Question: In a deleted scene Lockhart gives a quiz in his first class, and after it he mentions Hermione knowing his greatest ambition, Susan Bones smiles at Hermione. Why?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: I have 3 questions. 1) Did Sirius really care about Harry or was he just using Harry as a chance to have his best friend back? 2) When did Sirius ever treat Harry like Harry's dad if he ever did treat Harry like James? 3) Why did Sirius say Harry only might be able to live with him if Harry was expelled from Hogwarts and then not talk to Harry when he found out he could go back to Hogwarts?
Chosen answer: Sirius truly loved his godson. Sirius didn't specifically treat Harry like he was James but he did see him as something of a substitute. This is better explained in the novels. Sirius was incarcerated in Azkaban as a very young man, resulting in his emotional maturity being stunted and his judgment impaired. He sometimes acted recklessly and treated Harry more like his friend and equal rather than his ward who he should be mentoring and setting good examples. He sometimes unwisely supported or encouraged Harry's acting inappropriately as he and James had done at that age. Sirius never would have shirked his responsibility as godfather and would have made sure Harry always had a home. Harry believed that Sirius, who was lonely and isolated from being in hiding, may have been hoping Harry was expelled so he could live with him and keep him company. Because Sirius was a hunted fugitive, he could not openly talk or visit with Harry once he returned to Hogwarts. That would risk Sirius being captured and also implicate Harry as abetting a convicted criminal (although Sirius was innocent).
Question: Has anybody been able to work out where V's hideout is, since there are only a few clues given within the film such as the colour of the stone, the fact it is underground, and the domed roof (when Evie walks in the rain) and is modern enough to have an elevator to take her there. I've always thought it would be under Victoria station but cannot find the matching dome in the area.
Answer: In the graphic novel, V's hideout is, indeed, revealed to be Victoria Station, but if you are referring to the film, the building in question sits next to the Bank Underground Station, at the corner of Lombard and Cornhill.
Question: When after a car chase, Mr. Brown, Mr. White and Mr. Orange are confronted with the cops, Mr. Brown (Tarantino) has been injured on his forehead, but nothing fatal (he was just able to drive the car, and seems quite vigorous). At first sight, it doesn't look worse than it might be caused by him bumping his head into the steering wheel while hitting the parked car. Mr. White shoots both arriving cops while they're still in the police car, while Mr. Orange passively witnesses from outside the car, where Mr. Brown is still behind the wheel. After the shooting, we see Mr. Brown again, now seemingly dead from his head injuries. I always thought this change happened all too sudden for Mr. Brown to die from the injuries he'd already suffered, but Mr. White was shooting away from him; the cops did not even have time to draw their guns before being shot themselves; Mr. Orange is shown as being passive; and there doesn't seem to be any bullet holes in the windows of the car, front or back. Also, in the warehouse Mr. Brown is said to have been killed by a bullet to the head by one of his colleagues. So, who killed Mr. Brown and how/when?
Chosen answer: They say "Brown took one in the head" but not from one of his own men. He was shot in the head with a small caliber bullet. It probably broke the blood/brain barrier and he slowly bled out internally but was able to survive to that point.
Replacements - S1-E4
Question: When members of Easy company spot Captain Sobel again one of the Replacements asks Bull "Who is he sarge?" and Bull replies "It's our first CO." Then the replacement asks "What happened?" and Bull replies with "He got promoted." I never understood that line. What was it about his promotion that made Bull say that? As I understand it Sobel was already a hated man before becoming Captain. So what did Bull mean?
Chosen answer: Col. Sink gave Sobol a promotion after the men came to him and said they wouldn't follow him into battle. It was a promotion that ensured he wouldn't see combat and took him away from the troops, so it was technically a punishment.
Question: Would it not have been necessary for Kevin to at least wait and change the camera batteries while on the flight?
Answer: Movies are full of "if onlys" and this is one of them. Sure, it would have been better to wait but he is 9 years old and excited. He didn't want to wait so tried to do it when they were rushing to the terminal.
