, and the body will float up to the surface of the water.


Answer: We only see her sink to the bottom. We never see her surface. Also he checked her pulse before letting go. Just in a way we couldn't see. Her body would have surfaced eventually but by then we were more focused on Bourne and his escape.


Answer: Bribery, false documents, smuggling. Take your pick.

Answer: Diplomatic immunity.


For All Time. Always. - S1-E6

Question: He Who Remains talks about reincarnation, and says "see you soon" to Sylvie. Does he literally mean this version of himself will return? If so how, given he's, y'know, dead? Or does he just mean that another version of him will encounter Sylvie in due course, either his younger self or another variant?

Answer: No he doesn't mean this version of himself, he means the other versions. They are all basically him.


Question: Griffin can almost exactly predict when and what happens next, but when it comes to Boris the animal he can't. Every time Boris got close to Griffin, every possible scenario seems to change. Griffin also says, "Oh no! I didn't think this through or see this happening." Is it some sort of firewall that Boris has on Griffin?

Answer: He doesn't see one future, he sees multiple. So there are multiple possibilities of what is going to happen and he knows all of them and can only predict once something has been confirmed first. This is demonstrated when he and J first meet.


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