Question: What is Mel saying when acting as the Sioux chief, as he is speaking to the future sheriff Bart?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: I am wondering if the scene at the tree in Buxton where Freeman goes to keep his promise to Andy, is the same tree location used in the movie Robin Hood with Morgan Freeman? It sure does look to be the same rock fence and tree on a hill.
Chosen answer: Nope, while there is a similarity, the two locations are on different continents. The Shawshank Redemption shot those scenes in Ohio, while Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves shot almost entirely in the UK, with a few scenes shot in France.
Question: When Evan ends up in the mental hospital, the doctor states that Evan invented the whole story about being able to change the past by reading his diaries. This implies that the Evan must have known that he could change the past throughout the entire timeline and talked to his doctor about it. But how could he have known about his abilities before the actual scene where he wakes up in the mental institution and realizes that he has killed Kaitlin by changing the past?
Answer: In one scene the doctor is explaining to Evan's mother about what part of the brain had been changed to which Evan replied, "That's the part where memories are stored." Also every time he goes to one of his black outs he is essentially filing in the blanks. So when he fills in the blanks he is creating new memories. This would allow him to know of his abilities as a kid, he just didn't know until he unlocked his black outs.
Question: I've read all 4 books in the series of The Wizard of Oz. But I'm confused on the shadow puppet. A character? Or a story telling method?
Question: How does V eat and drink? Can he take his mask off? Doesn't he have real pain because of his skin?
Answer: Yes, V can take the mask off. Remember, we see him putting it on in his very first scene. He may have some pain, but the experimentation that was performed on him which gave him his enhanced speed, strength, agility, and intelligence also granted him a heightened level of pain tolerance. So if there is pain, he is able to mostly ignore it. This is why he was able to defeat an entire room full of enemies despite having been mortally wounded by a hail of gunfire immediately beforehand.
Question: If Bella is a "shield" and vampire powers can't affect her how did Jasper use his mood/mind control on her? It was Bella's birthday and they were at the school. Alice was inviting her to a party. After Bella says yes, she said "Jasper, no fair with the mind control thing."
Answer: Vampire abilities can't affect her mind. It's explained in the book that what Jasper does is physical. He loosens tense muscles and stimulates production of the appropriate hormones and helps the subject physically relax, thus stimulating a sympathetic mood change in his subjects.
Question: This question has been bugging me and I hope someone can answer this for me. I remember hearing that Viggo Mortensen did not want to reprise his role as Aragorn in the Hobbit movies, saying that the time between Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit would not make sense. Yet when I was watching LOTR there is a scene where Elrond says he was there 3000 years ago with Isildur (father of Aragorn?) to destroy the ring. Then, another scene where Arwen tells Aragorn he is not like his father. So, if Aragorn's father died 3000 years before LOTR, how old is Aragorn? It seems he's either too young for his father to have been around then, or old enough that he could appear in The Hobbit without any time issues. Can someone please explain this one?
Chosen answer: Viggo Mortensen meant that Aragorn was a child during the time of the Hobbit. Isildur is not Aragorn's father (his father's name was Arathorn), Isuldur is Aragorn's long-ago ancestor. This is why Aragorn is referred to numerous times as "Isildur's Heir" rather than "Isildur's Son."
Question: Everyone keeps saying Jason has the power of regeneration. That's why he has human fingers, hair, beard, etc. However that does not explain why his face does not get better. I know his face was deformed when he was a child which explains his deformity. However every time his mask is taken off, it still looks like the face of a dead guy. His face never becomes any more human like the rest of his body. Can anybody explain how his supposed "regeneration" fits into this?
Answer: Jason wasn't deformed as a child. Jason was deformed at birth. His regeneration can't fix anything better then it already was, just to where it was to begin with, therefore since his face was always deformed it can't be fixed better than its deformed state. If half his head is blown up it will regenerate, but only as far as the deformed state.
Question: Was the double cross with the chainsaw scene a set up by F.Murray Abraham? Or was it a genuine deal and did he just suspect it may be dangerous, and sent Tony because he annoyed him?
Answer: It's unlikely a set up. Tony is supplied with money and guns to defend himself. If this was a setup, the toad would've had more details. He would've known Tony had backup with guns and they would've waited to ambush them. Also makes no sense for Omar to put himself at risk without a legitimate opportunity to make cash. Frank knew about the deal as he supplied the buy money. Omar seemed loyal to Frank. Why would he send some low level thugs to be set up losing his boss' money in the process? All he would do is lose trust and be suspected.
Omar was an informant. He wasn't loyal to anyone. Omar's driver is the one that suggested to send Tony to the Colombians. And I think Omar knew the Colombians were shady, and that's why he sent Tony. It was, in a sense, a setup.
Chosen answer: While it is never really mentioned I think it is a safe bet that it was a double cross. F. Murray Abraham was seen later in the film to be an informant and killed because of it.
It wasn't a double cross, as it was the driver of the car that suggested/whispered it to Omar the first time Omar met Tony and Manny outside the restaurant they were working at.
Question: I have two questions. 1 - Is the woman who was hit by the car one of the personalities? And 2 - If she is,why did his psych have her hit by a car and still live for a few hours? I assume she is one due to the numbered key she had when she died.