Question: What does the grave cracking mean?
Chosen answer: It is an implication that Carrie White is not really dead.
Answer: It's most likely just a metaphor for the terrible memories that those who survived the prom massacre must have in their minds forever. The memory of Carrie White haunts them.
Question: When Young Joe is waiting in the field for Old Joe's arrival from the future, the sky is perfectly clear blue, except for a single, strange and very prominent zig-zag cloud that almost looks like a contrail of some sort. What is the significance of or explanation for that weird cloud?
Chosen answer: Clouds are a strong visual motif in this film, present in different forms throughout the film. Look also for the "cloud" of cream in Joe's coffee and the "cloud" of blood when the gat-man is killed in the house.
Question: I've got two questions about the sentinels. 1) Why didn't Blink ever create portals to another country or maybe space every time the sentinels showed up, instead of just bringing the sentinels a tiny bit further, or is she only able to create a portal to somewhere she can see? 2) Would the sentinels have been able to adapt to Quicksilver's powers fast enough before he could escape from them into another room, or is there another way they could have been fast enough to kill him?
Chosen answer: 1) Blink's powers seem to have a short range, although it does seem to extend beyond just places she can see (she is able to open a portal for Magneto back into the room with Charles but she can't see into the room). 2) It really is impossible to answer this question, as we never see Quicksilver in the future. Presumably he could outrun a sentinel as none are shown to have super speed. However they were shown to use their sheer numbers and a bit of cunning to defeat the X-Men more than once.
Question: Whenever Jack is talking to Delbert Grady, Grady mentions his wife and two daughters; one of whom tried to burn the overlook down. My question is, are they the same twin girls Danny has visions of? Whenever Danny sees them dead in the hallway, the vision matches the story Ullman told Jack about Charles Grady. Why does Delbert Grady deny killing his wife and daughters when he was the caretaker, but then contradicts himself and go on to say he "corrected" them? Was he only denying being the caretaker since Jack has always been the caretaker? What is the connection between Delbert's story and what happened with Charles Grady?
Answer: Delbert Grady has always been at the hotel, just as Jack Torrance has...however, "Charles Grady" was one incarnation of the hotel's "caretaker", which Jack Torrance currently is. Delbert, evidenced by his appearance, occupation, and archaic racial views, has been with the hotel since its turn-of-the-century inception, just as Jack, in the photo at the end, has been. We don't know what "spirit-Jack's" function in the Overlook is...we only know that the present Jack (whom Delbert is talking to) embodies the "caretaker" who has always been there, just as Charles Grady did in his time. Delbert refers to his wife and two daughters, whom he did not murder...his "caretaker" version, Charles Grady, did that.
Question: There is a scene where Chris and the other three discover the cannibals' cabin. When they hesitate to enter the house, Carly tells the others that she needs to pee. Then her boyfriend, Scott says to her "Well, l need to remind you of a little movie called Deliverance." Well, what does Scott signify there? I've never seen the movie.
Chosen answer: Deliverance (1972) was about a group of canoeists who are attacked, raped, and murdered by a group of deranged, inbred hillbillies. Scott is implying the cabin looks like a place where those sort of people might live. Http://
Question: Why was Percy still not talking to his family if he (and the ministry) knew Voldemort was back? The ministry also hadn't been taken over yet so nobody could stop him from leaving.
Chosen answer: It's explained a little more in "Order of the Phoenix". The row Percy had with his family (and his father in particular) was about more than Voldemort. It's mentioned in an early chapter of "Phoenix" that over that summer, Percy was promoted at the Ministry, working directly for Cornelius Fudge; as Ron says, Junior Assistant to the Minister is a remarkable position for someone only a year out of school, and their father believed Fudge hired Percy in order to spy on the Weasley family and, through them, Dumbledore. Percy, meanwhile, felt insulted that his father wasn't pleased about it and said, among other things, that Arthur's lack of ambition was the reason for the family's poor economic status. He also felt that his parents' support of Dumbledore was foolish, and as long as they continued to do so, he would not consider himself a member of the family.
Question: How did Nicolas Cage manage to keep his job for so long? You'd think he'd get fired for coming to work drunk the first time.
Chosen answer: On the contrary, the social contacts at work typically tolerate, sympathize with, and even enable alcoholics and other substance abusers, because many of the other employees are also similarly (and secretly) engaged in addictive behavior of their own to varying degrees. Usually, no action is taken until the addictive behavior starts affecting company income, insurance and morale. So, some substance abusers can lead lengthy careers within a company before the hammer falls.
Answer: Most workplaces I know have to try and help the employee to an extent, especially with mental health or addiction, even giving three chances. This, of course, might have been different in the time this movie was set, however.
Question: In multiple episodes we see a box hanging just inside the barracks door. What is that? It is mostly blue, and appears to have flowers or something painted on it.
Answer: After careful inspection, the aforementioned box is a decorated holder for the boxes of long matches needed to light the stove.
Chosen answer: In different episodes of "Hogan's Heroes, " the arrangement of items in the barracks varies. Sometimes there is a sink on one side of the door. Sometimes there is a chest of drawers on the other. I have seen episodes where a hanging box is there, as you describe. To my eye, the decoration appears to be a kind of camouflage design. I had assumed it was where mail was delivered to the prisoners. It could also be a storage for small items, such as a medicine container. I don't recall ever seeing it opened or otherwise used. Normally, in situations like this, when questions arise regarding set pieces, set decoration or costumes, I attempt to look up the show's crew members to pose the question to the source (when I can find them on, say, Facebook). In this case, however, all of the gentlemen responsible for set decoration on "Hogan's Heroes" have since passed away.
I have the series on DVD, and have been able to scrutinize the blue box. It is a decorated holder for the long matches used to light the stove. Occasionally, you can see part of the word 'matches' through the slot on the side.
Question: Is Leaving Las Vegas an accurate depiction of alcoholism and intoxication?
Chosen answer: Like any cinematic depiction of ANY behavior, "Leaving Las Vegas" is a depiction of extremes of behavior. Keep in mind that Nic Cage wasn't merely trying to catch a buzz in this film, he was trying to commit suicide-by-alcohol, which is extreme. If anything, Nic Cage's performance was far too animated and articulate for someone dying of alcoholism. Seldom are the final, terminal stages of alcoholism worthy of depiction in a feature film. So, the answer is no.
Question: Having not read the book, can someone please explain to me what the phrase A Clockwork Orange actually means?
Answer: According to the author, Anthony Burgess, the term "a clockwork orange" refers to a person who is full of life and juice, like an orange, but who is wound-up like a mechanical device with programmed responses. As the term pertains to the story's narrator and lead character, Alex, he is a prime example of humanity, brimming with life, lust, cruelty and violence. The system then reconditions Alex with predictable mechanical responses and behavior. Hence, Alex becomes a clockwork orange.
Question: What is the complete dialogue to the scene where Augusto tells Lorenzo the story of "La Notte Di Lorenzo"?
Chosen answer: - Now hold my hand. - Yes, sweetie. - Now the story. - What story is that, sweetheart? La notte di San Lorenzo. San Lorenzo, who is...? My patron saint. And saint of my father's village. That's right. And what happened to him? He was in Rome. Mm-hm. And... I forgot. Well, many years ago...the bad guy says to him "Bring us the riches of your church." And Lorenzo, he brings them the beggars and the sick people... -...and he says... - "These are our riches." Yes! - Bravo, Lorenzo, bravo. - That's wonderful, sweetheart. So clever. And tonight, August 10th, is... La notte di San Lorenzo. The night of the shooting stars. When anything can happen.
Question: What does "mao" mean?
Chosen answer: The whole phrase is "di di mao", which basically mean go now, or hurry up.
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Chosen answer: There is not a particular reason. All the girls had huge crushes on Gilderoy Lockhart. Susan Bones also is taken with Lockhart and she is just enjoying the attention that Hermione is receiving.
raywest ★