Chosen answer: She is indeed one of the identities. This is proven, as you said, by the fact that she has a numbered key. To answer your 2nd question the psych doesn't dictate what order and when the identities are killed. That is all played out in the killer's mind. The psych is only forcing them to interact with one another in hopes that Rivers will start killing them off. This is shown in the scene where Cusack tells Amanda Peet that she has to be the one to escape. His identity is certain hers isn't the killer but he is uncertain of which identity is. If the doc was already aware of which identity the killer was, and had control over how fast they died, he could have killed them all in a plane crash and left only the innocent identity alive. Rivers assumes she hangs on a couple of hours and then perishes, and since she is a figment of his imagination she does so.
Question: Berry's phone didn't have a signal in the hideout hole. Can't you call 911 even if your phone doesn't have a signal?
Answer: Not if you have absolutely no signal, no, you can't. Mobile phone companies generally have an agreement that any network will carry an emergency call, even if it's not the network that that phone belongs to, so if you were out of range of your own network, another could carry your call, but if you're in a situation where none of the networks can reach you, by definition no calls of any kind can be made.
Question: When Chessy finds out Hallie is really Annie, she says she was about 7lbs and 21 inches long when she was born. That is NOT a small baby. Is it possible to have twins that big? I know twins usually come early and are very small.
Answer: While you're quite correct that twins generally weigh less than single-birth babies, there have been recorded cases of twins being born where both babies exceed the weight stated in the movie by some margin; the heaviest recorded case occurred in Arkansas in 1927, where the twins had a combined weight of an astonishing 27 pounds 12 ounces. A birth weight of seven pounds for a twin is entirely plausible.
Answer: Actually, Chessy says "6 lbs. 11 oz."
Question: How did Hans and his army find Elsa's ice palace?
Answer: They simply went looking and found it. They didn't know exactly where it was. They knew it was on the North Mountain because that's where the storm was coming from, so that's where they went looking.
Question: When Langdon and the Italian cop are trapped inside the sealed room of the Vatican archive and the air is shut off, how long could they actually survive in a space that size? In the movie, they start to suffocate almost immediately. (There is no long time lapse because the movie's plot depends on defusing the bomb within a few hours).
Chosen answer: In reality, they would have perished from CO2 poisoning long before the room ran out of breathable oxygen causing them to simply suffocate. Without knowing the exact dimensions of the room it is impossible to give any time more specific than "several hours" for this to happen in a room as big as that one appeared to be.
I just re-watched the movie, and as Langdon and Vittoria enter the room, it's mentioned to them that the oxygen levels are always kept at a bare minimum to protect the ancient tomes and documents stored there. That helps to answer my own question about why Langdon and the cop were so quickly affected when the power was shut off.
Question: When James Franco talks about Emma Watson. He said that she is tiny and she is not even seven she is half a seven, what did he meant by that?
Answer: He is explaining that she would not eat a whole seventh of the food, referring to how many survivors are in the house. As she is so small, she would only eat half of what would be her share of the food if they divide it equally.
Question: Was Logan's healing factor completely removed by Viper or just slowed down a lot? In the funeral fight scenes and on the train he was shot and stabbed multiple times, yet he was only slowed down. It seems if the healing factor was at 0% he would have bled to death right after. (Especially after a shotgun blast to the abdomen at point blank range) And is the healing factor back at 100% now even after the grandfather sucked a bunch of it out?
Answer: The healing factor was only reduced. Like you said, had it been removed he would have bled to death and every time he used his claws he would be bleeding from his hands. It is not revealed if it is at full strength at the end of the film, but it is likely it will return to full strength over time.
Question: Why did Mr Orange continue to escape with the bandits after the heist was already compromised by police presence? Shouldn't he have surrendered himself or ran away or made an excuse to remain at the scene in order to let himself be apprehended by police officers? There are countless ways he could have avoided having to remain with the criminals. His job was already over once the police arrived at the jewelry store.
Answer: Mr. Orange had orders to follow through with the robbery. If he hadn't gone along, he wouldn't have been able to provide information on things like where the diamonds went or if the safe house changed. In addition, the entire goal was not to catch the robbers themselves, it was to catch Joe. They needed to link him directly to the diamonds by having him there when they were busted.
Question: In the theatrical trailer, we see a scene of Eomer grieving for a dead person, presumably during or after the battle for Minas Tirith. This scene is not in the theatrical version of the movie. Will it be in the extended version? And who is the dead person? Theoden (Eomer's uncle)? Or some other fallen warrior that Eomer was very fond of? Thanks.
Answer: This scene found its way into the extended edition of Return of the King. The scene shows Eomer discovering his sister Eowyn on the battlefield, presumably grievously wounded.
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Answer: Shvartses! (Blacks!) No, no, zayt nisht meshuge! (Don't be crazy!) Loz im geyn! (Let him go!) Cop a walk, it's all right. Abi gezint! (As long as you're healthy!) Take off! Hosti gezen in dayne lebn? (Have you ever seen such a thing?) They darker than us! Woof!
Greg Dwyer